Найдите английские эквиваленты русским конструкциям.

1. продавец обязан выплатить штраф по первому требованию покупателя;

2. продавец обязан заплатить пеню в размере ноля целых пяти десятых процента;

3. мы выплачиваем один процент стоимости не поставленных в срок товаров за каждую неделю задержки;

4. не более восьми процентов стоимости оборудования, не поставленного в срок;

5. товары не были поставлены в срок;

6. в случае задержки поставок на срок более четырех месяцев покупатель приобретает право отказаться от контракта;

7. в случае задержки поставок против срока;

8. данные восемь процентов будут удержаны при оплате счетов продавца.


a) in the event of delay in the supply against the dates;

b) the Seller is to pay to the Buyer penalty at the rate of zero point five per cent;

c) the goods were not delivered in due time;

d) we pay one per cent of the value of goods not delivered in due time for every week of the delay;

e) ... not more than eight per cent of the value of the equipment not delivered in due time;

f) these eight per cent will be deducted from the Seller's invoices;

g) the Seller is obliged to pay the penalty at the first request or the Buyer

h) should the delay in delivery exceed four months, the Buyer shall have the right to cannel the Contract;


Задание №2. Переведите следующие статьи контрактов на русский язык.


Any of “The Parties” supplying commodities to the other is responsible for all storage and handling of the commodities prior to "Delivery" and relinquishes all responsibility for the commodity upon "Delivery".

Packing Costs

Any of "The Parties" supplying commodities to the other is responsible for payment of all costs associated with the pack­ing and marking of the commodities.

Transport Costs

Any of "The Parties" supplying commodities to the other is re­sponsible for payment of all transport and associated costs price to "Delivery", including all dues, taxes, customs and other duties or charges.


"The Parties" jointly accept full responsibility for obtaining shipping for the commodities from any agreed port to any agreed port, "The Point of Delivery".


Задание № 3. Спишите письма и переведите их на русский язык.

1. London, 3rd January, 19.

Dear Sirs,

Order No. 10I6

We enclose our cheque for ₤ 1,020. I0 s. 8d. in final settlement of your invoice dated the 20th December, 19..., for goods shipped by S.S. "Svir" against our Order No.1016.

Yours faithfully,




2. Moscow, 6th January, 19...

Dear Sirs,

Order No. 1016

We acknowledge with thanks receipt of your letter of the 3rd January enclosing your cheque for ₤ 1,020.10.6d, in final payment of our invoice dated the 20th December, 19..., for goods shipped by S.S. "Svir" against Order No..10I6.

Yours faithfully,



3. Moscow, 2nd March, 19...


S.S. "Clyde". Contract No. 25

We attach a copyof the Charter-Party for s.s. “Clyde” chartered by us for the transportation of 5,000 tons or Manganese Ore sold to you. c. i. f. Manchester under Contract No. 25.

Please acknowledge receipt.

Yours faithfully,


Задание № 4. Ответьте на вопросы к письмам 1 и 2.

1. What is the amount of the cheque?

2. Was the cheque sent under separate cover or was it enclosed with the letter?

3. What was the name of the steamer by which the goods were shipped?

4. Against which order were the goods shipped?

5. What purpose was the cheque sent for?


Задание № 5. Вставьте, где необходимо, соответствующие предлоги.

1. We have, received, your cheque ... ₤ 2,000 enclosed ... your letter ... the 15th June.

2. We are sending you, ... separate cover, our latest catalogue ... Compressors. 3. We have pleasure ... informing you that the goods ... your Order No. 225 were shipped ... the s.s. "Neva" yesterday.


Задание № 6. Переведите диалог. Составьте подобный диалог и запишите его.


A: You've probable received the telegram I sent you from Paris on Tuesday, haven't you?

B.: Yes, we have. We were expecting you the day before yester­day.

A.: I'm sorry, I was detained in Paris on business.

B.: How is business in general?

A.: I must say that we aren't quite satisfied with our present sales. We used to get regular large orders from a number of the largest hotels and restaurants in England but lately we have been doing less business with them.

B.: I'm surprised to hear it. How do you account for this dec­line in the amount of your orders? Wedon't feel here at all that the demand for caviar is weaker than before. On the contrary, we are getting now more enquiries than ever.

A.: I wouldn't say that there is a big decrease in the volume of our business, but many hotels are inclined to use, instead of caviar, cheaper stuffs like oysters or for instance. I hope you are not going to raise your prices this year.

B.: As a matter of fact, our prices now about 10 per cent higher than last year.

A.: What are your prices now? We've written to you that we need altogether about 20 tons of caviar.

B.: Our prices today are ... pence for beluga caviar shillings for osetrova and ... pence for pressed per pound f.a.s. St. Petersburg. The terms of payment would be the same as in our old contract.

A.: Can't you reduce your increase from I0 per cent to 5 per cent.

B.: I'm sorry, it's impossible.

A.: I think I'll have to cable my Board of Directors and ask them if they agree to your present prices. I'll call here again as soon as I. get their answer.

B.: All right. But I must tell you that we can hold these prices open for your acceptance till the 3rd February only.

A.: I'll send the cable at once. Good-bye.


Контрольная работа

Вариант №5.


Задание № 1. Найдите английские эквиваленты русским конструкциям.

1. так как оборудование оказалось неисправным, продавец должен устранить неполадки или заменить неисправные части;

2. все транспортные расходы несет продавец;

3. покупатель вправе требовать от продавца уплату штрафа в размере 8 % от цены, уплаченной покупателем;

4. вышеуказанный период будет продлен в случае задержки пуска оборудования;

5. период бесперебойной работы оборудования - один год;

6. если дефекты не могут быть устранены, покупатель имеет право отказаться от неисправного оборудования;

7. оборудование было произведено в полном соответствии с условиями контракта;

8. оборудование было возвращено продавцу за его счет.


a) the equipment has been manufactured in full conformity with the conditions of the Contract;

b) the period of the trouble-free operation of the equipment was one year;

c) the above period will be extended if the start-up of the equipment is deferred;

d) if the defects cannot be eliminated the Buyer has the right to reject the defective equipment;

e) the equipment was returned to the Seller for his account;

f) as the equipment proved to be defective the Seller has to eliminate the defects or to replace the defective parts;

g) the Buyer is entitled to demand from the Seller payment of penalty at the rate of 8% of the price paid by the Buyer;

h) all the transport charges are to be borne by the Seller.


Задание № 2. Переведите следующие статьи контрактов на русский язык.

Discharge costs

Any of “The Parties" receiving commodities from the other is responsible for payment, of all discharge costs levied after "Delivery", including all dues, taxes, customs, and other duties or charges.


Dispatch for "Delivery" of the commodities must commence imme­diately upon written confirmation and acceptance of the deal between "The Parties".


If, as a result of arbitration or judicial proceeding before a court of competent jurisdiction, any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be considered severed from this Agreement. All other provisions, rights and obligations shall continue without regard to the severed provision, provided that the remaining provisions of this Agreement are in accordence with intentions of "The Parties".


"The Agreement" may only be modified or amended if done so in writing and such document of amendment is signed by "The Parties".


Задание № 3. Спишите письма и переведите их на русский язык.

1. Moscow, 2nd March, 19...

Dear Sirs,

S.S. "Clyde". Contract No. 25

We attach a copy of the Charter-Party for the S.S. "Clyde" chartered by us for the transportation of 5,000 tons of Manganese Ore sold to you c. i. f. Manchester under contract No.25.

Please acknowledge receipt.

Your faithfully



2. Manchester, 3rd March, 19.

Dear Sirs,

Manganese Ore. Contract No. 25

With reference to Contract No. 25 for the sale to us of 5,000 tons of Manganese Ore c.i.f. Manchester, we would ask you to inform whether you have already chartered a vessel for the transportation of the ore from Poti to Manchester.

Yours faithfully,



3. Moscow, 5th March, 19...

Dear Sirs,

S.S. "Clyde". Contract No. 25

In reply to your letter of the 3rd .March, we refer to our letter of the 2nd March in which we advised you of the chartering of the S.S. "Clyde" and with which we sent you a copy of the Charter-Party for this vessel.

Yours faithfully,



4. Manchester, 5th March, 19...

Dear Sirs, . . .

5,000 tons Manganese Ore. S.S. "Clyde"

We thank you for yourletter of the 2nd March enclosing a copy of the Charter-Party for the S.S. "Clyde", We request you to keep us informed of the position of the vessel. We should also be obliged if you would advise us by cable of the date of the vessel's sailing from Poti and the quantity of ore loaded.

Yours faithfully,



Задание № 4. Ответьте на вопросы к письму 2.

1.Had the Buyers already received the Seller's letter of the 2nd?

2. Which contract did the Buyers refer to?

3. Which port was the port of loading and which was the port of discharge under the contract?


Задание № 5. Поставьте, где необходимо, соответствующие предлоги.

1. As the goods were sold ... terms, the Sellers were obliged to charter a vessel ... the transportation ... the goods.

2. The goods were shipped ... Odessa ... London ... accordance ... thecontract.

3.We are sending you two copies ... Contract No. 225... sale ... you ... 10,000 tons of wheat.


Задание № 6. Переведите диалог и составьте подобный. Запишите.


Broker: Hello, is that Rossexport? This is Mr. Sompson speaking. Is Mr. Ivanov there?

Manager: Mr. Ivanov speaking.

Broker: We have an enquiry for about 5,000 tons of wheat on sample 4 but it is impossible to obtain your price limit.

Manager: What figure can you get?

Broker: I think not more than 32 pounds although we are doing our best.

Manager: This parcel is of special quality. Don't sell this wheat below 33 pounds, please.

Broker: But this means ten shillings above the price of the last parcel.

Manager: The difference is quite reasonable considering the high quality of the wheat.

Broker: There's another difficulty. Buyers want December shipment instead of January.

Manager: Offer them, please, 15th December — 15th January. Should they insist on December shipment, call us again and we'll see in the meantime whether we can arrange tonnage. And what about barley?

Broker: There's little demand just now, as there are large stocks of maize in Liverpool. Besides, large shipments of maize are expected from the States.

Manager: But you've heard of our sales of barley in Rotterdam and Antwerp, haven't you?

Broker: Yes, I have, but the situation is different here. I'm expecting a bid from a large manufacturer of feeding stuffs. May I agree to January shipment?

Manager: Yes, you may.

Broker: All right, I'll call you up again to-morrow. Goodbye.

Manager: Good – bye.



[1] adjusting of complaint – урегулирование конфликта

[2] refusing a complaint-отклонение рекламации