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Last night at 9.18 the director of the school was walking from his office to his car when he was attacked from behind. The attacker hit the director on the head. The police think the attacker was a student, may be a girl – student. The police are going to interview every student in the school. A policeman interviewed the director at the hospital last night.

- Well, Mr. Snow, what can you remember about the attack?

- Well, I was working late yesterday evening.

- What time did you leave your office?

- About a quarter past nine.

- Are you sure?

- Oh, yes. I looked at my watch.

- What did you do then?

- Well, I locked the door and I was walking to my car when somebody hi me on the head.

- Did you see the attacker?

- No, he was wearing a stocking over his head.

- Tell me, Mr. Snow, how did you break your leg?

- Well, when they were putting me into the ambulance the dropped me.

Past perfect simple

Formhad + past participle  
Use Example
Situations and states before the past We'd livednext to the gym for a couple of months before 1 decided to join.
Completed actions before a moment in the past I'd already boughtthe computer game when 1 saw it was cheaper in another shop.
Completed actions where the important thing is the result at a moment in the past We didn't feel like playing Scrabble because we hadjust finisheda long game of Monopoly.

Упражнение № 1

Pete is remembering the happiest moment of his life. Complete what he says, using the given information. Put the verbs into Past Perfect Tense.

The happiest moment of my life was on top of a mountain in Wales last summer. I was happy for a lot of different reasons …

1. I climb a mountain.

2. The rope doesn’t break.

3. My girlfriend agrees to marry me.

4. A letter comes with good news about my exams.

5. I spend a wonderful holiday in Wales.

6. My favorite team wins the football championship.


Упражнение № 2

Put verbs into The Past Perfect Tense or The Past Simple Tense.

1. We … (to be) sorry we … (to be) rude to her.

2. I … (recognize) them at once though seven years … (to pass) since our last meeting.

3. He … (to lose) the book he … (to borrow) from the library.

4. The police (never/to find) who … (to steal) the ring.

5. It … (to be) impossible for him to find a job after he … (to serve) a ten-year sentence.

6. She … (to be) the most secretive person I … (ever/to meet).

7. The friends … (to talk) about what they … (to achieve) since they … (to leave) school.

8. He … (to be) an American citizen for 10 years by the time the war … (to begin).

9. When they … (to buy) the farm, it … (to be) empty for many years. Nobody … (to live) there since the previous owner (to commit suicide).


Упражнение № 3

Translate from Russian into English:

1. Как только учительница вошла в класс, она увидела, что кто-то из учеников нарисовал ее на доске.

2. В доме было тихо, так как дети уснули.

3. Когда он вышел из института, уже стемнело.

4. Я видел много репродукций этой картины прежде, чем увидел оригинал. Я нашел в нем много деталей, которых не замечал в репродукциях.

5. Я посмотрел на нее с ужасом. Это была уже пятая сигарета, которую она выкурила за последний час.

6. По их поведению было видно, что они женаты много лет.

7. К тому времени, когда приехала скорая помощь, он умер. Он потерял много крови.

8. Мы все приготовили задолго до того, как они приехали.

9. Когда я вернулась, гости уже пообедали и теперь танцевали.

10. К 8 часам дождь прекратился, и мы пошли гулять.

6.7. Past perfect / past simple

Упражнение № 1

Choose the correct variant:

I (wake up) early and got out of bed.

A woke up B had woken up


I got out of bed an hour later I (woke up).

A woke up B had woken up


We were late. The meeting (start) an hour before.

A started B had started


4. She was the most wonderful person I (ever/meet).

A ever met B had ever met


That morning she (dress), (phone) somebody, and went out.

A dressed A phoned

B had dressed B had phoned


He was tired because he (work) hard in the garden all day.

A worked B had worked


The Hills were in a hurry, but they (take) a taxi and managed to arrive exactly on time.

A took B had taken