Moving text using the cut and paste


1. Select an offer that you want to move

2. Press the Select

3. Place the cursor at the location where you want to insert the proposal

4. Click the Insert button.


Suppose that in the first paragraph the fourth sentence should be moved to the end of the paragraph.


First you need to select all movable proposal as shown in the figure. Then tape the top of the window on the Home tab in the Clipboard group, click Cut ( ). the same action can be performed using the keyboard shortcuts CTRL + X (Latin letter X resembles scissors when editing documents you will see so quick and easy to use this shortcut)


Move the cursor to the end of the paragraph where you want to insert the proposal (after formatting marks "point")


Finally, on the Home tab in the Clipboard group, click the Paste button ( ) or press CTRL + V. The proposal will be inserted after the cursor.