Функції герундіального звороту у реченні

Підмет John’s doing it at once is very important Дуже важливо, щоб Джон це зробив одразу ж
Означення The process of our learning English could continue for ten months Процес нашого вивчення англійської мови міг тривати десять місяців
Додаток Forgive my doing it. He insists on our returning soon Вибачте, що я це зробив. Він наполягає на нашому швидкому поверненні
Обставина By our increasing time for work we achieve better results Збільшуючи робочий час, ми досягаємо кращих результатів


15 Translate the sentences with gerundial constructions:

1 A good speaker, besides choosing appropriate terms from a wide vocabulary, and besides being able to utter his thoughts with fluency, uses correct sounds and employs proper intonation. 2 According to the ancient story, Tantalus was punished for a crime by being made to suffer from thirst and hunger, while water and fruit were seemingly within his reach. 3 Arnold Bennet is interested not in philosophy, but in giving a realistic account of the lives of ordinary people. 4 The question of the transition period is not principally a question of the adoption of a new material – bone instead of stone, but of the population going over to a new trade. 5 There are many new terms, some of which are in everybody's mouth, and are used by the man in the street without any suspicion crossing his mind of their learned origin. 6 This fact is due not so much to the mammoth and rhinoceros becoming gradually scarcer as to the change in the method of hunting. 7 Without language there is no understanding among people, and without understanding there is no chance of their being able to work together. 8 Conditions of the time (end of the 18th century) led to the need for quicker communication between the towns, and this naturally led also to the literature being spread more quickly than would have been possible before.


Герундій історично походить від дієслівного іменника (the verbal noun), який існує в сучасній англійській мові. Віддієслівний іменник збігається за формою з герундієм і також, як і герундій, часто виражає процес, але він є повноцінним іменником з усіма його властивостями, перекладається українською мовою іменником і відрізняється від герундія так:

Віддієслівний іменник Герундій
1 Має перед собою артикль The reading of scientific books is useful. Читання наукових книг корисне 1 Артикля мати не може Reading scientific books is useful. Читати наукові книги корисно (читання наукових книг корисне)
2 Використовуються у множині   The readings of this device are quite correct. Показники цього приладу цілком правильні 2 Не має форми числа й не використовується у множині His reading scientific magazines without a dictionary helps him in his work. Те, що він читає наукові журнали без словника, допомагає йому в його науково-дослідницькій роботі
3 За ним може вживатися визначення, що вводиться прийменником of: The reading of scientific books is useful Визначення з прийменником of не може йти за герундієм

16 Read and translate sentences with -ing forms:

1 The most important and essential objectives of practical medicine are the prevention and treatment of disease, and the alleviation of the patient’s suffering. 2 Health and disease are opposite yet interdependent forms of the organism’s functioning in the physical and social environment. 3 The selection and arrangement of the textbook is made with an eye toward advancing the field, and not just educating the student. 4 A patient who is anxious because of misinformation or misunderstanding may experience unnecessary pain. 5 A physician who conveys the image of being uncaring may have difficulty in attracting and keeping patients. 6 The educational video for school “The Truth About Tobacco” is aimed to help prevent other students from starting to smoke. 7 This best-selling video helps persuade youth to stay tobacco free. 8 In the video, a speaker counsels, “Life is bringing all of us difficult moments and obstacles – and when these moments come, don’t escape by using tobacco, or alcohol, or drugs”. 9 The video “The Truth About Tobacco” use satirical posters to make fun of tobacco ads, and then opens students’ eyes to how tobacco advertising manipulates many teens. 10 Cigarette ads still show smokers as attractive, sophisticated, or cool; their habit glamorous, powerful, or exciting. 11 The good news is that these ads aren’t as visible and are less effective today than they used to be. Teens are more aware of how manipulate advertising can be. 12 People should ask themselves whether this or that thing is worth risking. 13 It has been shown that a significant reduction in the number of children taking up smoking is critically dependent on their parents reducing smokin. 14 Studies have estimated that heart diseases caused by passive smoking is the third leading preventable cause of death, ranking behind active smoking and alcohol abuse, and that non-smokers living with smokers have an increased risk of heart disease of around 30%. 15 Passive smoking has significant effects on the respiratory health of non-smoking adults, including increased coughing, phlegm production, chest discomfort, and reduced lung functioning.

17 Translate the verbs, given in brackets, and make -ing forms. Translate these sentences:

1 New research has shown that even half an hour’s exposure to environmental tobacco smoke by non-smokers is enough to adversely affect cells (накривати) the coronary arteries. 2 The dysfunction of these endothelial cells contributes toward the (звужувати) of arteries and a reduction in blood flow. 3 A review of published studies of the risk of heart disease found that non-smokers have an overall 23 per cent increased risk of heart disease when (жити) with smokers. 4 Passive smoking has significant effects on the respiratory health of non-smokers, including increased (кашляти), phlegm (виробляти), chest (боліти), and reduced lung (функціонувати). 5 In its report, “Smoking and the Young”, the Royal College of Physicians estimated that 17,000 children under the age of five are admitted to hospitals every year in the UK as a result of illness (виникати в результаті) from passive smoking. 6 Maternal smoking is usually the largest source of ETS because of the cumulative (впливати) of exposure during pregnancy and close (знаходитися) to the mother during early life. 7 The WHO consultation document notes that ETS exposure among non-smoking pregnant women can cause (зменшувати) in birth weight and that infant exposure to ETS may contribute to the (загрожувати) of SIDS.


18 Read the text. Point out sentences with -ing forms: