Exercise 6. Answer the questions. 1) What does the skeletal system consist of?

1) What does the skeletal system consist of?

2) What parts is the human skeleton divided into?

3) How many bones does an adult body consist of?

4) How many vertebrae does the spine include?

5) What regions are there in the vertebral column?

6) What is enclosed in the spine?

7) How many ribs do humans have?

8) What parts is the skull divided into?

9) Where is bone marrow located?

10) What are the functions of the skeletal system?

Exercise 7. Find out the pairs of synonyms

thorax spine
sternum chest
vertebral column limb
inferior upper
superior breastbone
extremity lower
external outer


Exercise 8. Match the terms to their definitions

1. Skeleton 2. Vertebra 3. Trunk 4. Skull 5. Rib 6. Spine 7. Bone marrow   a) any of the 24 curved elastic bones that together form the chest wall in man b) the vertebral column c) one of the bony segments of the spinal column d) the fatty network of connective tissue that fills the cavities of bones f) the bony skeleton of the head g) a hard framework consisting of bones that supports and protects the soft parts of a human body h) the body excluding the head, neck, and limbs

Exercise 9. Translate into English

Кістки і суглоби, осьовий і апендикулярний скелет, кістки голови і тулуба, кістки кінцівок, плечовий пояс і таз, хребет і хребетний стовп, шийні та грудні хребці, поперекові хребці, крижі та куприк, ребра і грудина, черепна коробка, лицьові кістки, кістковий мозок, прикріплювати скелетні м’язи, захищати внутрішні органи, рухати кінцівки, сховище кальцію та заліза

Exercise 10. Put questions to the underlined words

1) New blood cells are produced by the red bone marrow.

2) The central nervous system lies largely within the axial skeleton.

3) The appendicular skeleton is made up of 126 bones.

4) Ancient physicians discussed the form and function of the skeleton.

5) The skeletal system includes all the bones and joints in the body.

6) The first seven ribs are known as “true ribs” because they connect the thoracic vertebrae directly to the sternum.

7) The skull encloses the brain.

8) Avicenna offered a humoral explanation of bone as primarily made of earth.


Exercise 11. Open the brackets. Translate

1) The upper jaw (to call) maxilla.

2) Yellow bone marrow (to store) calcium and fat.

3) Yesterday, the students (to listen to) the lecture on the structure of the human skeleton.

4) The lungs (to protect) by the chest.

5) The cranium (to contain) the brain.

6) Bone marrow (to locate) in the hollow space inside of bones.

7) The sternum (to consist of) three portions.

8) The experiments (to carry out) by the scientists three weeks ago.


*Exercise 12. a) Read and translate the story about the most famous rib in the human


The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground… The Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and closed the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and brought her to the man.

B) Choose the words from the text with the similar meaning to the given ones

bodily tissue

to make somebody do something




to cover

c) True or false?

1) The man’s body was closed up with the rib.

2) The first man was formed by the ground.

3) The first woman was made from the rib.

4) While the man was sleeping the Lord God made the woman.



Завдання для самостійної роботи студента

1) Перекладіть словосполучення на англійську мову і складіть з ними речення

кістки і суглоби

осьовий скелет

хребет і хребці

ребра і грудина

черепна коробка

кістковий мозок

скелетні м’язи


2) Дайте розгорнуту відповідь на питання

1) What does the skeletal system consist of?

2) What parts is the human skeleton divided into?

3) Where is bone marrow located?

4) What are the functions of the skeletal system?


3) Поясніть терміни

