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Деловая корреспонденция Оборот «Сложное дополнение»
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Вариант 1

1.Прочтите и переведите на русский язык



No one has yet developed the solution to the greenhouse effect – the sources of pollution are widespread, ranging from transport to electricity to gas to oil to agriculture to deforestation; and the solution to global warming lies not in the hands of the country, but of all. Savings in carbon emissions in one part of the world are useless if negated in other.

The greenhouse effect is largely the product of the industrialized nations, however, as they are the world’s largest energy users, CFC producers and consumers, car manufacturers and users, and enthusiasts for nitrogen fertilizers. The solution to the greenhouse effect needs a radical rethink of the entire Western industrialized lifestyle – and of the financial interrelationships between North and South.

The solutions to the greenhouse effect will be difficult, expensive, and involve some sacrifice.

About 13 per cent of the gas emitted from coal-burning power stations, for instance, is CO2. Experiments exists to remove CO2 from these emissions. If all power stations in the USA used this equipment, CO2 emissions would be cut by 10 per cent. If the whole world used the technology, emissions would drop by 30 per cent.

A more attractive solution would be to redesign power stations, and make better use of energy in factories, homes and on the roads. If these were planned in an effort to conserve energy, rather than using energy as a disposable throwaway product, fossil fuel demand could be reduced by up to 50 per cent.

The technology for minimizing nitrogen oxide and hydrocarbon emissions from motor vehicles is already well-established, and has been fitted to a third of the world’s car fleet. Technology for reductions of nitrogen oxides from power stations is already being introduced into Japan.

But it is important to realize that these measures help only to reduce the effect. The key to the solution of the greenhouse effect is not in cleaning up greenhouse emissions: this is not possible on the scale that is necessary. The solution is not to emit the pollutant in the first place. This would mean refusal from wide-spread things like internal combustion engine, nitrogen fertilizers, coal-fired power stations and many other things people use every day. The refusal from all these things presupposes a change of philosophy in planners, politicians, and energy suppliers.


2.Ответьте на вопросы

1. Why is there greenhouse effect on the planet? 2. Have they found the solution to the greenhouse effect? 3. What countries is greenhouse effect characteristic of? 4. What are the solutions to the greenhouse effect? 5. Is the solution to the greenhouse effect only in cleaning up greenhouse emissions?


3.Найдите английские эквиваленты предложенным сочетаниям:

1. углекислый газ a. greenhouse effect

2. парниковый эффект b. Fossil fuel

3. солнечная радиация c. Mean temperature

4. влажность почвы d. Soil moisture

5. питьевая вода e. Drinking water

6. продукт одноразового использования f. Power station

7. атмосферное равновесие g. carbon dioxide

8. двигатель внутреннего сгорания h. rainfall

9. электростанция i. Disposable product

10.средняя температура j. Solar radiation

11.ископаемое топливо k. Build-up

12.накопление l. Atmospheric equilibrium

13.поверхность земли m. Earth’s surface

14.осадки n. Internal combustion engine


4. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами: