A In pairs, discuss the following questions. 1 Do you work in Advertising?

1 Do you work in Advertising? If so, describe your job. If not, what do you think are the good and bad points of working in the advertising industry?

2 What role do advertising agencies play in a successful advertising campaign?

3 Do you think smaller advertising agencies can compete with and be as successful as larger ones? Explain why/ why not.


B 0.5 Some colleagues from an advertising agency, Media Design Advertising, are meeting with representatives of a prospective client, The Daily Sushine newspaper. Listen to the meeting and complete the missing information in the notes below. Which two pieces of information are not mentioned?

Media Design Advertising Headquarters:______________   Date of meeting: 22 July, 2008 Place of meeting: _______________ Client: The Daily Sunshine   Attendants: Name Position Target market: _____________ Marianne Reed managing director Possible ad types: _____________ Raffaella Livigstone _____________ Budget: _____________ Cecily Valley _____________ Next meeting:_____________ Dave Terry _____________ John McEwans _____________ Frances Lohan _____________


C 0.5 Listen again and circle the words/phrases that you hear.

Selling your company Expressing opinions and making comments
1 We’re a very long-standing/well-established company with many years of valuable experience. 2 We’ve worked with lots of/many of the top names… 3 …we specialize in media/financial products. 4 …we’ve won numerous/many awards for our innovative approach to advertising. 5 …we’ve never had a dissatisfied client/customer. 6 I’d like to begin /start by showing you a few of the campaigns we’ve produced in the past couple of years… 7 … your work is of an extremely high quality/standard 8 … you definitely live up to your good/excellent reputation. 9 …. Those TV ads … are really striking/impressive. 10 … the graphics are incredibly good/effective.


D 0.6 The managing director and general account manager of Media Design Advertising are at the follow-up meeting with the brand manager of The Daily Sunshine. Listen to the conversation. Do you think Media Design Advertising will be able to produce the campaign in time? Explain why/why not.


E 0.6 Listen again and complete the following sentences.

Reassuring your clients

1. …we’ll make sure you won’t regret it.

2. …I think that we’ll __________ __________ __________ do it in the three to four months.

3. Realistically, I’__________ ___________ four months.

4. …we won’t take __________ than ________ .

5. …I’ll send an __________ tomorrow…

6. …we’ll provide you with work of an extremely __________ __________, and make sure you get an __________ campaign.

7. …you’ll have the opportunity to get your adverts trialled with test audiences __________ __________ __________ us.


Focus on reading

3.1 Read an extract from a radio programme and decide which two of these things are being discussed: a) advertising, b) politicians, c) supermarkets.


I=interviewer E=expert

I: Welcome to Modern World. On the programme today, we’re talking to Jo Carlson about the power of persuasion. All around us, there are images on television, jingles on the radio, adverts in magazines, sound bites on the news, offers in the shops. They’re all hard at work – trying to make us believe something or persuading us to buy something. Fear not, however, Jo Carlson is here to reveal their secrets and show us how to resist all this persuasion! Hello, Jo.

E: Hello.

I: First, persuading people is big business, isn’t it? I mean, supermarkets and politicians, advertisers and salespeople, they all take it very seriously, don’t they?

E: Yes. They spend a lot of money on working out the best psychological tricks to guarantee that even the most cautious among us are open to manipulation.

I: Let’s take supermarkets then. How do they make us buy things we don’t necessarily want? What are some of their tricks?

E: Well, firstly, they try to relax us by playing music and by pumping the smell of freshly-baked bread into the store. Studies have shown that the smell makes people buy more.

I: I know I’ve done that without even thinking about it…

E: Exactly … most of the time, we are completely unaware of what’s happening. It’s subconscious persuasion …

I: And what about ‘reward’ cards?

E: Ah yes! Well, from the supermarket’s point of view, reward cards are a huge success story. As customers, we think we’re being rewarded for shopping at that particular supermarket. What’s really happening, however, is that the store is basically not only tempting us to shop there again, but also getting vital information about what we’re buying.

I: More information to help them work out how to persuade us to buy even more things …

E: That’s right!

I: So, what about advertising industry? What secrets can you reveal about that? In what ways does it persuade us to buy particular products?

E: Well … there’s so much. And no matter how much we think we know about what the advertisers are doing … they still tend to win! We still fall for the advert and end up buying the product.

I: Yes …

E: Basically, there are two types of ads … those that appeal to the thinking part of our brain and those that appeal to the emotional part.

I: So, for what type of products would they advertise by appealing to the thinking part of our brain?

E: Well, they are mostly used for things which have little emotional appeal, for example, cleaning products. They give us information bout the product and try to influence us that way. However, adverts which go for our emotions are usually much more successful. In using emotion, adverts exploit psychoanalytical theories about the subconscious. I mean, they know that images can reach our emotions at a level that we are not aware of and so are much more powerful in persuading us to do things.

I: So, what kinds of emotions are used?

E: Well, adverts for different brands of clothes often want to make us feel that we belong, for example by showing us how to buy the right clothes to fit in with our friends. And adverts for insurance play on our need to feel safe. For example they might show a family happily spending their insurance money buying new things when their house has been burgled. Self-esteem is an important one too. Many ads for luxury products like expensive cars, work on making us feel good about ourselves and the lifestyles that we could have.

I: Celebrities are used a lot too, aren’t they?

E: Yes, that’s very popular. Celebrities are often used as a quick way of getting the message across. Their success and familiarity makes them feel safe, interesting, cool, … whatever … We see our favourite pop star drinking a particular fizzy drink and we’re immediately persuaded to buy it!

Complete the notes.

Persuasion 1. Where persuasion takes place: television … 2. Large amounts of money spent on: ….. . Supermarkets 3. Two ways to relax customers: ….. . 4. Why reward cards are good for supermarkets: ….. . Advertising 5. Two types of advert: …. . 6. Adverts for cleaning products: …. . 7. Most powerful adverts: …. . 8. Adverts for luxury cars: …. . 9. Adverts which use famous people: …. .

3.3 Discuss the questions:

1. How much do you think you are influenced by advertising?

2. Can you describe an advert that you particularly like or that has stuck in your mind? Why do you like it or why do you think you’ve remembered it?

Language Focus

Коммерциялық жарнама (Commercial Advertising)

Коммерциялық жарнама жарнаманың ең үлкен және көрнекі түрі. Ол әр түрлі стилистикалық түрлерімен ерекшеленеді. Әдебиет сияқты ол өз қызметінде тілдің алуан түрлерін қолдана алады, адамзаттың (адамзат қана емес) кез-келген жағдайы жарнамадан табылады.

Лексикалық жағынан олмәнерлі (жаңа, көрнекті),нақты (жұмсақ, қолайлы), позитивті (сенімді, ерекше) және универсалды (ең жақсы,мүлтіксіз) сөздерді қолдануды көздейді.

Грамматикалық жағынан ол ауызша типтік және эллиптикалық және кейде анық емес(A better deal than what) болады. Ол ауыспалы мағынадағы сөзді (taste the sunshine in peaches), графологияны (Beanz Meanz Heinz) және ритм, аллитерация (бірдей дыбыстардың қайталануы) сияқты күшті дыбыстық әсер етуді көбінесе ұрандарда (slogans) қолданады.

Жарнама тілінде ең маңызды орынды ұрандар немесе үндеулер (slogans) алады. Ұрандардың мақсаты адамдарды бір нәрсені сатып алуға немесе соларға еліктеуге жетелейтін көз жеткізуші, есте сақталатын, түсінікті сөздерді жасау. Өзінің лингвистикалық құрылымы жағынан ұрандар мақалдар тәрізді. Сөйлемдер барынша қысқа және ритмдері күшті: Drinka pinta milka day; Guinness is good for you; Safety First. Егер олар ұзақ болса, көбіне тепе-тең құрылымдар болады: Make love, not war; When you need aspirin, drink Disprin. Олар шеберлікпен қолданылған ауыспалы сөздерді пайдалануы мүмкін: Terylene keeps its promises; Switch on the sunshine (Kelloggs cereal). Аллитерация және ритм жиі қолданылады: You’ll wonder where the yellow went / When you brush your teeth with Pepsodent; Electrolux brings luxury to life. Сонымен бірге мимикалық ауызша стиль қолданылады: It’s finger-licking good (Kentucky Fried Chicken); I bet (s)he drinks Carling Black Label.

Мазмұны мен орнының әр түрлі болғанына қарамастан жарнамалар бірыңғай түрде болады. Көбінесе кездесетін түрлері суреттерді, түстерді және ерекшеліктерді (ең бірінші бет, шарықтау шегі) стилистикалық қолдану. Алайда оның көлемі қолданылатын эллипс пен аббревиатура санына әсер етеді Мысалы бір жолға үш жолды біріктіретін механикаға арналған жарнама: Ford / Merc exp a must. Excel sal / bnfts. (Ford / Mercury experience is a must. Excellent salary and benefits).

Әсерлі ұрандар:

· сатып алушыға тауардың немесе брэндтің негізгі пайдасын көрсетеді;

· ол заңды көлемде сол өнім мен басқа фирмалардың өнімдерінің айырмашылықтарын көрсетеді;

· қарапайым, тура, қысқа, түсінікті сөйлемдер береді;

· көбінесе тапқыр, ұтымды сөзді қолданады;

· өзінің ерекше «жеке тұлғасын» таңдайды;

· тұтынушының өзін «жақсы» сезінуіне жағдай жасайды;

· тұтынушының өз қалауын немесе қажеттілігн сезінуге көмектеседі;

· ұмыту қиын – жадында сақталып қалады (оның ұнатқаны не ұнатпағанына қарамастан) әсіресе шылдырлау, өлеңдер, суреттер немесе фильм сияқты есте сақтау құралдарымен қатар жүреді.