Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle Translation
set set set встановлювати
arise arose arisen підніматися, з’являтися
forget forgot forgotten забувати
know knew known знати
cut cut cut різати
lead led led вести, лідирувати
set set set встановлювати
stand stood stood стояти
sleep slept slept спати


Exercise 31 Change theitalicizedwords into their synonyms from the active vocabulary.

Aims of an organization, to conduct an experiment, to direct their activity, degree of education, main sectors of a business, a sphere of activity, to deal with the problem, completely different, to evaluate the quality, to combate difficulties, to use new methods, to organize the trip, first-class results, useless efforts, to reach the goal, to obtain the results of the test, an idea of this new approach, to define the main characteristics, to satisfy the requirements, terms of payment, a choice of equipment, a difficult solution.


Exercise 32 a) Match the verb with its definition.

to carry out to deal successfully with a difficult matter
to cope with to make somebody want to do or create something
to arise to give hope, support or confidence to somebody
to overcome to begin to exist
to inspire to do a task, repair, etc.
to encourage to get something
to obtain to put information somewhere to persuade people to buy something
to advertise to manage to control or defeat something

B) Fill in the gaps with the verbs from a).

1. If you want to attract customers, try to … in the local paper. 2. I finally managed to … a copy of the report. 3. Banks actively … people to borrow money. 4. The actors … the kids with their enthusiasm. 5. Extensive tests have been … … on the patient. 6. The two parties managed to … their differences on the issue. 7. He wasn’t able to … … the stresses and strains of the job. 8. A new crisis has … .


Exercise 33 Translate the following word combinations from the text.

Coordination and direction of the activity, there is a need for people, an activity across the business, towards the same aim, specific range of work, entirely on their own, to pass down line to others, decision-making process, management ladder, problems are likely to arise, in a highly efficient manner, effective communication, the firm is meeting its needs, to advise on the best price to charge, manufacturer’s own retail outlet, by direct mail-order, tools available to the marketer, advertising slogans.