Exercise 1. Find in the text English equivalents for these words

and word combinations:

1.иметь дело с 2. отдельные кирпичики 3. быть обеспеченным горючим и кислородом 4. переноситься 5. для того чтобы попасть в клетки тела 6. выводиться из тела 7. общий контроль и координирование 8. служащие в качестве 9. в зависимости от 10. отвечает за рост 11. уникальная индивидуальность 12. позволять 13. питательные вещества


Exercise 2. Quote the sentences in which the following words and word combinations are used in the text:

To have a job to do, in this respect, to come from our food, to be turned into, to contain, to be called, to be eliminated from, to be likened, a cell wall, hereditary factors


Exercise 3. Answer the questions:

  1. What do anatomy and physiology study?
  2. What is body made up of?
  3. What must each cell be supplied with?
  4. Where does the fuel for the body come from?
  5. What is digestion?
  6. What main parts does the respiratory system consist of?
  7. How is cell waste eliminated from the body?
  8. What may the brain be liked to?
  9. The nucleus is responsible for growth by cell division, is not it?
  10. What do chromosomes and genes do?
  11. How do oxygen and nutrients enter the cell?


Exercise 4. Insert articles or possessive pronouns where necessary:


…body is made up of millions of cells. There are … different types of cells in .. body. But they all have central nucleus and a cell wall. … chromosomes and genes of the nucleus transmit the … hereditary factors of every person. … nucleus is the controlling structure of the cell. It controls …way a cell reproduces and contains genetic material which determines the functioning and structure of…cell. …cell is the fundamental unit of every living thing.


Exercise 5. Translate into English:

  1. Анатомия и физиология человека представляют собой учение о нормальной структуре и функционировании организма человека.
  2. Организм человека состоит из миллионов клеток.
  3. для работы и жизни клетки ей необходимы питание и кислород.
  4. Пища дает нам энергию, а кислород мы получаем из воздуха, окружающего нас.
  5. Система пищеварения включает желудок и кишечник.
  6. В процессе дыхания главную роль играют легкие.
  7. Функционирование нашего организма контролируется нервной системой, состоящей из мозга и нервов.
  8. Каждая клетка состоит из ядра и оболочки.
  9. Хромосомы и гены передают наследственные факторы любого человека, делая его уникальным.
  10. Оболочка клетки достаточно тонка, что позволяет ей беспрепятственно осуществлять обмен веществ.


Exercise 6. Ask 10 questions based on the text and answer them.



Read and learn the following words




the rest of остальные


throughчерез, сквозь




destinationместо назначения

capillary капилляр

reverse обратный

describe описывать


· Read and translate the text



Blood returning from all parts of the body, except the lungs, enters the right atrium. All this blood enters the right atrium through two great veins — the superior vena cava bringing blood from the head, neck and arms, and the interior vena cava which brings it back from the rest of the body.

From the right atrium, blood passes through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle. Itthen passes out of the right ventricle through the pulmonary artery to the lungs.

Here the blood gives up the waste carbon dioxide it is carrying and takes in fresh oxygen, which is part of the fuel necessary for the working of the body. This oxygenated blood is carried from the lungs in the pulmonary vein to the left atrium of the heart. From here it passes through the mitral valve into the left ventricle. Then it is pumped out of the left ventricle into the aorta. This great artery di­vides into many smaller arteries which convey oxygenated blood all round the body.

When these smaller arteries reach their destination they divide again into very thin-walled vessels called capillaries. Oxygen from the blood passes through the walls of these capillaries to the body cells. Carbon dioxide, which is a waste product formed in the body cells, also passes through the capillary walls, but in the reverse direction, from the body cells to the blood. The capillaries then unite to form veins which carry the blood and waste carbon dioxide back to the right atrium of the heart via the superior and interior vena cava. As already described, the blood passes on again via the tricuspid valve, right ventricle and pulmonary artery to the lungs.