Electromechanical industry economics and management

The primary objective of this course is to provide electromechanical industry with qualified managers well prepared to improve operations of the industry in general and activities of enterprises and other organizations in particular. They will be able to appraise modern management ideas, concepts and techniques, to solve industrial problems and will be competent in marketing, accounting, financial analysis, and industrial management. The content of the course covers general sciences, engineering disciplines and humanities with focus on specialized areas including industrial electrical equipment and technologies; economics and market economy; management; marketing; decision-making theories; computer science; information systems; international business; joint venture formation; industrial and business legislation.


Electrochemical production technology

The Faculty has pioneered training specialists in this field in Western Siberia. Electrochemistry is a science and technology that opens new prospects for engineers and technologists. It embraces production of noble, rare-earth, non-ferrous and other metals; electrodeposition of these metals and their alloys on various parts and structures; corrosion protection; chemical sources of electric energy; hydrogen power engineering; life-support systems for space and underwater equipment; environmental engineering; pharmaceuticals production; organic and inorganic substances synthesis, etc. Students are encouraged to pursue research projects and may have internships in the Electrochemical Laboratory of the Siberian Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


Environmental engineering

Students get knowledge of latest industrial technologies and their impact on nature and people. They will be able to evaluate the state and quality of the environment, control and monitor the effect of people’s activity on air, soil and water and organize nature management and protection practices, predict ecological damage and environmental disasters as well as develop environmentally friendly and waste-free industrial technologies. General knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry and engineering sciences is complemented by the study of the legislation on environmental protection and nature management laws and acts.


Automation of manufacturing processes and industries

Automation and computerization of manufacturing processes and industrial enterprises is a characteristic feature of current technological advance. This trend is vital for some industries, in particular for food industry rapidly developing in Russia. The emphasis in the programme is placed on food production technologies, agricultural raw materials processing technologies, computer science, automatic control systems analysis and design, information systems as well as on study of economics, management and marketing. Students are offered opportunities to have internships at various food manufacturing enterprises and their research projects are frequently chosen to be commercially significant and are undertaken under the detailed supervision of their tutor.


Basic Vocabulary


interdisciplinary - междисциплинарный; смежный
saving of money - экономия денег
commissioning - ввод
maintenance - эксплуатация, тех. обслуживание
replacement - замена
to encourage - поощрять, стимулировать
associate degree - диплом техника
baccalaureate (undergraduate) level - бакалавриат
postbaccalaureate ( graduate) level - магистратура
career-oriented students - студенты, ориентированные на практическую деятельность
to earn a degree - заработать, получить
vocational school - профессионально-техническое училище
to be qualified for - соответствовать, подходить
to seek employment - искать работу
commitment - приверженность, преданность
to win a grant - получить степень
full-time - очный
part-time - заочный, вечерний
free tuition - бесплатное обучение
tutorial - занятие с небольшой группой; консультация; семинар
concurrently - одновременно
supervisor - научный руководитель
to envisage - предусматривать
production electrical plants - промышленные электро- технические установки
electric transport vehicles - электрический транспорт
consumer food technology - технология продуктов общественного питания
electromechanical industry economics and management - экономика и управление в электромашиностроении
electrochemical production technology - технология электрохимических производств
environmental engineering - защита окружающей среды
manufacturing processes   - процессы производства  
1. fundamentals of electrical engineering 1. - основы электротехники
engineering design - техническое проектирование
computer-aided design - компьютерное проектирование
unconventional sources of energy - нетрадиционные источники энергии
2. electric drive 2. - электропривод
industrial engineering enterprise economy production management - организация производства - экономика предприятия - управление производством
3. materials science 3. – материаловедение
electric arc welding - электрическая сварка
induction welding - индукционная сварка
4. electric battery car 4. – электромобиль
overhead tramway - канатная дорога
duty-heavy dump truck - большегрузный самосвал
factory conveyance and hoisting facilities - внутризаводской транспорт
power supply system - система энергоснабжения
reliability - надежность
suspension - подвеска
5. to relate to 5. - относиться к
mechanical engineering - машиностроение
production engineering - организация производственных процессов
6. consumer services 6. - потребительские услуги
form of ownership - форма собственности
profitable - прибыльный
competitive - конкурентоспособный
public catering - общественное питание
diverse - разнообразный
challenging - стимулирующий, интересный
small food production technology - технология малых пищевых производств
up-to-date - современный
7. to appraise 7. – оценивать
accounting - бухгалтерский учет
joint venture - совместное предприятие
legislation - законодательство
8. to embrace 8. – охватывать
noble, rare-earth, non-ferrous metals - благородные, редкие, цветные металлы
electrodeposition - гальваностегия; электролитическое осаждение
alloy - сплав
corrosion protection - защита от коррозии
hydrogen power engineering - водородная энергетика
life-support systems - системы жизнеобеспечения
pharmaceuticals - лекарства
inorganic substance - неорганическое вещество
to encourage - поощрять; стимулировать
to pursue - проводить; заниматься
internship - стажировка
9. impact 9. - влияние; воздействие
to evaluate - оценивать
nature management - природопользование
nature protection practices - природоохранная деятельность
to predict - предсказывать
damage - ущерб
environmental disasters - экологические бедствия
environmentally friendly technologies - экологически чистые технологии
waste-free - безотходный
legislation - законодательство
10.advance - прогресс; развитие
vital - насущный; важнейший
raw materials processing - переработка сырья
to undertake - проходить
tutor - преподаватель






Power engineering forms a solid foundation for other industries and characterizes the dynamism and level of their development, so it is impossible to overestimate its importance for the national economy. The power engineering faculty of Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU) is an acknowledged innovator in the field of engineering education and has developed excellent curricula, hired first class academic staff and provided outstanding teaching and research facilities. Students are given relevant knowledge, are taught to think critically and be receptive to the rich array of ideas available in a diverse society. They are well prepared to creatively apply the latest engineering findings and new technologies to the turbulent demands of Russia’s economy. The Faculty offers a multi-level specialist education scheme which provides training at both associate, baccalaureate (undergraduate), postbaccalaureate (graduate) and professional diploma levels. The first four years of study at the Faculty are spent on earning the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree in power engineering. Study toward the B.Sc. is referred to as being at the undergraduate level. The programme required for the Bachelor’s degree includes general education in engineering disciplines and a field of specialization usually called a major or core subject. Along with a major there may be a number of related areas of study referred to as minor subjects. Those areas in which students are permitted to select subjects of interest are referred to as elective courses. Research-oriented students holding the B.Sc. degree may undertake a two-year programme with emphasis on theoretical and applied research leading to the Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree in power engineering. Each student’s graduate programme is planned and tailored individually in conference with a major professor who guides the student throughout the graduate course. Most students major in a single area, usually in the same subject which the majored as undergraduates. The degree of M.Sc. is awarded to candidates who successfully complete the programme and pass examinations followed by the submission of a project report or thesis acceptable to the Board of Examiners. Another opportunity for professional career-oriented students is a 5.5 - year programme of study culminating in awarding the Diploma in power engineering. In addition, the Faculty offers an accelerated 4.5-year programme of study on a part-time basis leading to the award of the Diploma in power engineering to students having associate degrees earned at vocational or technical secondary schools. Graduates holding the M.Sc. degree or the Diploma in engineering wishing to follow a more scientific career may prefer to undertake a postgraduate (Doctoral) or Candidate of Sciences programme in the area of specialization. A degree on power engineering is a credential whose value can be measured directly in subsequent responsible job placement in business or industry, high starting salaries, promising career potential and entry into attractive career tracks.

Many of the teaching and research staff members working at the Faculty are known for their academic and scientific accomplishments. Their commitment to high quality of teaching is manifested through continuous improvement in areas such as teaching resources and staff qualifications, curricula, library and computer facilities. Qualified and competent professors (Doctors of Sciences), associate professors (Candidates of Sciences), assistant professors and instructors contribute to the education of students. Research and instruction at the Faculty is extremely well supported by a diversity of well-equipped instructional laboratories at the University and by specialized laboratories at related power engineering institutions. The Faculty computation facilities include computer classes equipped with personal computers having an access to the Internet and printers. The library provides a full range of services, both internally and via the University computer network.


Structure of Course

Training comprises formal lectures, tutorials, seminars, practical work in laboratory, private study and an individual research project culminating in a thesis. There are full-time and part-time programmes. Some programmes are funded from Federal Government budget, that is tuition is free for students, while others are sponsored either by students themselves, their parents and other private individuals or industrial organizations on a contract basis.

The Power Engineering Faculty offers students an array of programmes licensed by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation:

1. Power engineering economics and management.

2. Heat power plants.

3. Electric power plants.

4. Electric power systems and networks.

5. Power supply.

6. High voltage electrical and power engineering.

7. Relay protection and automation of electric power systems.

8. Human and occupational safety.