PB page 77, 3. Listen and circle.

T. plays the CD. T. does the example with the class: T. stops after the first question and answer. T. asks the children to read the example answer.

T. plays the CD. T. says Listen and circle. T. stops after each question and answer for the children to circle the correct answer.

T. checks the answers.

PB page 77, 4. Play the game.

T. asks the children to look at the picture and the example dialogue.

T. puts the children in pairs. T. chooses a pair to come to the front and read out the example dialogue.

T. asks the children to take turns thinking of an animal and guessing by asking Did you see …? Questions T. monitors and helps where necessary.

T. plays the game as a class: T. thinks of an animal and prompts the children to raise their hand to make questions. The first child to guess the animal correctly thinks of a new animal.



T. asks the children to complete pp.74-75 in their Activity Book.


Title of the lesson: Sally’s Story ‘A week in London’



Skills to be emphasized:

- listening

- Speaking

Objectives:to read a story

Vocabulary: first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, last

Review:vocabulary from Lesson 21-24

Grammar Review: grammar from lessons 21-24

Materials: Class CD, Lesson Flashcards

Procedure of the lesson

Warm-up page 78


T. writes on the board anagrams of some of the words from lessons 21-24. T. invites children to come up and write the words correctly.


T. checks the homework from the previous lesson.


PB page 64, Vocabulary

T. says Open their books at page 78.

T. presents new vocabulary using the Pupil’s Book picture.

T. uses extra repetition to practice the pronunciation of sixth


Optional activity

T. for extra practice of the vocabulary, T. asks for seven volunteers to come to the front. T. lines them up one behind the other, and points to the children one at a time. Each time T, asks the children to call out the correct number word for that child’s position in the line.

Sally’s story: A week in London.

Pre-reading: T. asks the children to look at the story. T. asks them (in L1 where necessary) to tell him/her one thing or person they can see in each of the pictures.

T. follows the steps for presenting stories.

T. asks some questions to check understanding and engage the children. T. asks (avoiding L1 if possible) Where were Sam and Katie last summer? What did they do on the second day? What did they do on the fifth day? Do you want to go to London?



PB: page 78, 1. Read and answer.

T. does the example with the class: T. asks the children to read the text for picture 1. T. asks question 1. The children read out the example answer .

T. asks the children to read and answer the other questions. T. puts the children in pairs to do the exercise. They can take turns asking and answering the questions orally before they write the answers. T. monitors and offers help where necessary.

T. checks the answers.


Optional activity

T. asks the children to write down two more questions about the story (i.e. What else did they see on the fifth day? What did they buy on the fourth day? What did the see in Madame Tussaud’s Museum?). T. invites children to the front to ask their questions for the class to answer.