PB page 49, 2. Write some and any.

T. does the example with the class: t. asks the children to read the example sentence and sees if they can tell him/her why the missing word is any (because the sentence is a question).

T. asks the children to write some or any. They can do the exercise in pairs if he/she thinks it will help. T. monitors and helps where necessary.

T. checks the answers by asking children to read the sentences.

PB page 49, 3. Match.

T. reminds the children that questions start with verbs. T. gives them some examples (e.g. Have you got aa bag? Is it a watermelon? Are they reading?)

T. does the example with the class: T. asks the children to read the first half of the example, then follow the line with their finger to the answer and read it out.

T. asks the children to match. T. reminds them to refer to the Learn with Tag box for help. T. monitors and helps where necessary.

T. checks the answer.


PB page 49, 4. Sing along with the Fly High band!

T. plays the CD.



T. asks the children to complete pp.46-47 in their Activity Book.


Title of the lesson: There isn’t much spaghetti.


Skills to be emphasized:

- listening

- Speaking

Objectives:to ask and answer about amounts

Vocabulary: fridge, water, flour, sugar, butter

Review: cheese

Grammar: much, many, lots of, How much …? How many …?

Materials: Class CD, Lesson 16 flashcards

Procedure of the lesson

Warm-up page 38


T. asks the children to sing and act out the song from lesson 15.



T. checks the homework from the previous lesson.


PB page 50, Vocabulary

T. says Open your book at page 50.

T. presents the new vocabulary with the Lesson’s flashcards

T. uses extra repetition to practice the dg /dʒ/ sound in fridge.


There isn’t much spaghetti.

Pre-reading: T. asks the children (in L1 where necessary) Is Chatter hungry? What food is there in the cupboard? Is there any milk in the fridge?

T. follows the steps for presenting stories.

T. asks some questions in L1 to check understanding and engage the children. T. asks (avoiding L1 if possible) Where do the animals go? Are the people in the supermarket happy? Why not?

PB: page 50, 1. Choose and write.

T. does the example with the class; T. asks How much spaghetti is there? T. elicits There isn’t much spaghetti.

T. asks the children to look at the answer options then to read the example sentence. T. monitors and helps where necessary.

T. checks the answer.



PB: page 52, Learn with Tag

T. asks the children to look at the picture and tells him/her what they can see.

T. puts the children in pairs. They take turns reading the questions from the grammar box. Their friend answers.

T. asks the children what’s the same about the words that come after many (they are all plurals). T. explains (in L1 where necessary) that we use much for the words that don’t have an s at the end and lots of before any words, with or without an s.

For more practice, T. puts the children in new pairs and asks them to take turns asking and answering with their friend about things in the classroom. They must use How much/many, some, any and lots of. T. monitors and helps where necessary.