Exercise 10. Find in columns 2 English equivalents for the words and word combinations given in column 1:

Find in columns 2 English equivalents for the words and word combinations given in column 1:


Головний холодильник Водяний розширювальний бак Корінний підшипник Моторний насос Теплообмінник Пульт управління Тертя Кулачковий вал Відкачувальний насос Поршневий палець Водяний насос Мастильна система water circulating pump main bearing main drive main gear camshaft crankshaft water- expansion tank water filter motor-driven pump motor-driven distributor heat exchange scavenging pump piston pin piston pump main radiator water pump water pipe friction resistance cooling system lubricating system control panel


Exercise 11

Read, translate and give the title to the text.

If rails is to remain competitive with other transport modes in

Europe, further work is needed on development of fully-inter operable technology, so that railway operations are not hampered by technical or operational barriers while crossing borders between the EU member states.



Over the next years, the Modtrain Integrated Project will define and prove the necessary functional, electrical and mechanical interface and validation procedures to deliver a range of interchangeable modules which will form the basis for the next generation of inter-city trains and universal locomotives.

The first target is to achieve a reduction of up to 10% in average cost per passenger-km or tone-km, and a 30% increase in the productivity of new rolling stock designs would rise from around 40% or 50% today closer to the 80% or 90% found in the aerospace and automotive industries.

For the supplies, increased modularization of train architecture will offer a marked reduction in bidding costs, as much as 25% compared to the present situation. Modularisation will further encourage the tentative steps being taken into platform-based production methods, which should in turn bring an estimated 10% saving in manufacturing costs and a 30%reduction in the lead time from order to delivery.

Railway operators would benefit from capital cost savings from these economies of scale achieved by the supply industry. In addition, rolling stock reliability is expected to improve by up to 25% and modularity would reduce maintenance costs.




Методичні вказівки з розвитку навичок різних видів професійно орієнтованого читання за темою “Рухомий склад та спеціальна техніка залізничного транспорту (Локомотиви)” для студентів 2 курсу механічного транспорту


(англійська мова)


Відповідальний за випуск: викл. Муковоз В.Г., Пилаєва Т.В.





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