Exercise 1. Find in the text English equivalents for these words

and word combinations:


1.кроме легких 2. поступать в правое предсердие 3. из остальных частей тела 4. проходить через 5. выхолить из правого желудочка 6. отдавать 7. обогащенная кислородом кровь 8. по всему организму 9. в противоположном направлении 10. объединяются, образуя вены.


Exercise 2. Quote the sentences in which the following words and word combinations are used in the text:

Two great veins, the tricuspid valve, to pass out, the waste carbon dioxide, the pulmonary vein, mitral valve, to divide into, to reach their destination, to carry back, to pass on


Exercise 3. Answer the questions:


  1. Where does blood returning from all parts of the body enter?
  2. Where does it pass into from the right atrium?
  3. What does it take in the lungs?
  4. The oxygenated blood is carried to the left atrium of the heart, is not it?
  5. Where does it pass into after that?
  6. What do smaller arteries divide into?
  7. Does oxygen from the blood pass through the walls of these capillaries or through the walls of veins?
  8. What direction does carbon dioxide pass?
  9. What do capillaries from?
  10. Where do veins carry the blood?


Exercise 4. Insert articles where necessary:

It should now be clear that … function of the left side of… heart is solely to pump oxygenated blood from … lungs to the rest of the body; while … right side returns deoxygenated blood from … rest of the body back to the lungs. Oxygenated blood is bright red in … colour, but when it has given up its oxygen to … body cells and received waste carbon dioxide instead, … deoxygenated blood appears much darker in colour.


Exercise 5. Translate into English:



  1. Кровь из различных органов возвращается в правое предсердие.
  2. Из правого предсердия кровь проходит через трехстворчатый клапан в правый желудочек.
  3. Затем она через легочную артерию попадает в легкие.
  4. Здесь кровь отдает углекислоту и насыщается кислородом.
  5. Кислород крови проникает через стенки капилляров в клетки, а углекислота и отработанные вещества – в кровь.
  6. Капилляры, объединяясь переходят в вены, которые переносят кровь и отработанные вещества назад в правое предсердие.
  7. Через легочные вены кровь возвращается в левое предсердие.
  8. Процесс кровообращения происходит непрерывно.




Read and learn the following words

list перечислять




responseответ, реакция




improve улучшать

purposeцель, задача


prevailingпреобладающий, господствующий




· Read and translate the text



Although signs of inflammation were described in an Egyptian papyrus, Celsus, a Roman writer of the first century AD, was the first to list the four cardinal signs of inflammation: redness, swell­ing, heat, and pain. The fifth clinical sign, loss of function, was later added by Virchow. In 1793 the Scottish surgeon John Hunter noted what is now considered an obvious fact: inflammation is not a disease but a nonspecific response of the organism. Julius Cohnheim (1839—1884) first used the microscope to observe in­flamed blood vessels in thin membranes of the frog tongue. Noting the initial changes in blood flow, the subsequent edema which hadbeen caused by increased vascular permeability and the characteristic leucocyte emigration, he wrote descriptions that can hardly be improved on.

The Russian biologist I. Mechnikov discovered the process of phagocytosis (1882). He concluded that the purpose of inflammation was to bring phagocytic cells to the injured area to engulf invading bacteria. At that time Mechnikov contradicted the prevailing theory that the purpose of inflammation was to bring in factors from the blood serum to neutralize the infectious agents. It soon became clear that both phagocytes and serum factors (antibodies) were critical to the defence against microorganisms and in recognition of this both I. Mechnikov and P. Ehrlich

(who developed the humoral theory) shared the Nobel Prize in 1908.