II. Answer the questions. Check your comprehension.

1. What are the most important liquid cargoes?

2. What are the properties of oil products?

3. What do liquid oil products comprise?

4. Why should iron casks and cans be tightly closed?

5. What does an oil-conduct pipe line serve for?

6. What is the diameter of a hatch cover of the tank?

7. For what purpose are the tanks fitted with tubes?

8. When can we consider, that the oil tank is not ready for taking oil cargo?


III. Give English equivalents to some cargo-handling machinery.


1. Позовите второго помощника.

2. Прекратите работ.

3. Проверяйте количество мест в каждом подъеме.

4. Считайте количество мест до того, как они сняты со стропа.

5. Давайте расписку на каждый подъем (партию).

6. Сосчитайте подъемы. Сколько подъемов было в этой партии?

7. Сколько ящиков (мешков, кип) в этом подъеме?

8. Давайте сверим наши записи.

9. Сверьте общее количество c погрузочным ордером №1070.

10. Вы сделали ошибку при подсчете общего количества мешков сахара.



IV. Match the words on the left column (1 - 10) with the correct definitions (a – j).


1. assembly station a. a group of vessels which sail together, e.g. through a canal or ice  
2. blind sector b. a group of crew members trained for fighting flooding in the vessel.in the vessel  
3. convoy c. the most probable position of a search target at a given time  
4. damage control team d. port which a vessel is bound for  
5. datum e. a clearly marked way in the vessel which has to be followed in case of an emergency  
6. destination f. attending a vessel, to be available in case of need, e.g. ice-breaker, tug, etc.  
7. escape route g. place on deck, in mess room, etc., assigned to crew and passengers where they have to meet according to the muster list when the corresponding alarm is released or announcement made -
8. escort h. a round through the vessel carried out by crew member of the watch at certain intervals so that an outbreak of fire may be promptly detected  
9. fire party i. areas which can not be scanned by the radar of the vessel because they are shielded by parts of its superstructure, mast, etc.  
10. fire patrol j. a group of crew members trained for fire fighting on board  

V. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.

Connect; connected; injured; entrance; sea anchor; jump; alongside; helpless people; in the life-rafts; nets and ropes; fire rockets


Boat Drill Commands

Enter the life-rafts via the slides, ladders, _________________________ !

_______________ onto the life-raft ______________ the vessel!

Clear the ______________ of the life-raft!

Jump into the water and enter the life-rafts!

Assist ________________________ !

Sit down ______________________ immediately!

Report on number of ____________ persons!

No persons _____________ .

Let go __________________ and report!

_________________ is let go.

______________________ for identification!

_______________ the lifeboats and rafts with lines and report!

Life-rafts and lifeboats ______________ .




з дисципліни “Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням ”

спеціальність СМВВШ, курс 3, заочна форма навчання

Variant 9

I. Read and translate italics part of the text.


Before the loading of a ship all necessary preparations should be made both in the port and on board the ship. First of all, the cargo plan must be drawn up. Ship Agent and the Master draw up the cargo plan.

The Chief Stevedore, who is in charge of loading the ship, secures the necessary number of stevedore gangs, obtains port cargo handling facilities and supplies the tackles. He also supervises the correct tonnage allotment for the holds. In the process of loading the Chief Stevedore checks up if cargoes are properly stowed and trimmed. It is also his duty to see that the cargo should be properly secured from shifting.

On board the ship the Cargo Officer sees to that all necessary preparations for loading should be made. Under the supervision the crewmen clear the hatches. They roll back the tarpaulins from the hatches, remove hatch covers, and remove beams. The crewmen also get ready the ship’s winches, derricks and cranes, if any.

Different kinds of cargo require different equipment and appliances. So, for loading cases steel slings, net and pallets are necessary; bags require nets and canvas slings; heavy lifts are loaded either with heavy duty derricks or with ship’s or quay cranes; for loading flowing cargoes elevators and grabs are used; for loading containers there are gantry cranes; for loading Ro-Ro vessels various sorts of vehicles are used (such as auto trucks, forklift trucks, trailers); as to tankers, they are loaded with the help of pipelines and hoses.