Exercise 3. Translate into Ukrainian. a psychological to changing conditions, small amounts of stress, to lead to bodily harm, to increase the risk of stroke

a psychological to changing conditions, small amounts of stress, to lead to bodily harm, to increase the risk of stroke, to promote health and growth, disorders of body and mind, to raise the level of adrenaline, to increase the heart rate, memory problems, inability to concentrate, sense of loneliness and isolation, sleeping too much or too little, using alcohol to relax, to cope with stress

Exercise 4. Read the text. Write out the keywords and word-combinations


Stress is a psychological and physical response of the body to changing conditions. Small amounts of stress may be desired, beneficial, and even healthy. In most cases, stress promotes survival because it forces organisms to adapt to rapidly changing environmental conditions. Excessive amounts of stress may lead to bodily harm and can increase the risk of stroke, heart attacks, ulcers, and mental disorders such as depression.

Thus, there are two types of stress, eustress (good stress) and distress (negative stress). Eustress refers to the optimal amount of stress which helps promote health and growth. Distress is damaging, excessive or pathogenic (disease producing) stress.
Stress can, directly and indirectly, contribute to general or specific disorders of body and mind. Stress can have a major impact on the physical functioning of the human body. Stress raises the level of adrenaline and cortisol – so-called stress hormones - in the body, which in turn increases the heart rate, respiration, blood pressure and puts more physical stress on bodily organs.

Physiological response to stress is called the general adaptation syndrome. The general adaptation syndrome has three phases:

1) alarm reaction;

2) resistance;

3) either exhaustion or recovery.

Chronic stress is accompanied by cognitive, emotional, physical and behavioral symptoms.

- cognitive symptoms: memory problems, inability to concentrate, seeing only the negative, etc;

- emotional symptoms: moodiness, irritability, sense of loneliness and isolation, depression, etc;

- physical symptoms: chest pain, rapid heartbeat, nausea, dizziness, etc;

- behavioral symptoms: eating more or less, sleeping too much or too little, using alcohol to relax, etc.

Stress management can teach you healthier ways to cope with stress, help you reduce its harmful effects, and prevent stress in the future.

Exercise 5. Answer the questions

1) How can stress be defined?

2) What is eustress? How does it affect a person?

3) What is distress? What can it result in?

4) What substances are called stress hormones?

5) What is the general adaptation syndrome?

6) What are the stages of the general adaptation syndrome?

7) What cognitive symptoms can stress provoke?

8) How does stress affect a person emotionally?

9) What are the physical manifestations of stress?

10) How does stress influence the person’s behaviour?

Exercise 6. Say for which type of stress (eustress or distress) the following statements are


Model: the optimal amount of stress - eustress.

1) helps you stay focused;

2) gives you extra strength to defend yourself;

3) may lead to bodily harm;

4) drives you to study for an exam;

5) can damage your health, mood, relationships, and quality of life;

6) the excessive amount of stress;

7) helps promote health and growth;

8) can lead to stroke

Exercise 7. Translate into English

Психологічна і фізична реакція організму, адаптуватися до умов навколишнього середовища, підвищити ризик серцевого нападу, підвищити кров’яний тиск, реакція тривожності, адаптація і виснаження, нездатність зосередитися, пригніченість і дратівливість, нудота і запаморочення, спати занадто багато або занадто мало, скоротити шкідливий вплив стресу, попередити стрес у майбутньому