Rewrite the sentences, using possessive case . Translate the sentences into Russian

This car belongs to Sam. (Эта машина принадлежит Сэму.)

This is Sam’s car. (Это машина Сэма.)

1. This notebook belongs to Jane. _______________________

2. These suitcases belong to our guests. ___________________

3. This bedroom belongs to my son. ______________________

4. These keys belong to Mark. ___________________________

5. This painting belongs to Picasso. _______________________

6. These poems belong to Pushkin. _______________________

7. This helicopter belongs to our boss. _____________________

8. These dictionaries belong to the students.__________________


2.Write, what is ’s in each sentence: possessive case or the short form of the verb is .


Ann is David’s wife.(Аня–жена Дэвида.) – ’s обозначает притяжательный падеж.

Ann’s a wonderful wife.(Аня–прекрасная жена)- ’s является сокращением глагола is (Ann is a wonderful wife.)”

1. Mary’s day was very hard.

2. Peter’s a dentist.

3. My son’s girlfriend speaks four languages.

4. She’s a talented tennis-player.

5. It’s cold today.

6. Kate’s uncle has lost his passport.

answer : 2.

1. притяжательный падеж (День Мэри был очень трудным.)

2. сокращенное is (Петр является дантистом.)

3. притяжательный падеж (Подруга моего сына говорит на 4 языках.)

4. сокращенное is (Она является талантливой теннисисткой.)

5. сокращенное is (Сегодня холодно.)

6. притяжательный падеж (Катин дядя потерял паспорт.)

Task 8

Выполните проверочный тест:

Test 1

I. Choose the correct variant

1.Our two … are crying all the time.
a) babies b) babys c) babyes

2.No news … good news

a) is b) are

Usually fly not very high.

a) flyes b) flys c) flies

4.These potatoes weigh five … .

a)kilos b)kilos

5.I don’t like going by car. If I have a chance, I always go on … .

a) foot b)feet c) foots

6. What do you need these … for?

a) boxes b)boxes

7. My new Swiss watch … 3 minutes slow.

a) i s b) are

8.Those were the happiest days of our …

a)lifes b)lives c)lifees

9.Leaves usually … trees in autumn.

a)leaf b)leave c)leafs d)leaves

10.Rock music of the 1970s is an extremely interesting cultural … .

a)phenomen b) phenomena c) phenomenon


Answers: (за каждый верный ответ вы получаете один балл):

1a, 2a, 3c, 4b, 5a, 6b, 7a, 8b, 9b, 10c


II. Choose the right variant.

The book of my father. My ________ book.

a)father’s b)fathers c) fathers’

2. The trousers of my son. My _______ trousers.
a)son’s b)son c) sons

The toys of her children. Her ________ toys.

a)children’ b)childrens’ c)children’s

4.They were friends of my aunt. They were my _______ friends.
a) aunt’ b)aunts c)aunt’s

5.This is the dog of Bill. This is _______ dog.
a)Bills’ b)Bills c) Bill’s

6.The bench of her sisters. Her _______ bench.

a)sisters’s b) sisters c) sister’s

The mobile telephone of my mother. My _______ mobile telephone.

a)mother’s b)mothers c)mothers’

The hen of my neighbours. My _______ hen.

a) neighbours’ b) neighbour’s c) neighbours

The pills of our grandmother. Our ______ pills.

a)grandmothers b)grandmothers’ c)grandmother’s

10. The map of the pilot. The ______ map.

a) pilots b) pilot’s c) pilots’


Answers:1a, 2a, 3c, 4c, 5c, 6b, 7a, 8a, 9c, 10b,


Unit 2

Topic : My Working Day

Grammar : Adjective ,Comparative and Superlative degrees.

Task 1: Glossary

Learn the words on the topic: My Working Day

In the morning
get up вставать brush my teeth чистить зубы
wake up просыпаться wash my face мыть лицо
make the bed заправлять кровать comb my hair расчесывать волосы
do morning exercises- делать зарядку apply make-up наносить макияж
run in the park in the morning бегать по утрам в парке get dressed put on clothes одеваться  
work out in the gym three times a week -заниматься спортом в спорт зале три раза в неделю put on a pair of jeans and a sweater одевать джинсы и свитер  
take a shower. - принимать душ put on my coat одевать пальто  
take a bath принимать ванну. leave at 8:30- выходить из дому в 8:30
make breakfast/ cook breakfast готовить завтрак wash the dishes мыть посуду.
have breakfast завтракать eat two boiled eggs and a ham sandwich for breakfast есть 2вареных яйца и сэндвич с ветчиной на завтрак
have tea/drink tea пить чай a cup of tea for breakfast чашка чая на завтрак
have coffee/drink coffee пить кофе a glass of milk стакан молокa
coffee with milk and sugar кофе с молоком и сахаром a glass of orange juice стакан с апельсин. соком
coffee with cream кофе со сливками. a cup of tea with lemon чай с лимоном
my workplace мое рабочее место work in a bank работать в банке
my office мой офис work at a factory работать на фабрике
the company that I work for компания где я работаю work at a hospital работать в больнице
work in an office работать в офисе work at a small computer company Работать в маленькой компьютерной компании
work for a newspaper работать на газету design clothes дизайнерская одежда
have a small business of my own Иметь свой маленький бизнес repair computers починка компьютеров
work as a secretary/ engineer/ nurse Работать секретарем /инженером/медсестрой go to work идти на работу
be a clerk/ manager/ salesman Быть клерком, менеджером,моряком drive to work ездить на работу
sell cars продавать машины go by bus/ train/car ездить автобусом/ машиной
take the subway to work Ездить на метро на работу I have to work on Saturdays должен работать по субботам
not very far from home; Не далеко от дома Sunday is my day off; воскресенье мой выходной
quite far from home далеко от дома work part time работать не полный день
it's a ten-minute drive from home/ walk from where I live; 10 мин езды от дома/хотьбы work full time работать полный день


go to school/ college/ the university ходить в школу/ колледж /университет be in the tenth form/ grade/ be in class Учиться в 10 классе
kindergarten, nursery school детский сад be present /absent; Присутствовать/отсутствовать
elementary school начальная школа be a student of law Быть студентом юридического факультета
secondary school средняя школа be a student of economics Быть студентом экономики
public school/ private school государственная/частная школа be a medical student Быть студентом медицинского факультета
Pupil/ student /teacher ученик/студент/учитель study law/accounting; / business/ medicine Изучать закон,бух учет,бизнес,медицину
do homework/ do an exercise. выполнять домашнюю работу/упражнение study English with a private teacher/ at a language school Изучать английский с частным учителем/в языковой школе
attend school/classes/ lectures/ seminars Посещать школу/ уроки/лекции graduate from school/ drop out of school/ quit school Окончить школу

Task 2

Exercise: Cleaning the flat
Choose the right variant
1. Pass me the ________. I want to scrub the counter.
a) brush b) mop c) broom
2. Pass me the ________. I want to sweep the floor.
a) brush b) broom c) mop

3. Fill this ________ with water.
a) bucket b) brush c) counter
4. The shelves are very ________.
a) dusted b) dusting c) dusty
5. I already ________ my bed.
a)did b) arranged c) made
6. The chemicals in this cleaning product can be ________ ( = dangerous) to your health

a) hazardous b) haphazard c) horrendous
7. This is the best product to ________ stains.
a) take b) remove c) kill
8. Make sure you ________ the hallway as well.
a) vacuum cleaner b)vacuum c) vacuum clean

9. We only use pet-________ cleaning products.
a) happy b)beneficial c) friendly
10. We have a washing machine, but no ________ .
a) drying machine b) dryer c) drying device

Task 3 . Lexical exercises
Choose the right variant

Начало формы

1. My father asked me to_________ (make/do) my bed Конец формы


2. My brother asked me to________ (wet/water) the plants


3. My grandmother asked me to_______(cleanse/clean) the litter box


4. My roommate asked me to do the_____(clothes/laundry)

5. My wife asked me to ___________(mow/cut) the lawn

6. My boyfriend asked me to_________( vacuum/vacate) the living room.

7. My mother asked me to____________(scrub/scrape) the toilet.

8. My parents asked me to ___________(tidy/tighten) up my room.

9. My grandfather asked me to________(take/make) out the trash

10.My mother asked me to do __________( dishes/plates).

Task 4

Choose the right variant

1.Pass me the ________. I need to wipe the counter.
a)rag b) brush c) broom
2. Pass me the ________. I need to dilute the cleaning product.

a)cleaning product b) water c) cleaning solution

3. Make sure to wear ________ so that the solution doesn't get on your hands.

a) goggles b) socks c) gloves
4. This product does not contain any ______ chemicals. It is environmentally friendly.

a) harmful b) harmless c) harmless
5. You'll need to wipe this with a ________ ( = slightly wet) cloth.

a) dry b) soaking c) damp
6. This is broken and has to be ________ ( = changed).

a) recovered b) replaced c) reviewed
7. This room is ________ ( = very dirty).

a) filthy b) fairly clean c) spotless
8. I only use non-________ laundry detergents.

a) smelly b) scented c) smelling
9. A ________ is used to remove dust around the house.

a) dust-bin b) duste c) r dusty
10. Make sure you take out the ________ ( = garbage) after you're finished.
a) thrush b) thrash c) tras


Task 5:

Read the text and answer the questions:


My Working Day

I usually start my day with getting up and doing all things that everybody does in the morning: washing, having breakfast, etc. Also, I got used to gather my learning tools: pencils, exercise-books, text-books in the morning. Then I usually go to the university. Fortunately, father takes a car every morning and he often picks me up and drives me to the doors of our university building.

And soon the lectures and lessons begin... We have from 2 to 4 lectures every time, depending on day. I like studying in the university more than in the school because in university it is mostly allowed to miss some lectures (of course, later you should take a summary from your mate and copy it). So, a student is much more free, than pupil is.

After the lessons I usually return home where I have dinner and start thinking about my ways of spending the rest of the day. Very often I go to my friend's places. During the early autumn and summer I often go to the sports ground or on the beach. I also like visiting different sports events, for example, soccer matches of "Luch" in Russian championship. So, the world is full of enjoyable things to do.

On returning home I usually start doing my homework (perhaps, it is the most dull part of the day). Having finished it, I open a book and read it or watch TV. At last, I go to the bed.

Of course, I would like to tell you more about myself and my working day, but, unfortunately, my time is rather limited and I have got a lot of homework to do. Generally, now you know about my working day enough.


1.What do you usually do in the morning?

2.How do you get to the Institute?

3.How many lectures do you have every day?

4.Where do you have dinner?

5.Do you like sports?

6.How much time do you spend on your homework?


Task 6

Learn Reference Grammar:

Topic: Имя прилагательное (ADJECTIVE)

Имя прилагательное - часть речи, которая обозначает признак предмета, т. е. его качество или свойство, и отвечает на вопрос какой? Имена прилагательные в английском языке не изменяются ни по родам, ни по числам, ни по падежам.
Прилагательные бывают:
1. Простые - не выделяются префикс, корень и суффикс:
good хороший long длинный
2. Производные - выделяются префикс, корень и суффикс;
с суффиксами:
-ful beautiful прекрасный
-less useless бесполезный
-able comfortable удобный
-ous famous знаменитый
-у lucky удачливый, счастливый
-ly lovely прелестный, славный
-ish redish красноватый
-en golden золотистый
с префиксами:
un- untrue ложный, неправильный
in- insincere неискренний
im- impossible невозможный
ir- irrelevant неуместный

3. Составные - обычно образуются из двух слов, из которых второе является обязательно прилагательным и часто несет на себе основное ударение, а первое слово может быть существительным, наречием или прилагательным.
snow-white белоснежный dark-blue синий