Implementation of the solution

Generally speaking, the pills already in the hospitals and clinics that people can easily get them. Implementation here is properly distributing the information and ideas that how important it is for teenagers to prevent teen pregnancy. People think especially parents that pills are dangerous for their children at that age and seek another method to solve the problem making the issue worse. The solution here is we recently decided to go to high schools and colleges to invite to our clinics which has the proper explanation for them to understand the importance of those pills and where we can give them guidelines. Of course it will be free of charge.

The obstacles that people might face while implementing it.

Apparently, every child is different. The obstacles at the first time would probably be teenagers might not understand the consequences of early pregnancy and for them “sex talk” it would seem weird conversation. However, we as doctors always try to explain the effects how it affects the health and their future lives in general. And we provide possible solution how to prevent early teen pregnancy.


c) A representative lawyer from the government



d) A representative parent from Parents Organization

ONE SOLUTION: Being a friend or older brother/For Awareness

How it would help the community? : Explaining children about Safe sex and understanding their problem and sharing them will have a great effect on the teen agers. This will reduce the possibilities of teen pregnancy and likely effect the community by spreading the knowledge and awareness. This will help the community to not face such problems like embarrassment etc. (explain more on being a friend)

How to implement it: Implementation of such solution is the easiest and the most responsive. It can be very hard for few parents to do, considering their living style and so on. Awareness of such situation is very important and necessary. Implementation of this solution is within the parent itself as if they want to avoid any chances of such embarrassment. Parents would have to change in order to change their children.

Obstacles Might Be Faced: if a parent can overcome themself then there is no obstacles for them. Embarrassment, loss of job etc. can be a result of supporting your children if they are guilty, but this is the only way out. Parents might face a huge family reputation loss but spreading awareness can easily safe other teen age girls from getting their future destroyed!



Other roles

1. Ain Najwa (Moderator) – Explain why is it a problem.

Prof Anis Farha (Professor that has done a research on Teenage Pregnancy)

- Effects on the baby and mother.

3. Mr Mukabak Orazbek (representative lawyer from the government)

- Punishing, penalties, fine and ban websites are not strong. More ideas. Examples in USA, they have Health class, more awareness campaign or others.

4. Dr. Indeuov Nariman, (a doctor without borders).

-Free services for teenagers with permission from parents. Example discount for pills, medications and protection.

Mr Idrees, (a parent whom daughter has been through teenage pregnancy from parents organisation)

- Sex talk between parents and children. Parents must accept and give guidance for children instead of blaming/ getting mad.

Mr Orunbaev Isa, (representative from UNICEF Malaysia.)

- Trainings and programs about teen pregnancy in schools and universities.


Moderator – current issue. Greet people first. Make it fun. Then put in statistics, pictures.

Panel of experts, introduce. Talk to 1st speaker. What do you think? Like a conversation. Jump to others if related. Don’t follow 1 2 3 4, can jump to another speaker. Cover the others. Know when to cut others. Don’t go very theory. Not necessary to be formal (the speech)