I. Прочитайте и переведите текст с помощью глоссария. II. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста

II. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста.

1. What is the main task of the nurse?

2. What does the nurse make when the patient comes to the hospital?

3. What does the soonest recovering of the patient depend on?

4. What must the nurse know after the doctor prescribes medicines and procedures?

5. What does the medical manipulation include?

III. Переведите следующие предложения, на русский язык, используя словарь.

1.The main task of the nurse is to establish the good contact with the patient the nurse must be polite, tactful, good qualified.

2. When the patient comes to the hospital the nurse makes fulfillment of doctor’s prescriptions.

3. The nurse must know the types of diets during the treatment of different illness.

4. The medical manipulation includes measuring of circumference of the thorax.

5. The medical manipulation includes stomach wash out and injections.

IV. Напишите основные правила сбора информации о пациенте во время разговора с ним.

V. Составьте план по содержанию текста.


Текстовый глоссарий:

lighter compared to – легче по сравнению с scissors - ножницы gauze - марля the Civil War era – Гражданская война emergency room – ком-ната для неотложной помощи neonatal - новорожден-ные vital signs -жизненно важные признаки OB/GYN nurse =the obstetric nurse – акушер-ка Pain medication - обезбаливающее sedate the patient – успока-ивать пациента emergency situations – чрез-вычайные ситуаци day-to-day tasks – пов-седневные обязанности to be in dire need – нахо-диться в тяжелом сос-тоянии routine nursing duties –повседневные обязан-ности медсестры tools - инструменты


Nurses use many different types of tools for their jobs. A nurse's tools will depend on his duties, which are usually lighter compared to those of the doctor.

Some tools have changed as technology has advanced, while other tools such as scissors and gauze have stayed much the same as they were during the Civil War era. Other tools such as thermometers serve the same purpose, but thermometers during the Civil War era were much different than thermometers used by medical professionals today.

To perform their duties in a professional and accurate manner, nurses must use certain types of equipment. With advanced technology, this equipment makes the daily tasks of a nurse easier. These tools range from large to small enough to be carried around in a nurse's pocket. Each of these pieces of equipment has its own function in nursing.


Nurses have been around for as long as anyone can remember. They have cared for soldiers wounded in the Civil War, helped sick children in the emergency room, nursed surgery patients back to health, helped deliver babies and performed numerous other medically related activities throughout the years.

Through technology, nurses' jobs have become much easier over the years. Back in the Civil War days, nurses did not have anesthesia available for their patients, so they used whiskey to try and sedate the patient before the doctor had to perform an amputation. Today, tasks such as amputation are much easier through the use of anesthesia and pain medication.


Today, there are many different types of nurses in the

medical field. Some nurses help with neonatal duties, meaning they help care for sick infants. Some nurses are surgical nurses, meaning they help doctors during surgery. Some nurses work in the emergency room, which means they take vital signs and help prepare basic paperwork on the patient before the doctor arrives to examine the patient. Others are OB/GYN nurses.

These types of nurses help gynecologists during their visits with patients. These nurses will help prepare the room for the patient and help the doctor during the examination. The obstetric nurse helps the doctor during the actual delivery of the baby by handing him any necessary tools in the delivery room. There are also trauma nurses who deal with emergency situations in which the patient is in dire need of medical care. Hospice nurses help in nursing homes, helping the elderly with day-to-day tasks, such as feeding and bathing, in addition to taking their vital signs and performing other routine nursing duties. These are just some examples of

how many different types of nurses exist.


I. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста.

1. What will a nurse's tools depend on?

2. Are tools have stayed much the same as they were during the Civil War era? If no, what tools have changed?

3. Why have nurses' jobs become much easier over the years?

4. Why did the nurse sedate the patient before the doctor had to perform an amputation?

5. Can you count some types of nurses in the medical field and their duties?