Indicating the structure and sequences of your talk


In the first section I will/am going to describe … Then I will/am going to go on to …


After that I will/am going to look at … Finally I will/am going to …


Summarizing what you have said.

The main thing/s to remember is/are …



This is particularly important because …


I would like to draw your attention to …


Giving examples.


For instance …


For example …


Inviting questions and feedback from the audience.


Are there any questions so far?


If you have any questions about this, please /do ask.


Drawing conclusions.


Consequently …


As a result …


Therefore …


Closing your talk.


I would just like to finish by saying …


In conclusion, thank you …


Card 1. A silver vase was missing from the room.


Card 2. The window was open.


Card 3. A cigarette-butt was found by the body.


Card 4. Everybody smokes except Mr Crabtree and the maid.


Card 5. A piece of red material was found on the window.


Card 6. The silver vase (badly dented) was found in a flowerbed.


Card 7. A note was found in Mrs Crabtree‘s handbag.

It said: Alec, meet me in the garden at 11 o’clock Alice.


Card 8. Everyone was playing cards until 11 p.m., except Susie, who was wash-ing-up in the kitchen between 10.30 and 11.15.


Card 9. At 11 o’clock Mr Crabtree got up and said he had a letter to write. He went into the study.


Card 10. Mrs Crabtree‘s name is not Alice.

Card 11. Mrs Fairfax went outside at 11 o’clock, saying she needed fresh air.

Card 12. In the drawer of the desk was a will. The will left Ј10,000 to Daniel.


Card 13. The maid heard footsteps in the hall and the study door opening at just after 11 o’clock.


Card 14. Daniel had debts of about Ј9,000.


Card 15. At about five past eleven, the maid heard the front door opening and footsteps in the hall. It was Mrs Fairfax, coming in from the garden. She went straight into the living room.


Card 16. Daniel and Mr Fairfax started to watch a TV programme after the game of cards finished at 11 o‘clock. They were still watching it at five past eleven when Alice Fairfax came in and joined them.


Card 17. Alec Crabtree had been writing a letter. It began: Dear Anne, I don’t know how to tell you this, but I am leaving you. Alice and I.


Card 18. At about ten past eleven, the maid heard the front door opening again. This time it was Mrs Crabtree, who came into the kitchen and started to make cocoa for herself and her husband.


Card 19. Mrs Crabtree’s name is Anne.





accused обвиняемый, подсудимый

actus reus виновное действие

to acquit оправдать, признать


mensrea преступное намерение

arson поджог

assassination убийство по политическим

мотивам, заказное убийство

to assess, assessment of punish- определять, давать оценку,

ment определение наказания

assault and battery нападение с нанесением побоев

to commit an aggravated assault нападение при отягчающих


to blackmail шантажировать

bribery взяточничество

burglary кража со взломом

to con vict осуждать

a convict осужденный

death penalty/capital punishment смертная казнь

defence counsel адвокат

to defend защищать (в суде)

defendant ответчик, подсудимый

duress принуждение

embezzlement растрата

espionage шпионаж

to evade уклоняться (от уплаты налогов)

evasion уклонение

extortion by threats вымогательство путем угроз

felony тяжкое уголовное преступление

to find somebody guilty признать виновным


flogging порка (как вид телесного


fraud обман, мошенничество

hi-jacking угон (самолета, автомобиля)

to impose punishment Наложить наказание

imprisonment заключение в тюрьму

to inflict harm наносить ущерб, причинять вред

indictable offence преступление, подлежащее

преследованию по обвинитель-

ному акту

to infringe нарушать

intent намерение, умысел

incitement подстрекательство к соверше-

нию преступления

liability ответственность

manslaughter непредумышленное убийство

misdemeanour наименее опасные


to mug грабить на улице

murder предумышленное убийство

mutilation увечье, повреждение, нанесение


parole board комиссия по условно-досрочно-

му освобождению

penal system пенитенциарная система

(система карательно-исправи-

тельных учреждений

perjury лжесвидетельство

pickpocket вор-карманник, совершать

карманные кражи

piracy пиратство, нарушение автор-

ских прав

to prevent a crime предотвратить преступление

probation пробация (разновидность


prosecuting counsel прокурор, представитель

стороны обвинения

prosecution судебное преследование,

уголовное преследование,

сторона обвинения

rape изнасилование

to release освобождать из-под стражи

remedy средство судебной защиты

to restrict ограничивать

restriction ограничение

to rob воровать, грабить


to sentence приговаривать (к наказанию)

sentence приговор (к наказанию)

severe строгий, суровый

severity строгость, суровость, жесткость

slander клевета (в устной форме),


smuggling контрабанда

summary offence преступление, преследуемое в

порядке суммарного производ-


to sus pect подозревать

a suspect подозреваемый

traffic warden инспектор дорожного движения

treason государственная измена

to violate нарушать

violation нарушение

violence насилие, принуждение,

применение силы