Займенники many, much, few, little

Many books (friends) Much work (time)
Few Little
A lot of = many, much

17 Translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the countable and uncountable nouns:

1 They translate very many articles into English. 2 This library has few English books. 3 The teacher gave us much homework. 4 We have little work to do. 5 Have you many or few friends? 6 How much time did you spend on this translation? 7 He spends too little time on this kind of work. 8 The teacher asked us very few questions. 9 He usually has a lot of free time. 10 We saw a lot of people there. 11 We work much every day. 12 He reads much (a lot) but his sister reads very little. 13 Do you read much? 14 He reads a lot of books and newspapers. 15 He has a few friends. 16 I've got a little time.

18 Open brackets, put in the necessary word:

1 (Many, much) students were present at this lecture. 2 Do you read (many, much)? 3 He reads very (little, few). 4 There are (little, few) English books in this library. 5 They asked this professor (many, much) questions. 6 She spends (many, much) time on this kind of work. 7 He had so (little, few) time for his rest. 8 She had (little, few) samples to work with.

19 Complete the sentences using the most suitable word:

many, much, a lot of, few, a few, little, a little

1 There are ... sportsmen in our Institute. 2 They spend ... time at the stadium every day. 3 ... students of our group speak good English. 4 I don't have ... free time. I am very busy. 5 There are ... English books in our library. 6 My brother works ... all day long. 7 Do you speak English? Yes, I do ... 8 I can't go there. I have ... time. 9 Do you have ... water? 10 … blood is sufficient to carry out the clinical analysis. 11 If … leucocytes and rapid sedimentation rate are revealed the physician may suggest the presence of infection.

20 Translate the following:

1 У нас багато друзів. 2 У них мало англійських підручників. 3Вони виконали багато роботи. 4 Я читаю багато англійських книжок. 5 Мій брат читає мало. 6 У неї багато роботи. 7 Сьогодні на лекції мало студентів. 8 У них мало вільного часу.


21 Put in little/a little/few/a few:

1 When did you see Nick? – … days ago. 2 He is unknown to me. I know … about him. 3 Wait a bit, I need … minutes to get ready. 4 They are going away for … days. 5 Please give me … water. I’m thirsty. 6 They are not rich. They’ve got … money. 7 Let’s go for a walk. I need … fresh air. 8 Not … people understand his ideas. 9 Do you drink much coffee? – No, just ... . 10 I don’t know what to do. Could you give … help? 11 We waited … minutes and then left. 12 She speaks Arabic … . 13 I want … words with you, please.

22 Give an adequate translation:

1 Warning labels that mention only a few diseases don't give smokers the full message. 2 Another important message that cigarette warning labels don't give you is that many of the adverse health ef­fects of cigarette smoking are irreversible - that is, they do not disappear completely after smoking cessation. 3 Ex-smokers continue to face increased risks of many smoking-related diseases and health problems, includ­ing lung disease, osteoporosis, muscular degeneration, cataracts, and musculoskeletal pain. 4 The passive smokers' health is much more affected by tobacco smoke if there are no conditions for airing. 5 Children of smokers are much more likely to smoke than children of nonsmokers. 6 Growing evidence suggests that there is plenty that men can do to help reduce their chances of getting prostate cancer. 7 Educational programs, hypnosis, and aversion therapy (learning how to avoid cigarettes) are a few options of behavioral modification. 8 When quitting, it can be helpful to realize that the first few days are the hardest, and it's normal to have a few relapses before you manage to quit for good. 9 We hear a lot about hazards associated with working with computers. 10 We have little work to do.


Вживання займенника it

Займенник it вживається:

а) як підмет у безособових реченнях:

It is raining. Іде дощ.

б) у значенні вказівного займенника:

It must be a visitor. Це, напевно, відвідувач.

в) як слово, що вводить речення:

It was difficult to speak to her about this. Важко було говорити з нею про це.


23 Translate the following sentences. Define the function of «it»:

1 It is well known that the great majority of bacteria are harmless and even beneficial for the organism. 2 It is impossible to maintain normal health and metabolism without vitamins. 3 It is the parents' duty to take counter measures against germs, since children, by playing in dirty, places, so often become infected by germs of disease. 4 It is no use to administer this medicine to the patient. 5 It is very import­ant that the patients be advised as to their manner of living. 6 It is stuffy in the ward.


24 Translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the construction «it is (was)...that (who)»:

1 It was that patient who had undergone blood transfusion. 2 It was in summer that the patient's condition became much better. 3 It was the great Ukrainian ophthalmologist V. P. Filatov who developed a method of grafting cornea. 4 It was he who had been operated on twice. 5 It is in the alveoli that the respiratory metabolism takes place. 6 It is hemoglobin that carries oxygen to different tissues of the human body. 7 It was not until 1628 that blood circulation was described by William Harvey. 8 It was not until 1911 that a first really successful theory of atomic structure was developed by Rutherford. 9 It is on the large surface of the alveoli that oxygen passes from the air into the blood vessels. 10 It is per minute that the human being breathes in 300-330 ml of oxygen and breathes out 225-250 ml of carbon dioxide. 11 It was not until Roentgen discovered X-rays that scientists were able to examine many inner organs.

25 Use the construction “it is (was) … that” to emphasize the italicized members of the sentences:

1 The motor cortex controls many movements of a human being. 2 During the systole both ventricles of the heart contract. 3 The vital capacity of the lungs may become 6 litres on deep respiration. 4 In 1538 Andreas Vesalius published his six-volume work “Tabulae Anatomicae”.


Вживання займенника one

Неозначений займенник one не стосується кон­кретної особи, він вживається щодо людей узагалі. Коли говорять One must go in for sports, це означає, що спортом рекомендується займатися всім, кожному.

Також займенник one вживається замість раніше вжи­тих у реченні злічуваних іменників, щоб уникнути їх повторення.


26 Translate the sentences, paying attention to one, ones:

1 My coat is old. I want to buy a new one. 2 This hospital is more comfortable than that one. 3 There are many difficult articles in this magazine. I can translate only some ones. 4 This book is more interesting than that one. 5 One can see many patients in this hospital. Some new ones were admitted yesterday. 6 One can find some dictionaries in this bookcase. 7 This is a black pencil and that is a red one. 8 These apples are sweeter than the ones I bought yesterday. 9 One never knows what his answer may be. 10 The more one studies, the more knows. 11 This is not a very good example, I want another one. 12 One should be careful when crossing the road. 13 One thing is clear to everybody: we must go in for sports.

27 Translate the sentences:

1 One of the lungs has three lobes, the other one only two. 2 The brain of the man is heavier than that of any lower animal. 3 That portion of the alimentary tract that forms the large intestine consists of caecum, colon and rectum. 4 The valve that divides the atrium and the ventricle of the right chamber is called the tricuspid. 5 I don’t like this book, give me another one. 6 The bones of the extremities are longer than those of the spine. 7 The bones of the skull are the ones which compose the head and the face. 8 This lecture is more interesting than that which I attended last week.