Choose from the list of linking devices to fill in the blanks in the description below.


Except for instead otherwise what’s more

Apart from even moreover else

The government doesn’t understand the problems of the poor and the unemployed. 1____ they don’t 2_____ care about these problems. 3 ______ one or two insignificant adjustments to the tax laws they have done nothing to improve the living conditions of the low paid workers. 4_____ they have poured public money into the pockets of the rich. 5_______ they have stood and watched as this nation’s key industries sunk into decline. What 6______ has this government got in store for us? Nobody, 7______the Prime Minister apparently, believes that these policies can lead to success. This government must resign; 8_____ the country will never recover its moral and economic position.



All of these people are in the waiting room of a railway station. All of them are sitting 1 ____ of the last one on the right. 2____ from one woman, they're all men. The first and the second are ­reading a newspaper. 4_______ one of them is wearing a hat. The 5____ have got nothing on their heads. The one in the middle is drinking 6____ a coffee or a tea he has bought from the vending machine. The woman hasn't got any luggage, not 7____ a handbag. One man is sleeping, and 8____ is the man next to him. The woman, 9____ as the man who is standing, isn't very lucky. 10___of them have just missed a train, They'll have to wait 11___ hour till the next train comes!



Translate the following sentences into English.


1. Мы хорошо провели время, только погода была холодная.

2. Погода была холодная, а так мы хорошо провели время.

3. Мы неплохо провели время, несмотря на погоду.

4. Мы бы неплохо провели время, если бы не погода.

5. Я сделаю все - только не это.

6. Ты ничего не делаешь - только меня критикуешь.

7. Если бы не твой звонок, я ничего бы и не знал.

8. Никто, кроме президента, не может принять такое решение.

9. Лишь президент может принять такое решение.

10. Все были за это предложение, за исключением заведующего.

11. Если не считать Джима, у меня не было там друзей.

12. Он был единственным человеком, кто выступил против.

13. Я только упомянул ее имя, а он уже взорвался.

14. Осталось всего 5 минут до конца занятия.

15. Он не стал поступать в университет. Вместо этого он пошел работать.

16. Пожалуйста, займись делом, а не то я рассержусь!

17. Помешивай соус, пока не загустеет, а не то в нем будут комки.

18. Прекрати шуметь соседи будут жаловаться.

19. Вы обязаны починить телевизор. Или верните мне деньги.

20. Можно встретиться у меня дома. Если нет, давайте поговорим здесь.

21. Можно пойти на футбол вместо лекции.

22. До финального свистка осталось всего 5 минут.

23. Только Рузвельт был президентом 4 срока.

24. Количество присутствующих на церемонии открытия ограничено.

25. Пятеро служащих были уволены, а еще пятеро – арестованы.

26. Ваш банк обязан вернуть мне деньги. В противном случае я буду вынужден обратиться в суд.






Exercise 1.A: AS vs. LIKE. Fill in the blanks with the linkers.

1. Joan’s notself-confidentshe seems.

2. Peter says he is going to worka salesman.

3. Stop crying a child!

4. Please do exactly I told you.

5. My brother isn’t me at all.

6. John started singinga professional only a couple of years ago, when he recorded his first LP.

7. Laura sings a professional, even though she’s never given a real concert

8. To make a potato salad, start this: boil the potatoes…

9. Pick that shell up – we can use itan ashtray.

10. I still remember her. She used to be a daughter to me.

11. Our plan succeeded _______ we hoped.


B: AS vs. LIKE. Choose an item from the list below to complete the sentences.

A person, a secretary, a dessert, a union representative, an angel, an office , cardboard, he writes, her mother.

1. Susan sings .

2. I workedfor five years.

3. Henry uses the dining room.

4. That cat snores just.

5. I’ve come to this meeting.

6. This bread tastes.

7. James speaks: carefully and precisely.

8. She’s clever and passionate -_______ .

9. Why don’t we have ice cream _____.

Exercise 2. Here are the beginnings and endings of some idiomatic expressions with as…as. Think of the situations where you would use them.


black cold flat good green thin warm white hard old pretty quiet red a beetroot gold grass toast the grave a pancake the hills ice iron night a picture a rake a sheet



Exercise 3. WHEREAS vs. ALTHOUGH. Join the ideas with the help of the linkers.

1. Soccer is played with a round ball 2. Whales and dolphins are not fish 3. Mercury is a metal 4. English is a Germanic language 5. Many people believe in astrology 6. Dogs are pack animals 7. In Britain spring starts in April 8. Present cars run on petrol 9. Smoking is still a common habit whereas although a) cats are solitary by nature. b) rugby is played with an oval ball. c) in Australia it starts in September. d) they spend their lives in water. e) future vehicles may use hydrogen. f) people know it is harmful. g) it is a liquid at room temperature. h) French is descended from Latin. i) it lacks any scientific proof.

Exercise 4. BUT vs. ALTHOUGH.