The Supplementary literature



S.Seifullin Kazakh AgroTechnical University

Dean of the Faculty of Computer Systems and Vocational Education




On the discipline for all multilingual post-graduate students


The discipline: Pedagogy

Modular educational program: post-graduate education

Specialty: for all

Group specialties: scientific-pedagogical


Astana 2016

Syllabus on the discipline “Pedagogy” for post-graduate Students is made on the basis Program by G.Akhmetova and others of Al-Farabi Kazakh University approved by the Ministry of Education and Science RK, 2014.

for higher education, for all thespecialties, the post-graduate students

For all post-graduate students (multilingual)
(code and title)


Reviewed and Discussed at the meeting of the department of the Vocational education

"02"09. 2016, Protocol № 1



Head of the Department ________________ M.Esekeshova

Recommended by the methodological commission of theFaculty of Computer Systems and Vocational Education

"____" _________2016, protocol № __1____


Chairman of the MC: _______ Zh.Sagalieva





The lecturer: Professor Karlygash Sarbassova

office phone 303698, office room -2711

Lecturer’s Background information:Higher doctorate pedagogical sciences, professor pedagogics; a member of Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan

Other professional information

1. The Certificate of Innovative Program "Step-By-Step", USA, 2001

2. The owner of the state grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2006

3. The owner of the state grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "The best teacher of higher education institution", 2008, 2014 years.

4. The member of the incorporated dissertational council of ODES 14.50.05 on protection of dissertations on competition of a scientific degree of the doctor of pedagogical sciences on specialties 13.00.01 – the General pedagogics, pedagogics and education history, ethnopedagogics both 13.00.08 – the Theory and a technique of professional education at the Karaganda state university of E.A.Buketov (2009-2010)

5. The Certificate of credit technology in higher education institution (Czech Republic, Karlov Universitet in Prague), 2011

6. The winner of the international scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Bolashak", 2012

7. The Certificate of English language Enhancement Programme (University of Reading, UK), 2013.

8. The Certificate of Improving university leadership, management and teaching and learning Programme (University of Reading, UK), 2013.

9. The Certificate of English language Enhancement Programme (ELC English Language Company Malaysia), 2015.

Scientific interests:the General pedagogics, pedagogics and history of education, the theory and methodology of vocational education
Major publications:

1. Pedagogics bases. - Karaganda, 2004. - 119 p. (in the Kazakh Language)

2. Tutorial of discipline «Pedagogy»// Астана: С.Сейфуллин атындағы Қазақ агротехникалық университетінің баспасы, 2015. – 99 б.

3. Pedagogy (электронный учебник)// Авторлық құқық объектісіне құқықтарды мемлекеттік тіркеу туралы куәлік. - №760, 05.05.2015 ж.

4. The dictionary of Pedagogy// Авторлық құқық объектісіне құқықтарды мемлекеттік тіркеу туралы куәлік. - №759, 05.05.2015 ж.





● Pedagogy
● Course - 1
● Credits – 2

Type of module - general educational discipline
● lecture hours - 15
● practical hours - 15
● Semester – 1,2
Department of the Vocational Education


Distribution of credit hours

Weeks Total
Practical classes
Office hours


● Psychology of Higher Education;
● Phylosophy of Science;

● Pedagogy practice;
● Scientific research;



The purpose of teaching the course is obtaining the basics of professional and pedagogical culture of a high school teacher, familiarizing future teachers with general issues, methodological and theoretical foundations of pedagogy of higher education, modern technology analysis, planning and organization of training and education, communicative technologies subject of subjective interaction of the teacher and the student in educational process of the university.

Studying pedagogy as relatively independent field of scientific knowledge related to the needs of modern society in improving and enhancing the effectiveness of the training of specialists for all branches of modern production.

Today, the quality of training of graduates is characterized not only by the high level of formed professional knowledge and skills.

First factor is personal factor that determines the possibility of a competently and responsibly doing professional and social roles, the production of new ideas, technologies and solutions, and the ability to communicate effectively in the fields of science, practice and education. Correspondingly, higher education should be directed not so much on developing knowledge and skills, also learning how to disclose the essential powers of abilities for reflection and the need for continuous self-education and self-development. In this set of issues important is the preparation of teachers that largely determines the efficiency of education. Teacher modern conditions become not so much a carrier and transmitter of scientific information as the organizer of cognitive activity of students, their self-study and research of creative work.

Dublin Descriptors

Studying the course is to help students realize that:

· actual problems of modern higher education and pedagogy

· essence of teaching activities of the university teacher

· role of education in the subject of professional training of future specialists

· subject of professional practice and master the process of self-determination and analysis of their own professional activities.

Obtain the skills of:

• allocation of the surrounding reality of pedagogical facts, phenomena, events and describe them in the language of pedagogy based on the laws of pedagogical theories, explanations, forecasting and development.

• construction of the educational process, based on the new concepts of training and education;

• creating creative and developmental environment in the learning process of education.

Be competent in:

• solving the problems of higher pedagogical education and prospects for its further development;

• application of effective university teaching technologies;

• main types of teaching communicative interaction, tools and technologies without a control training;

• addressing urgent psychological and pedagogical problems, assessment of progress;

• organization and management of the students. Designed for graduate students of all disciplines.

6. Course content
6.1. List of lectures


Themes Hours References Current control Rate score
Theme 1.The modern paradigm of higher education in Kazakhstan. Pedagogics as a science Basic Literature: 1,2,3,9 Supplementary Literature: 1,5,8,9,10,11 50/100
Theme 2.The professional higher education system in Kazakhstan. Basic Literature: 1,2,3,4,6,10,12 Supplementary Literature: 8-11 50/100
Theme 3. Methodology of pedagogical science. Pedagogic categories and their significance for didactic theory   Basic Literature: 1,3,10. Supplementary Literature: 5,7-11 50/100
Theme 4. Methodological structure of pedagogical research. The system of pedagogical sciences Basic Literature: 9,10,11,12 Supplementary Literature: 3,5,7,9 50/100
Theme 5. Professional competence of the teachers in higher education. Globalisation, Internationalisation and higher education in the modern era Basic Literature: 6,7,11,12 Supplementary Literature: 1,2,8 50/100
Theme 6. Тheory of learning of pedagogic of higher education. Didactic theory. The higher education system in Kazakhstan Basic Literature: 1,2,3,5,6 Supplementary Literature: 7,11 50/100
Theme 7. Curriculum Reform and Development in Kazakhstan Universities. Research in higher education and university teacher development Basic Literature: 6,7,11,12 Supplementary Literature: 1,2,8 50/100
Theme 8. Organisation of the educational process on the basis of the credit system Basic Literature: 9,10,11,12 Supplementary Literature: 3,5,7,9 50/100
Theme 9. Methods and forms of teaching in higher education Basic Literature: 1,2,3,5,6 Supplementary Literature: 7,11 50/100
Theme 10.Technology to enhance learning of higher education Basic Literature: 1,2,3,9 Supplementary Literature: 1,5,8,9,10,11 50/100
Theme 11. Teacher’s personality and students characteristics as the social group Basic Literature: 1,2,3,4,6,10,12 Supplementary Literature: 8-11 50/100
Theme 12. Organization of independent work of students on the basis of the credit system Basic Literature: 1,3,10. Supplementary Literature: 5,7-11 50/100
Theme 13. Research in higher education and university teacher development Basic Literature: 1,2,3,5,6 Supplementary Literature: 7,11 50/100
Theme 14. The essence and the main directions of educational work in higher education system Basic Literature: 1,2,3,5,6 Supplementary Literature: 7,11 50/100
Theme 15. Educational Leadership and Management Basic Literature: 6,7,11,12 Supplementary Literature: 1,2,8 50/100
Total   50/100

List of practical classes

Themes Hours References Current control Rate score
Theme 1. Problems of higher education in the context of building a knowledge society Basic Literature: 1,2,3,9 Supplementary Literature: 1,5,8,9,10,11 50/100
Theme 2. Educational activities as art and science   Basic Literature:1,2,3,4,6,10,12 Supplementary Literature: 8-11 50/100
Theme 3. Pluralism of methodological approaches of pedagogy   Basic Literature: 1,3,10. Supplementary Literature: 5,7-11 50/100
Theme 4. The national education system in the world Basic Literature: 9,10,11,12 Supplementary Literature: 3,5,7,9 50/100
Theme 5. Features of the formation of the future specialist at present stage Basic Literature: 1,2,3,5,6 Supplementary Literature: 7,11 50/100
Theme 6. The higher education system in Kazakhstan Basic Literature: 6,7,11,12 Supplementary Literature: 1,2,8 50/100
Theme 7. Research in higher education and university teacher development Basic Literature: 9,10,11,12 Supplementary Literature: 3,5,7,9 50/100
Theme 8. Active methods an forms of teaching Basic Literature: 1,2,3,5,6 Supplementary Literature: 7,11 50/100
Theme 9. The educational process as an object of teacher in higher education institutions Basic Literature: 1,2,3,9 Supplementary Literature: 1,5,8,9,10,11 50/100
Theme 10. Pedagogical innovation and expert teaching in higher education institutions Basic Literature: 1,2,3,4,6,10,12 Supplementary Literature: 8-11 50/100
Theme 11. Coaching and Mentoring Basic Literature: 1,3,10. Supplementary Literature: 5,7-11 50/100
Theme 12. Teacher’s personality and students characteristics as the social group Basic Literature: 1,2,3,5,6 Supplementary Literature: 1,7,11 50/100
Theme 13. Innovative processes in higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan Basic Literature: 6,7,11,12 Supplementary Literature: 1,2,8 50/100
Theme 14. The nature of HE leadership and management Basic Literature: 1,2,3,5,6 Supplementary Literature: 7,11 50/100
Theme 15. Improving evaluation and assessment for all students Basic Literature: 6,7,11,12 Supplementary Literature: 1,2,8 50/100
Total   50/100





Theme Content (tasks) of self-study Expected results Reference Assessment Due to… Sco-re
Theme 1. Pedagogy of Higher education as a branch pedagogical knowledge Problems of higher education in the context of building a knowledge society. The national education system in the world Making the list of bibliography of discipline Basic Literature: 1,2,3,9 Supplementary Literature: 1,5,8,9,10,11 Current control 1st week 50/100
Theme 2. History of Higher education Retrospective analysis of the periods of Higher Education formation. Comparison of the systems of higher education in different historical periods of mankind society development Making the comparative table Basic Literature: 1,2,3,4,6,10,12 Supplementary Literature: 8-11 Current control 2d week 50/100
Theme 3. Undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate education Comparative characteristics of higher education systems SWOT analysis The State Program for Development of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2016-2019 Basic Literature: 1,3,10. Supplementary Literature: 5,7-11 Current control 3d week 50/100
Theme 4. Didactic of Higher education and it’s problems Discussion the problems of higher education in Kazakhstan and forming the adequate problems of higher education. Characteristics of higher education model of teaching Comparative analysis of changes and additions in Law on Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 1997, 2007, 2011 years Basic Literature: 9,10,11,12 Supplementary Literature: 3,5,7,9 Current control 4th week 50/100
Theme 5. Forms, methods and means of teaching in higher education institutions Problem of perfect use forms, methods and means of teaching in credit system conditions Methodical development of lecture Basic Literature: 1,2,3,5,6 Supplementary Literature: 7,11 Current control 5th week 50/100
Theme 6. Student’s self-study (SSS) as the prioritized form of teaching in higher education institutions Creation of students’ portfolio as one of forms of student’s self-study. Analysis of technological card of SSS Essay: «Competitive model of specialists preparation as the basis of higher professional education» (3000 symbols) Basic Literature: 6,7,11,12 Supplementary Literature: 1,2,8 Current control 6th week 50/100
Theme 7. Higher Education maintenance and it’s realization in the conditions of globalization Legal documents to organize and control of the process of higher education Written analysis of Framework, Curriculum, Syllabus working educational programs, module educational programs, teaching plans by specialty Basic Literature: 9,10,11,12 Supplementary Literature: 3,5,7,9 Intermediate control: 7th week 50/100
Theme 8. Monitoring, value and management of higher education quality International, state and university documents for perfect monitoring, value management of the educational process quality of higher education Topic glossary «The Quality Management system of higher education institutions» Basic Literature: 1,2,3,5,6 Supplementary Literature: 7,11 Current control 8th week 50/100
Theme 9. Control and value of teaching result in higher education institutions Discussion: «Grade of the education results in conditions of competitive model of education in universities»   Topic glossary: “Characteristics and classification of measurement means in conditions of teaching credit based education system” Basic Literature: 1,2,3,9 Supplementary Literature: 1,5,8,9,10,11 Current control 9th week 50/100
Theme 10. Innovative strategies and technologies of teaching in higher education institutions Analysis of modern innovative strategies and technologies of teaching in higher education Table: “Plusses and minuses” Basic Literature: 1,2,3,4,6,10,12 Supplementary Literature: 8-11 Current control 10th week 50/100
Theme 11. Organization of socially-educating process in higher education institutions Analysis of legal document of organization and realization of socially-educating work in the university Development of adviser’s plan Basic Literature: 1,3,10. Supplementary Literature: 5,7-11 Current control 11th week 50/100
Theme 12. Teacher’s personality and students characteristics as a social group Creation of personality characteristics of a student and a student group. Classification of lectures higher education institutions Creation of professional card of the lecturer of the university Basic Literature: 1,2,3,5,6 Supplementary Literature:1 7,11 Current control 12th week 50/100
Theme 13. Innovative processes in higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan Rating of the universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan. International consortiums and their meaning Essay: «Development of higher institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of realization of the State program of Education development in the Republic of Kazakhstan up to 2020» Basic Literature: 6,7,11,12 Supplementary Literature: 1,2,8 Current control 13th week 50/100
Theme 14. Information modernization of higher Education in Kazakhstan as a complex problem Case study «Problems and ways of information modernization problem solve in the sphere of higher education» Creation of interactive practical class Basic Literature: 1,2,3,5,6 Supplementary Literature: 7,11   Current control 14th week 50/100
Theme 15. Traditions and innovations of higher education system in Kazakhstan in conditions of globalization Capacity development of educational activities: spiritual and moral, social, political and legal, patriotic and ethnic, cultural, aesthetic, and ethno-cultural, physical and healthy lifestyle, and others.   Essay: “Role of H igher Education in Social-and-cultural modernization of our country” Basic Literature: 6,7,11,12 Supplementary Literature: 1,2,8 Intermediate control: 15th week 50/100


The basic literature

1. Akhmetov G.K., Isayevf Z. Pedagogy: A Textbook for post-graduate students.- Almaty: Kazak University, 2006. - 328 p. (in Russian)

2. Bashirova Zh.R. The development of university education in the aspect of training university teachers. Monograph. Almaty: ASU after named Abay, 2003. – 160 p. (in Russian)

3. Mynbayeva A.K. Basics of Pedagogy of Higher Education: A Training textbook.- Almaty, 2010. -171 p. (in Russian)

4. Credit Learning System in Higher Education.- Almaty: Kazak University, 2006. - 328 p. (in Russian)

5. Peonova P. Pedagogy of Higher Education. - Minsk. University, 2002 (in Russian)

6. Pedagogy and psychology of higher education. - Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 2002. - 544 p. (in Russian)

7. Sarbassova K.A. Pedagogics bases. - Karaganda, 2004. - 119 p. (in Kazakh Language)

8. Sarbassova K.A. Tutorial of discipline «Pedagogy». - Астана: С.Сейфуллин атындағы Қазақ агротехникалық университетінің баспасы, 2015. – 99 б.

9. Sarbassova K.A. Pedagogy (электронный учебник)// Авторлық құқық объектісіне құқықтарды мемлекеттік тіркеу туралы куәлік. - №760, 05.05.2015 ж.


The Supplementary literature

1. Sarbassova K.A. The dictionary of Pedagogy// Авторлық құқық объектісіне құқықтарды мемлекеттік тіркеу туралы куәлік. - №759, 05.05.2015 ж.

Pedagogy/Add. V.А.Slastyonin. – М., 2002 (in Russian)

2. Lihachyev B.T. Pedagogy. Lectures course. – М.,2003. (in Russian)

3. Pedagogy: Lectures course. - Аlmaty, 2003. (in Russian)

4. Podlasyi I.P. Pedagogy. - М., 2006. (in Russian)

5. Smirnov S.D. Pedagogy and Psychology of Higher education: from activity to personality. – М., 2001. – 304 p. (in Russian)

6.Andreev А.А. Pedagogy of High School.New course–М., 2002. – 264 p.

7.Nefedova L.V. Pedagogy of high school. – Astana, 2004. – 152 p.

8. Baldwin, R. G. (Ed.). (2009). Improving the climate for undergraduate teaching and learning in STEM fields [Special issue].

9. Biggs, J. (2003). Teaching for quality learning at university, Second Edition. UK: Oxford University Press.

10. Boyle, E. and Rothstein, H. (2003). Essentials of college and university teaching: A practical guide. USA: New Forums Press.

11. Hayes, E. (Ed.). (1989). Effective teaching styles. San Francisco: Jossey Bass, Inc.

12. Hunter, M. (2004). Mastery teaching: Increasing instructional effectiveness in elementary and secondary schools. USA: Corwin Press.

13. Pedagogy and Psychology of higher school. Bulanova-Toparkova– R.-upon-Don, 1998.

14. Fokin U.G. Teaching and educating in High shool. Methodology, aims, content and creativity. – М., 2002. –224 p.

15. Introduction to pedagogy scientific research/ Под ред. N.A. Zavalko-Ust-Kamenorosk, 2008. (in Russian)

16. Pedagogy./ Add U.K. Babanskiy. - М., 1998. (in Russian)

18. Harlamov I.F. Padagogy. – М., 2000. (in Russian)

19. Sitarov V.A. Didactics/ Add. V.A. Slastyenin. - М., 2004. (in Russian)