Слова и выражения, которые могут быть полезны в подготовке текста устной презентации

Ниже приведены речевые модели, которые могут быть использованы обучающимися для структурирования устного выступления.


The subject of my presentation…

What I am going to talk about today is…

I’d like to give you a brief overview of…

The reason I’m here today is to talk about…


I’ve divided my talk into( three/four) main sections

My presentation will be in three parts…

First of all, firstly, secondly, thirdly, then, after that, lastly, finally

Referring to visuals

As you can see from the table/graph…

Moving on to a new point

Turning now to

What I’d like to talk about now is

Now I would like to describe

Now let’s move to the next point which is….

Summarizing and concluding

To sum up

To recapitulate what I’ve been saying

So, to go over the main points again

I’d like to conclude by saying…

Ending a presentation

Thank you for listening to me

If there are any questions, I’ll be pleased to answer them

Пример составления текста устной презентации

Ниже приводится пример текста устной презентации, посвященной выбору компонентов для приготовления бетонной смеси, с использованием вышеприведенных выражений.

Good afternoon, everybody.

Let me introduce myself. My name is ... I am a first year postgraduate student, specializing in highway engineering.

The subject of my presentation is «Selection of concrete materials for road pavement construction».

This topic is particularly relevant because concrete materials play the main part in ensuring durability of road pavement.

I’ve divided my talk into three main sections.

First of all, I am going to give a brief overview of concrete as a construction material.

Secondly, I’ll comment on supplementary cementitious materials.

And finally, I’ll speak about the compatibility of these materials.

To begin with

Concrete in its most simple form consists of cement, water and aggregates. In modern practice concrete is often used in pavement construction.

It is common knowledge that the main part of concrete is cement. And cement is the hydraulic glue that holds concrete together. It is the cement that provides durability of pavement.

However, we need to use supplementary cementitious materials to upgrade the quality of pavement. These materials also reduce the cost and improve the performance.

Let’s move to the next point which is the supplementary cementitious materials and consider them in detail.

These materials are mineral admixtures, including fly ash, slag, and silica fume. Typically, they retard early strength gain of concrete, but improve the ultimate strength and durability. Supplementary cementitious materials may have pozzolonic properties. The pozzolonic decrease porosity of hardened cement paste and concrete and increases freeze-thaw resistance.

And now, it’s time to draw your attention to the main part of my presentation that is the compatibility of these materials.

Nowadays, we have an enormous amount of admixtures. So, it is very important to know about their compatibility. For example, admixtures may alter effectiveness of air-entraining admixtures such as fly ash or mineral admixtures.

Otherwise, our highways will quickly deteriorate and that can lead to an accident. Correct selection of the concrete materials is responsible for road safety.

To sum up, I’d like to say that the selection of concrete materials is not an easy task. You should have extensive knowledge in the field of road construction to carry it out.

Thank you for your attention. If there are any questions I’ll be pleased to answer them.

Составление CV (резюме) на иностранном языке с последующей подготовкой самопрезентации

Цели составления резюме

Важным аспектом обучения иностранному языку в магистратуре неязыкового вуза представляется формирование практических навыков и умений, необходимых для поиска работы, составления резюме и прохождения собеседования (интервью) на иностранном языке. Успешность их применения зависит не только от уровня владения иностранным языком, но также и от умений кандидата на должность представить себя и свою квалификацию наиболее выигрышно. В связи с этим на занятиях проводится анализ и усвоение правил составления резюме и подготовки речи для самопрезентации на собеседовании. Изучив алгоритм составления резюме и рассказа о себе, магистрантам необходимосамостоятельнонаписать свое CV и подготовить самопрезентацию.