Task 2. Read and translate the following text using a dictionary. Agree or disagree with the statements about the boys' and girls' style of awakening. Give your reasons


Иностранных языков






Методические указания

для младших курсов всех специальностей








Автор -составитель - Кожухова Марина Егоровна, преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков Мурманского Государственного Технического Университета


Методические указания рассмотрены и одобрены кафедрой, протокол № от 21.11.2008 года.


Рецензент - А.В. Малаева, старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков Мурманского государственного технического университета



Редактор Г.В. Зобнина



© Мурманский государственный технический университет, 2008



Введение....................................................................................................... 4

PART 1. Reading and speaking.................................................................... 5

PART 2. Comprehensive reading................................................................ 17

PART 3. Word skills development............................................................. 24

СПИСОК ИСПОЛЬЗУЕМОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ....................................... 31






Данные методические указания предназначены для формирования навыков чтения и говорения по темам “Я – студент университета” и “Образование” у студентов младших курсов всех специальностей.

Методические указания состоят из трех частей. Первая часть включает в себя дополнительные тексты для домашнего чтения с использованием словаря. Предтекстовые и послетекстовые упражнения активизируют знакомую студентам лексику, закрепляют новые лексические единицы. Кроме того, представлены упражнения, направленные на контроль понимания содержания текстов, а также упражнения, развивающие монологическую и диалогическую речь.

Вторая часть состоит из текстов преимущественно для просмотрового чтения в аудитории, каждый текст сопровождается заданиями для контроля понимания.

Целью третьей части методических указаний является расширение активного и пассивного словаря по теме “Образование” .

Методические указания могут быть использованы как на аудиторных занятиях, так и для самостоятельной внеаудиторной работы студентов.



Learning can’t be boring.

Professor: “Now, John, what are you doing – learning something?”

Student: “No, sir; I’m listening to you.”

The Professor rapped on his deck and shouted: “Gentlemen – order!”

The entire class yelled: “Beer!”

Part 1.

Reading and Speaking.

(Additional texts for home reading.)

Text 1.


Task 1. Read out and translate the following international words and guess what they mean. Mind the parts of speech.

course [ké:s] (n) minimum [′mûnûməm] (n) minute [′mûnût] (n) organize [′é:óənaûz] (v) practically [′præktûk(ə)lû] (adv) practice [′præktûs] (n) procedure [prə′sû:džə] (n) public [′pšblûk] (adj) routine [ru:′ti:n] (n) seminar [′semûna:] (n) social [′səuÐəl] (adj) student [′stju:d(ə)nt] (n) synchronize [′sûÅkrənaûz] (v) transport [′trænspé:t] (n) university [,ju:nû′və:sətû] (n) yoga [′jəuóə] (n)

Task 2. Read and translate the following text using a dictionary. Agree or disagree with the statements about the boys' and girls' style of awakening. Give your reasons.

One's daily routine depends on a lot of factors. Firstly, weekdays are different from days off. Secondly, it depends on your occupa­tion. Thirdly, if you are, for example, a student, a lot depends on whether you are a boy or a girl.

Practically all students get up at 7:00 or 7:30 but the practice of waking up differs. Boys usually get up on time and rush out of bed like soldiers. Then they make the bed, shave quickly, clean their teeth, have a wash and fly out of the bathroom ready for their break­fast.

Girls like to stay in bed for another ten minutes after waking up. It's especially true of those who can by no means call themselves "early birds". Sometimes they have to wind two alarm-clocks not to oversleep. Sometimes alarm clocks aren't necessary, because Mum rouses them.

After getting out of bed girls have to follow the same procedure as boys and do a lot of other things. Some girls wash their hair every morning, and even if they don't, they still have to do their hair, which includes combing and styling. Then they put on a little make­up. If it takes five minutes for a boy to get dressed, a girl needs a minimum of fifteen minutes until she's fully dressed.

For a certain part of the day student boys' and girls' daily routine gets synchronised. They walk to the university if they live close to it or go there by public transport in a rush hour. Very few drive and needn't catch a bus to get to the university.

In the daytime all students attend classes. At midday they usually have lunch in the university canteen or eat a homemade packed lunch and have a chat with friends.

In the second part of the day students' daily routine varies great­ly. Disciplined and diligent students go to the library, attend optional courses and read up for their seminars. Others like to relax for a while, maybe, even have a nap, dine and then start doing their homework and housework.

Young people like to go to keep-fit classes, practise yoga, jog, play games on the playground, train in a gym or just go in for some kind of sports. They have an active social life and go to meetings in all sorts of amateur societies.

Evening is the calmest part of the day. Watching TV is one of the most favourite occupations, but if one watches it too much, there isn't enough time to prepare homework and then one has to keep late hours.

Bedtime tends to be about midnight. Boys take a shower, eat their supper an go to bed at once. Girls need twice as much time to prepare themselves for sleep.

Students like weekends better than weekdays. At weekends they go out and very rarely stay in. They may organize their leisure time any way they like — call on their friends, go to parties or discos, go to theatres or cinemas, go on picnics, and... go wherever they want to go.

It's not surprising that on Monday mornings students sometimes feel sleepy. Their first waking thought is that they never have enough sleep. Then they regret that they didn't go to bed early and think that they should turn over a new leaf. They honestly think that they must become well-organized and correct their dai­ly routine, at least at weekends. They make plans to read more, to help mother about the house, and to do a hundred other good things. On second thoughts they often put off their plans till the following Monday. It is always better to turn over a new leaf in a week's time.


Task 3. Match the synonyms:

different to wake smb up a lot quickly to relax to call on smb rarely leisure to go to picnic to put off the following to have dinner next to visit to postpone to rest various to dine to rouse smb much free seldom rapidly to visit outing

Task 4. Match the antonyms:

same boy to get up on time quickly early-bird morning to attend optional friend amateur to go out midday more less compulsory to miss midnight professional foe to stay in slowly to oversleep girl different evening nighthawk

Task 5. Give English equivalents of the following:

распорядок дня, рабочие дни, выходные, зависеть от, вставать вовремя, вскакивать с кровати, заправить кровать, бриться, умываться/мыться, после пробуждения, ранняя пташка, заводить будильник, проспать, причесаться, накраситься, одеться, ходить пешком, общественный транспорт, час пик, сесть на автобус, добираться до университета, посещать занятия, в полдень, болтать, дисциплинированный и прилежный, факультатив, готовиться к семинарам, заниматься в спортзале, активная общественная жизнь, самый спокойный, любимое занятие, достаточно времени, засиживаться допоздна, бывать в обществе, сидеть дома, организовывать свободное время, чувствовать сонливость/хотеть спать, выспаться, начать новую жизнь, искренне думать, по крайней мере, откладывать планы, через неделю.


Task 6. Complete the following sentences using the information from the text:

1. One’s daily routine depends … .

2. In the morning boys … .

3. Unlike boys, girls … .

4. Not to oversleep people … .

5. It takes little time for a … and more time … .

6. Students get to the university differently: they … .

7. In the day-time students … and at midday they … .

8. After classes hard-working students … .

9. To keep themselves fit students … .

10. In the evening students … .

11. At weekends students … .

12. Every Monday students think of turning … and becoming … and … .