Выберите правильное слово или выражение

1. You can use my car unless/as long as you drive carefully.

2. I'm playing tennis tomorrow unless/providing it's raining.

3. I'm playing tennis tomorrow unless/providing it's not raining.

4. I don't mind if you come in late unless/as long as you come in quietly.

5. I'm going now unless/provided you want me to stay.

6. I don't watch television unless/as long as I've got nothing else to do.

7. Children are allowed to use the swimming pool unless/provided they are with an adult.

8. Unless/provided they are with an adult, children are not allowed to use the swimming pool.

9. We can sit here in the corner unless/as long as you'd rather sit over there by the window.

10. A: Our holiday cost a lot of money.

B: Did it? Well, that doesn't matter unless/as long as you enjoyed yourselves.

Закончите предложения

1. We'll be late unless we hurry.

2. I like hot weather unless .............................................................................

3. I like hot weather provided..........................................................................

4. Kate reads a newspaper every day as long as..............................................

5. I don't mind walking home as long as.........................................................

6. I like to walk to work in the morning unless ..............................................

7. We can meet tomorrow unless.....................................................................

8 You can borrow the money providing..........................................................

9 You won't achieve anything unless .............................................................


13. Что as означает в этих предложениях?   because   at the same time as
1.Asthey live near us, we see them quite often. 2. Jill slipped as she was getting off the bus. 3. AsI was tired, I went to bed early. 4. Unfortunately, as I was parking the car, I hit the car behind. 5.Aswe climbed the hill, we got more and more tired. 6. We decided to go out to eat as we had no food at home. 7. Aswe don't use the car very often, we've decided to sell it. ......V... ............ ............   ............ ............   ............   ............ ................ .........V.... ................   ................ ................   ................   ................

14. Составьте предложение из двух частей: из списка A и списка B. Каждое предложение начинайте с союза As.

A1. yesterday was a public holiday 2. it was a nice day 3. we didn't want to wake anybody up 4. the door was open 5. none of us had a watch B I walked in we came in very quietly all the shops wore shut we didn't know what time it was we went for a walk by the sea

1. As yesterday was a public holiday, all the shops were shut.

2. ................................................................................................................

3. ................................................................................................................

4. .................................................................................................................

5. ..................................................................................................................

15. С помощью союза as соедините часть предложения из списка А с другой частью из списка B.

A. 1. we all waved goodbye to Liz 2. we all smiled 3. I burnt myself 4. the crowd cheered 5. a dog ran out in front of the car B we were driving along the road I was taking a hot dish out of the oven she drove away in her car we posed for the photograph the two teams ran onto the field

1. We all waved goodbye to Liz as she drove away in her car.

2. ................................................................................................................

3. ................................................................................................................

4. ................................................................................................................

5. ................................................................................................................

16. Вставьте as или when. Иногда возможны оба варианта.

1. Angela got married when she was 23.

2. My camera was stolen................................I was on holiday.

3. He dropped the glass.........................he was taking it out of the cupboard.

4. ................................I left school, I went to work in a shop.

5. The train slowed down................................it approached the station.

6. I used to live near the sea................................I was a child.

Закончите предложения.

1. I saw you as...............................................................................................

2. It began to rain just as...............................................................................

3. As I didn't have enough money for a taxi,................................................

4. Just as I took the photograph,...................................................................


18. Вставьте like или as.

1. It's raining again. I hate weather ...like... this.

2. Jane failed her driving test asshe expected.

3. Do you think Carol looks....................her mother?

4. He really gets on my nerves. I can't stand people....................him.

5. Why didn't you do it....................I told you to do it?

6. 'What does Bill do?' 'He's a student,.....................most of his friends.'

7. Why do you never listen? Talking to you is...................talking to the wall.

8. ................I said yesterday, I'm thinking of changing my job.

9. Tom's idea seemed a good one, so we did....................he suggested.

10. It's a difficult problem. I never know what to do in situations..............this.

11. I'll phone you tomorrow....................usual, OK?

12. This tea is awful. It tastes....................water.

13. Suddenly there was a terrible noise. It was....................a bomb exploding.

14. She's a very good swimmer. She swims....................a fish.

15. I'm afraid I can't meet you on Sunday....................we arranged.

16. We met Keith last night. He was very cheerful,....................always.

19. Закончите предложения, используя like или as + одно из выражений:

a beginner a child blocks of ice a church a palace winter a birthday present a tourist guide a problem

1. This house is beautiful. It's like a palace.

2. Margaret once had a part-time job...............................................................

3. My feet are really cold. They're...................................................................

4. I've been learning Spanish for a few years but I still speak.........................

5. I wonder what that building with the tower is. It looks................................

6. My brother gave me this watch..........................................a long time ago.

7. It's true that we disagree about some things but I don't regard this..............

8. It's very cold for the middle of summer. It's................................................

9. He's 22 years old but he sometimes behaves...............................................

20. Вставьте like или as.

1. Your English is very fluent. I wish I could speak....................you.

2. Don't take my advice if you don't want to. You can do.................you like.

3. You waste too much time doing things....................sitting in cafes all day.

4. I wish I had a car....................yours.

5. There's no need to change your clothes. You can go out................you are.

6. My neighbour's house is full of interesting things. It's...............a museum.

7. I think I preferred this room.....................it was, before we decorated it.

8. When we asked Sue to help us, she agreed immediately,.......I knew she would.

9. Sharon has been working....................a waitress for the last two months.

10. While we were on holiday, we spent most of our time doing energetic things...................sailing, water skiing and swimming.

11. You're different from the other people I know. I don't know anyone ...........you.

12. We don't need all the bedrooms in the house, so we use one of them .........a study.

13. ....................her father, Catherine has a very good voice.

14. The news that Sue and Jim were getting married came.............a complete surprise to me.

15. At the moment I've got a temporary job in a bookshop. It's OK .................a temporary job but I wouldn't like to do it permanently.


21. Используйте предложения из таблицы, используя союз as if.

it has just been cut she was enjoying it he needs a good rest I'm going to be sick she had hurt her leg she didn't want to come he hadn't eaten for a week he meant what he was saying

1.Mark looks very tired. He looks as if he needs a good rest.

2. Sue was walking with difficulty. She looked..............................................

3. I don't think he was joking. He looked........................................................

4. The grass is very short. It looks...................................................................

5. Peter was extremely hungry and ate his dinner very quickly.

He ate...........................................................................................................

6. Carol had a bored expression on her face during the concert.

She didn't look.............................................................................................

7. I've just eaten too many chocolates. Now I'm feeling ill.

I feel.............................................................................................................

8. I phoned Emma and invited her to the party but she wasn't very enthusiastic about it.

She sounded ...............................................................................................

22. Что вы говорите в этой ситуации? Используйте You look/You sound/ I feel as if... . Используйте слова в скобках, чтобы составить предложение.

1. You meet Bill. He has a black eye and some plasters on his face.

You say to him: You lookas if you've been in a fight. (be / a fight)

2.Christine comes into the room. She looks absolutely terrified.

You say to her: What's the matter? You ............................. (see / a ghost)

3. Sarah is talking to you on the phone about her new job and she sounds very happy about it.

You say to her: ..................................................................... (enjoy / it)

4. You have just run one kilometre. You are absolutely exhausted.

You say to a friend: I ................................................... (run / a marathon)

23. Составьте предложения, чтобы начинались с It looks as if... / It sounds as if... .

you had a good time it's going to rain there's been an accident she isn't coming they are having an argument we'll have to walk

1. Sandra said she would be here an hour ago. You say: It looks as if she isn't coming.

2. The sky is full of black clouds. You say: It ..................................................

3. You hear two people shouting at each other next door. You say:.................

4. You see an ambulance, some policemen and two damaged cars at the side of the road. You say:....................................................................................

5. You and a friend have just missed the last bus home. You say:....................

6. Sue and Dave have just been telling you about all the interesting things they did while they were on holiday. You say:.............................................

24. Закончите предложения, используя as if.

1. Brian is a terrible driver. He drives as if he were the only driver on the road.

2. I'm 20 years old, so please don't talk to me...................................a child.

3. Steve has only met Nicola once but he talks about her..........a close friend.

4. It was a long time ago that we first met but I remember it.........yesterday.


1.Союзы могут вводить различные типы придаточных предложений: подлежащее, предикативное, дополнительное, условное, цели и т.д.

He passed by as if he did not know me. (придаточн. дополнит.) Он прошел мимо, как будто не знает меня.

2. Некоторые союзы по форме могут совпадать как с наречиями, так и с предлогами. Они различаются по месту и роли в предложении.

I don't want to go out in case she phones. (союз) I'll take an umbrella just in case. (наречие) In case of fire, please leave the building. (предлог) Я не хочу никуда выходить, вдруг (на случай если) она позвонит. Я возьму зонт на всякий случай.   В случае пожара, покиньте здание.

3. Некоторые союзы могут стоять в конце предложения.

I like the garden though. Хотя сад мне нравится.




A. So (that) Чтобы

So that обычно требует после себя can, could, will или would.

The police locked the door so (that) no-one could get in. Полиция запечатала дверь, чтобы никто не вошел.

B. Инфинитив цели

Инфинитив цели относится к подлежащему в главном предложении.

Jack went to England to study engineering. Джек отправился в Англию изучать технику.

C. In order to, so as to Для того чтобы…

Это более формальный способ выражать цель.

Scientists used only local materials,in order to save money. Ученые использовали только местные материалы, чтобы сэкономить деньги.

Существуют также отрицательные формы: in order not to, so as not to.

The soldiers moved at night, so as not to alarm the villagers. Солдаты выдвинулись ночью, чтобы не напугать жителей деревни.

D. For Для

Данный предлог описывает, как использовать что-либо.

This button is for starting the engine. This is for the lights. Эта кнопка – для запуска двигателя. А эта – для фар.


A. So/such + (adjective) + (that) Настолько (высокий) что…

Jim was so tall (that) he hit his head on the ceiling. Helen is such a busy person (that) she never feels bored. Джим был настолько высокий, что касался головой потолка. Хелен настолько занята, что ей некогда скучать.

Such используется с прилагательными и существительными.

Существует также более формальное использование:

Helen is so busy a person (that) she never feels bored. Хелен так занята, что ей некогда скучать.

B. So much/many/few/little + (noun) + (that) Так много (людей) что…

There were so many passengers (that) we couldn't find a seat. Пассажиров было так много, что мы не могли найти свободного места.

C. Too + (adjective) + to Слишком (правильный) чтобы…

The table was far too heavy to lift. Стол был слишком тяжел, чтобы сдвинуть его с места.

D. Not (+ adjective) enough Недостаточно (красивый)

The table was not light enough to lift. Стол было достаточно нелегко сдвинуть с места.


A. Although, though, even though, while, whereas Хотя, тогда как

Although часто заменяется though в речи. Though может стоять в конце предложения, although – никогда.

Although I asked her, she didn't come. Хотя я просил ее, она не пришла.

В речи возможно:

I asked her, (but) she didn't come, though. OR: Though I asked her, she didn't come. Я просил ее, однако она не пришла. ИЛИ: Хотя я просил ее, она не пришла.

Even though – более эмфатическая (усилительная) форма от although.

Even though I asked her, she didn't come. Несмотря на то, что я просил ее, она не пришла (что было удивительно).

While и whereas более распространены на письме и в деловой речи. Они выражают противопоставление.

While United were fast and accurate, City were slow and careless. Тогда как Юнайтед играли быстро и точно, Сити двигались медленно и делали неточные передачи.

B. However Однако

However более употребительно в деловой речи и на письме. Ставится либо в начале, либо в конце предложения.

It's cheap. However, I don't like it. / I don't like it, however. Оно недорогое. Однако мне не нравится.

C. Nevertheless Тем не менее…

Это очень формальное выражение however.

Smith says he is poor. Nevertheless, he has bought a new car. Смит говорит, он беден. Тем не менее новую машину он купил.

D. Despite and in spite of Несмотря на…

После них ставится существительное или герундий, а не какое-либо придаточное предложение.

Despite losing, we celebrated. In spite of the rain, we went out. Несмотря на проигрыш, мы ликовали. Несмотря на дождь, мы пошли гулять.