Ex. 15. Make up the dialogues of your own on the following situations. Dramatize them

Situation 1.

You have met your exclass-mate. Now you are students. Speak about your educational institutions, the subjects you study; subjects you are interested in, academic activity, courses of education and presupposed careers. Use conversational formulas: I agree with you; it’s really so; To my mind; I’ve heard that; it’s so interesting; You are lucky.

Reading and comprehension

Ex. 16 Read the text without a dictionary for 5 minutes. Make up 10 questions to the text. If you were a Web-designer, what operating system would you choose? Give your reasons.

Operating Systems

MS-DOS. This operating system was developed by Microsoft in 1981 for all IBM PC compatibles. Today it's only used in old PCs. In this text-based OS, you communicate with the computer by typing commands that exist within its library. For example, some basic DOS commands include: DIR (shows a list of all the files in a directory), COPY (makes a duplicate of a file), DEL (deletes files).

Windows XP. Most home PCs use Windows. Here are the most common versions:

Windows 2000 is built upon the Windows NT architecture and de­signed for business uses;

Windows Millennium is designed for home use. It includes new sys­tem safeguards and support for DVD, music players and mobile com­puters.

Windows 2007 is an update to all Windows versions, with a new visual design. It's more secure and reliable. It offers support for latest technologies.

Pocket PC. This OS is developed for handheld computers (or palm­tops) that use a stylus or a small keyboard for input.

UNIX. This OS, designed by Bell Laboratories for minicomputers and workstations, has been widely adopted by many corporate instal­lations. From the very first, it was designed to be a multi-tasking sys­tem written in C language.

LINUX (Linus Torvalds). Protected under the GNU general pu­blic license, Linux is the open source, cooperatively-developed POSIX-based, multi-tasking operating system. Linux is used as a high-value, fully-functional UNIX workstation for applications ranging from In­ternet Servers to reliable work group computing. Linux is available for Intel platforms.

Unit 6

The processing of information


Ex. 1. Remember the following words and word combinations:

data — данні

to divide —ділити

to Compute — обчислити

computation — обчислення

arithmetic operation — арифметична операція

logical operation — логічна операція

addition — додавання

subtraction — віднімання

false — помилковий

to benefit — отримати користь

equal — рівний

to determine — визначати

to compare — порівнювати

comparison — порівняння

value — величина

tool — інструмент

microwave oven — мікрохвильова піч

embedded- вбудований

to accept — приймати

flexible — гнучкий

advent — прихід

to expand — розширювати

sequence — послідовність

to increase — збільшувати

decimal point — десятина точка

save — спасати зд. економити

drawing – малюнок креслення

processing – обробка

output – вивід

storage – зберігання

convenient – зручний

to perform – виконувати

to capture – брати

application – застосування

Exercise 2. Give Ukrainian equivalents.

logical operations, to benefit, embedded, decimal point, value, arithmetic operation

storage, application, output, accept


Exercise 3. Give English equivalents.

Ділити, обчислення, розширити, збільшити, послідовність, інструмент, порівнювати, економити, величина

Exercise 4. Replace the underlined word in each sentence with another word synonym given below

1. Commands must be given to the computer to tell it how to process the data.

2. New instruments ranging from typewriter to microwave ovens have embedded computers.

3. The computer can make sounds, music and human voice.

4. Light, temperature and pressure are all kinds of physical data.

5. Arithmetic procedures are computations with numbers such as addition, subtraction, etc.


Tools, instructions, operations, to produce, types.

II. Reading.

Exercise 5. Read and translate the texts: