Complete the following table, using a dictionary if necessary

verb Noun adjective Derivation Phrase
Elect Election elective electorate Election day

Complete the sentences with appropriate words and phrases from the box.

Election day, to go to the polls, abstentions, turnout, to elect, casting ballots, voters, to abstain

1. It’s … … in Chad – people throughout the country have been casting their votes at the first contested election since independence from France in 1960.

2. On September 15th the voters of Hong Kong, … … in the British colony’s first truly democratic legislative election, delivered Chin a slap in the face.

3. This Sunday, Peruvians vote … their 23rd president.

4. It is the second time in a fortnight that the people of Hungary have been asked … … … … to and today the atmosphere is matter of fact, with none of the sense of occasion which prevailed two weeks ago when … were voting freely for the first time in 40 years.

5. ‘The sunshine has bought out the voters in droves, and we expect a very high …’ a Tory official said last night.

6. But many liberals and conservatives may … from voting because in recent months they have been hit by inflation and unemployment and the colorless platforms of the establishment parties have but limited appeal for them.

7. A growing proportion of Europeans are not bothering to vote. In Portugal … leapt from 22 per cent in the 1987 general election to 32 per cent in 1991.


3.5 Translate into English using active vocabulary:

1. Дауыс беруге құқығы бар әрбір азамат сайлау тізіміне тіркелуі тиіс.

2. Сайлауға қатысу міндетті емес. 3. Ай сайын өткізілетін қоғамдық пікірді білу сұрақтары партияларға өз мүмкіндіктерін айқындауға көмектеседі. 4. Сайлау күні сайлаушылар сайлау орындарына барады. 5. Кейбір азаматтар сайлаудан бас тартады және олар қалыс қалушылар деп аталады.

3.6 Last-minute polls. This column, by Bernard Levin, published in The Times looks at the question of whether polls should be banned in the last week before election. Complete the gaps with the words listed. (a is used four times, b and c each twice each, and the other words once each. Mind 3 extra words)

a. polls e. accuracy

b. polling f. inaccuracy

c. pollsters g. campaign

d. poll h. election



Poll late and poll often

Opinion ________________(1) have been with us, in their present form, since the 1930s; originally crude and liable to substantial error, they have been repeatedly refined (I’m speaking of the recognized ________________ (2) organizations) and now regularly demonstrate very remarkable ______________ (3). At first, some voters found them irritating, but that feeling has long disappeared, and it is clear that the electorate as a whole enjoy the political swings and roundabouts.

But one thing must be emphasized: there is no evidence that voters’ intentions are changed by the ______________ (4) results, though I must add that if they were it would be perfectly acceptable, for the voters are entitled to be swayed by anything they wish, even, for instance, the promises of the politicians.

France, for no discernibly logical reason, bans the publication, though not of course the talking, of ______________ (5).

Of course, the parties which are trailing in the _________________ (6) regularly denounce them as instruments of Satan, or at least instruments of shocking _________________ (7), but as soon as the ________________ (8) reveal that the party order has been reversed they hasten to proclaim that the ____________________ (9) are the finest fellows alive; neither attitude has any sense in it, for the reason I have given: there is no evidence that the _______________ (10) themselves do, or can, affect the outcome, though of course the voters may use the findings for their own electoral purposes.


Unit 5 International Unions

Lead-in: The map of the EU

Listen and speak:Organising the relaunch of a product

Focus on reading: European Union Background

Language Focus: The Style of Official Documents


The map of the European Union

Discuss the questions.

What do you know about EU? Studying the geographical information try to draw the map and reflect the areas and countries on it.