Ex.2. Translate into English

1. Шкода, що ви не знаєте цієї інформації.

2. Шкода, що ви не подумали про витрати фірми.

3. Шкода, що ми не застрахували наш товар.

4. Шкода, що ви не мали часу тоді.

5. Шкода, що ти не підтримав його.

6. Шкода, що ви не вивчили річний звіт ретельно.

7. Шкода, що фінансовий звіт нашої компанії ще не перевірено.

8. Шкода, що ваші витрати перевищують ваші прибутки.

9. Шкода, що наш бухгалтер звільнився.

10. Шкода, що ви не попередили його заздалегідь. Він би вирішив вашу проблему.

11. Шкода, що ці фактори впливають на фінансовий стан нашої компанії.

12. Шкода, що ми ще не в змозі повністю задовольняти потреби наших клієнтів.

13. Шкода, що попит на цей товар перевищує пропозицію.

14. Шкода, що ви витратили так багато грошей на рекламу цієї послуги.



Speech and Discussion


Ex.1. Discuss with your groupmates the importance of the financial statements:

s what information you could learn from studying a firm’s balance sheet;

s what information an income statement gives you;

s what cash flow statement shows.


Ex.2. The Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet are two important documents used in preparing financial statements. Which of the following is a definition of a Profit and Loss Account? Which defines a Balance Sheet?

s Statement showing income and expenses resulting from trading over a period of time

s Statement of financial position at a specific point in time


Ex.3. You are to report on the financial performance of the company. What information will you use? Why?


Ex.4. Familiarize yourself with the following idioms. Consult your dictionary and translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Think of situations where you could use them.

1. The president assembled a blue ribbon panel of experts to study the problem.

2. The businessmen were given the red-carpet treatment by the small town. The small town wanted to impress them in the hopes that they would decide it was a good place to build a factory.

3. You can stop hinting that you don’t want my company. I got the message. I won’t bother you again.

4. Jan invested all her money in the playwright’s new play. She was taking a real chance. She was going for broke. If it were a success, she would be rich. If it were a flop, she would be penniless.

5. The fast food restaurant’s new chicken sandwich went over with a bang. Everyone was asking for it.

Ex.5. Comment on the following:

“One can accumulate enough wealth to buy a golden bed, but one cannot buy sound sleep with money.”

(Danial Arap Moi)


Lesson 6

Text: Bankruptcy

Grammar: Modal Verbs (Ability. Permission)


Terms to remember:


bankruptcy банкрутство
be in a state of insolvency/ be insolvent бути неплатоспроможним
creditor кредитор
bankrupt банкрут
go bankrupt/ go bust (v) збанкрутуватися
rescue (v) рятувати
go into liquidation/into receivership (v) збанкрутуватися
receiver / administrator/ liquidator ліквідатор; офіційна особа, яка призначена судом для ліквідації компанії-банкрута
pay off the debts (v) розрахуватися з боргами
failing company проблемна компанія; компанія, що зазнає ускладнень; компанія на межі банкрутства
voluntary liquidation добровільна ліквідація
on the verge of (bankruptcy) на межі (банкрутства)




While some companies perform well and expand, others are less successful and may have to go out of business.

When a person or business is unable to pay its debts they are considered to be in a state of insolvency or to be insolvent.

If the creditors, the people who are owed money take the matter to the court, the person or company is declared bankrupt. A company is then said to go bankrupt or to go bust.

Receivers are specialised accountants who are appointed by the court to find someone to rescue the company. If a company cannot be rescued, it goes into liquidation (into receivership).

The receivers, administrators or liquidators are specialists who are appointed to sell the company's assets and pay off the debts to creditors.

Another option is for the failing company to go into voluntary liquidation and appoint its own liquidator. When a company is on the verge of bankruptcy it should stop trading.



Exercises in Word Study


Ex.1. Form nouns from the following adjectives:

unable, successful, insolvent, failing, voluntary, administrative, optional, bankrupt.


Ex.2. Give the English for:

бути неплатоспроможним; кредитори; оголосити компанію банкрутом; збанкрутуватися (3); призначати ліквідаторів; рятувати компанію; розрахуватися з боргами; добровільна ліквідація компанії; на межі банкрутства; проблемна компанія.