Film and book review(предлагается но не обязательно)

Выберите правильный вариант ответа

Задание 1.

A series of related events that make up the main story in a book, film etc.

  • Plot
  • Cloth
  • Sword

Задание 2.

A part of a book, film, or play that tells you what happened during an earlier time.

  • Action-packed
  • Well-dubbed
  • Flashback

Задание 3.

When a play, film, or new product aren’t successful.

  • Top
  • Flop
  • Sloth

Задание 4.

Books and films about imaginary future events and characters, often dealing with space travel and life on other planets.

  • Western
  • Thriller
  • Science fiction

Задание 5.

The most exciting or important moment in a story, event, or situation, usually near the end.

  • Climax
  • Climate
  • Clinic

Задание 6.

A sad film or story that makes you cry.

  • Tearjerker
  • Teardrop
  • Eye-opening

Задание 7.

A translation of what people are saying in a foreign language film or television programme.

  • Subtitles
  • Substitute
  • Subway

Задание 8.

A film genre in which one or more heroes are involved in a series of challenges that typically include fight scenes, violence, and frantic chases.

  • Action
  • Drama
  • Musical

Задание 9.

All the performers in a film or play.

  • Cast
  • Stars
  • Flops

Задание 10.

An excellent painting, book, piece of music etc, or the best work of art that aparticular artist, writer, musician has ever produced.

  • Plot
  • Masterpiece
  • Script


Также предлагаю вашему вниманию тест по страноведению с ответами чтобы вы были в теме


Тест по страноведению для 9 класса.



Choose the correct variant.

1. How many countries does the UK consist of?

2. How many countries does Great Britain consist of?

3. The longest river in the UK is:

The Thames

The Severn

The Avon

The population of the UK is about




The capital of Northern Island is




The British flag is often called

The Union Jack

The Stars and Stripes

The Maple Leaf

The highest mountain in the UK is

Ben Nevis

Mont Blanc


8. What is the capital of Wales?




The head of the state is


Prime Minister


The mysterious Loch Ness Monster is from




The most popular British newspaper is

The Times

The Sun


The famous British newspaper which is printed on

Pink paper is

The Guardian

The Times

The Financial Times

The kilt is

A shirt

A skirt

A pair of trousers

King Henry the eighth had.... wives

Stonehenge is about.... years old.

Stonehenge is

A temple

A cemetery

A mysterious place

British kings and queens are crowned at

Westminster Abbey

St Paul's Cathedral

Buckingham Palace

18. Madam Tussaud's is a museum of

Wax figures

Western paintings

Ancient coins

19. Nelson’s Column is situated in

Piccadilly Circus

Downing Street

Trafalgar Square

The London Underground is often called

The box

The channel

The tube

The Tower of London was started by

Julius Caesar

William the Conqueror

Henry the eighth

Sir Christopher Wren built

Buckingham Palace

Big Ben

St Paul's Cathedral

The Beatles started their career in




Guy Fawkes Night is celebrated on the

Th of December

St of October

Th of November

The famous Globe Theatre is situated in




Big Ben is

A tower of the Houses of Parliament

A clock

The largest bell at the top of the tower

27. One of the world's greatest air shows takes place in




Greenwich is

The Prime Meridian

A castle

The Royal Observatory

The sport that people watch most in Britain is




British football fans

Are very reserved

Are the most indifferent fans in the world

Have a very bad reputation for their behavior

Downing Street is the home of

Prince Charles

Sherlock Holmes

Prime Minister

32. If you say "Cheers" you are

Having a drink

saying "Good-bye!"

saying "Thank you!"

33. Who was born on Stratford-on-Avon?



Lady Thatcher

34. Who was the first Englishman in Russia?

Captain Cook

Richard Chancellor

Francis Drake

Under a mistletoe

There are many ghosts