Ex. 8 Fill in the missing words from the text. Use words given below

1. Formating the disk involves electronically preparing he disk to be able to store … .

2. Operating systems manage the other components of a … .

3. Operating systems allow integration of dynamic data types such as sound, animation and … .

4. The primary purpose of the operating system is to support application … .

5. The kernel of the operating system is software that ties the hardware to the … .

Computer system, files, video, programs, software.


IV. Comprehension

Ex. 9 Find in the text definitions to the following terms, put them down and memorize:

Operating system, formatting a disk, single-tasking OS, multitasking OS, file.

Ex. 10 Agree or disagree with the following statements:

1. Operating systems don’t manage the other components of a computer system.

2. The kernel of the operating system is the centre of the software and hardware.

3. Windows 2000 is designed for business uses.

4. Windows 2007 is an update to all operating systems.

5. The main task of the shell is to communicate with other computers.

6. Some operating systems allow integration of dynamic types such as sound, animation and video.

7. The device driver translates instructions from the user to computer.

8. All application programs share some tasks in common.


Ex. 11 Answer the questions.

1. What is a primary purpose of an operating system?

2. What functional categories can the parts of an operating system be grouped into?

3. What does an operating system manage?

4. What is the shell responsible for?

5. What part of an OS ties hardware to software?

6. What is a file?

7. What does a device driver control?

8. What software does an operating system use to allow integration of dynamic data type?

V.Oral practice

Ex. 12 Fill in the chart. Speak about the personal computer operating systems.

Personal computer operating systems


Part Functions Trends
Shell Interface with user Windowing Graphical user interfaces
Network Man­agement    
Task Manage­ment    

Ex. 13 Read and translate the dialogue



A: Hallo, B.I Where are you going?

B: Hallo, A.! Haven't seen you for ages! I am going to the Institute.

A: Oh! You are a student now! What Institute have you entered?

B: I've entered the Polytechnic Institute.

A: Good for you! And what department do you study at?

B: I study at the Electrical Engineering Department. My speciality is Electronic Computers (Automated Manage­ment Systems, Applied Mathematics ).

A: You liked mathematics at school, didn't you? They say one should know that subject well to study your spe­ciality.

B: You're right. Mathematics was my favourite subject at school.

A: And you know already what a computer is, don't you?

B: Yes, I do. A computer is a machine which performs a se­quence of reasonable operations on information. I also know what simple and complex computers are.

A: It's very interesting! Tell me, please.

B: With pleasure, listen to: a simple computer is an ordi­nary business adding machine, and a complex computer is a modern electronic digital computer which performs more than 100 mln. operations a second.

A: Can you say, please, what kinds of operations a modern electronic computer performs?

B: Yes, I can. It performs addition, subtraction, multipli­cation, and division. These operations are called arith­metical operations. But modern computers perform logi­cal operations too.

A: Well, what are they?

B: Logical operations which I know are comparing and se­lecting.

A: In what capacity will you work after graduating from the Institute?

B: I shall work as a system-engineer (an engineer-mathe­matician). But I am sorry. I must hurry to the In­stitute, I'm afraid to be late for the lectures. So long.

A: Wish you luck in your studying. So long!