Read the text and use the verb in correct form. Observe the Past Simple Passive. Close the book and retell the text.

Two men (to see) breaking into a house in my street last night. The police (to call) and they arrived very quickly. One man (to catch) immediately. The other escaped, but he (to find) very soon. Both men (to take) to the police station where they (to question) separately by a police officer. The two men (to charge) with burglary.



Text №2


Read and translate the text.

The following words will help you understand the text:

1. routine – обычный, текущий; распорядок службы

  1. available – доступный, имеющийся в распоряжении
  2. estimate – оценка, смета
  3. peace-keeping activity – деятельность по охране спокойствия (порядка)
  4. to respond – отвечать, реагировать
  5. to implicate - вовлекать
  6. to mediate - посредничать
  7. missing person – пропавший без вести
  8. to scoop up – поднимать, убирать
  9. manpower – рабочая сила, личный состав
  10. call - вызов
  11. to quiet - успокаивать
  12. to evict – выселять, изгонять
  13. to warn – предупреждать, предостерегать
  14. law-breaker - правонарушитель
  15. to contribute – содействовать, способствовать
  16. maintenance – поддержание, сохранение
  17. precinct – полицейский участок
  18. squad car – оперативная машина
  19. roll call – перекличка, оперативное совещание, планерка, развод
  20. shift - смена
  21. wanted - разыскиваемый
  22. injury – вред, повреждение, рана, ушиб
  23. damage – вред, повреждение, ущерб
  24. hit-and-run – преступление, в результате которого водитель, сбивший

человека, скрылся, не оказав помощи

  1. to run over – переехать, задавить
  2. disdain - презирать



Routine Police Work

As you know criminal investigation is the keystone of American police service, its law enforcement. But according to available estimates for some past period of time only one-third of police manpower resources dealt with crime and criminals, the other two-thirds of them – with non-law enforcement or so called «peace-keeping» activities.

The data collected show that the great majority of incidents the police handled, arose when the police responded to citizens’ calls for service. The police officer became implicated in a wide range of human troubles many of which had little or nothing to do with criminal law enforcement. He transported people to the hospital, wrote reports of auto accidents, and arbitrated and mediated between disputants – neighbours, husbands and wives, landlords and tenants, and businessmen and customers. He took missing person reports, directed traffic, controlled crowds at fires, wrote dogbite reports, and identified abandoned autos. He removed safety hazards from the streets, quieted noisy parties, radios and television, evicted a drunken person from a bar and occasionally scooped up a dead animal. Policemen also spent much of their time with «juvenile troubles». So in the line of his everyday duties a policeman directed, aided, informed, pacified, warned, disciplined, etc. – in short, contributed to the maintenance of the peace and order.

The officers usually began their shift after roll call. The officers took their instructions from a radio dispatcher from time to time.

Both the dispatchers in their radio calls and the police officers in their records preferred to give the tersest description of the incidents. They used such abbreviations as «B» and «E» (breaking or/and entering), «family trouble» or «domestic», «silent alarm», «somebody screaming», «a theft report», «a man down» (person lying in a public place, cause unknown), «outside ringer» (burglar-alarm ringing), «the boys» (trouble with juveniles) or «kids disturbing», P.I. (personal-injury automobile accident), DK (drunk), PD (property damage automobile accident), H-and-R (Hit-and-Run) and suchlike. We see they used some kind of police slang.

That is a very incomplete list of routine police work that the officer performed over the period covered.


2 Translate the following word-combinations:

- To deal with crime and criminals

- To read about routine police work

- To estimate the operational situation

- Peace-keeping activities

- The great majority of incidents

- A wide range of human troubles

- To write dogbite reports

- Juvenile troubles

- To cruise in a squad car

- To direct traffic

- Contemporary precincts

- Roll call