READING RULES. Exercise 1 Read the following words. lunar

U u [ju:] у відкритому складі tube, produce, music
[л] у закритому складі cut, cup, bus, викл. [u] push, put, pull, full
[juə] перед r + голосна pure, cure
[q:] перед r + приголосна burn, turn
[u:] у відкритому складі після звуків [r], [l],[dZ] lunar, rule, June
Y y [j] на початку слова та перед голосним yet, year, beyond

Exercise 1 Read the following words.

lunar rule June July flute plume lute junior rural plural сure lure mural endure impure secure during impurity durable fury tube produce music student cue annual confuse fuel tutor peculiar cut cup bus up buck but summit duck much ugly burn turn furniture curve turkey surface furnish scurvy disturb hurt yet year yes yard yellow yesterday you young beyond Yankee

Exercise 2 Read the following words and explain reading rules.

Agricultural, conclusion, evacuate, curl, graduate, illustrate, peculiar, refuse, surprise, amuse, conduct, supply, occur, upon, union, usually, fusion, why, actual, bunch, manual, lecture, ruler, plural, sly, current, lunch, menu, luck, cry, budget, absolutely, yarn, hurt, impure, young, stuff, must, pulp, put, rescue, rumour, flute, clue, truck, push, lure, yard, yarn, Yankee, ugly, durable, rural, turorial, junior, curve, pure, cure, during, yelled, sulked, plunge, fur, our, flour, sour, bulky, nutshel, duty, stupid, usage.


Perfect Continuous Tense

(Часи групи Perfect Continuous)


have + been + Present Participle (-ing)
Present He has been writing a letter since morning. – Він пише лист зранку.
Past He had been writing a letter for two hours when I came. – Він писав лист впродовж двох годин до того, як я прийшов.
Future He will have been writinga letter for two hours when I come. – Він писатиме листа впродовж двох годин перед тим, як я прийду.

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

1.Дії, які почалися у минулому та тільки що закінчились.

You are out of breath. Have you been running?

That man over there is bright red. I think he has been sunbathing.

2. Дії, які почалися у минулому та ще триватимуть на момент говоріння.

How long have you been learning English?

I have been waiting herе since 2 o’clock.


Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Дії, що почалися до певного моменту у минулому і тривали до цього моменту.

Ken had been smoking for 30 years when he finallygaveit up.

I was very tired when I arrived home. I had been working hard all day.