Personal and Possessive Pronouns

(Личные и Притяжательные местоимения)

Личные Притяжательные
Именительные падеж (подлежащее) Объектный падеж (дополнение) (определение)
Единственное число
1-е лицо I я 2-е лицо you ты 3-е лицо he он she она it оно me мне меня   him ему, его her ей, ее it ему, его, ей, её my мой, моя, моё, мои; свой, свою, свои his его, свой, свои her её; свою, свои its его, её; свой, свою, свои
Множественное число
1-е лицо we мы   2-е лицо you вы   3-е лицо they они us нам, нас   you вам, вас   them им, их our наш, наша, наше, наши; свою, свой, свои your ваш, ваша, ваше, ваши; свой, свою, свои their их; свой, свою, свои

Demonstrative Pronouns

(Указательные местоимения)

Указательные местоимения имеют отдельные формы для единственного и множественного числа: this – этот, эта, это, that – тот, та, те и множественного числа: these – эти, those – те.

e.g. Do you know this man? – Вы знаете этого человека?

I like these flowers. – Мне нравятся эти цветы.

После местоимений this и that часто употребляется местоимение one во избежание повторения упомянутого ранее существительного.

e.g. Will you give me some other book? – Дайте мне другую книгу.

I don’t like this one. – Мне эта книга не нравится.

К указательным местоимениям относятся также местоимения such и same:

e.g. It is such an interesting book! – Это такая интересная книга!

These are such beautiful flowers! – Это такие красивые цветы!

She said the same to me yesterday. – Она вчера сказала мне то же самое.

That (those) +ofзаменяет существительное .

e.g. The Moscow underground is better that that of any other city. – Московское метро лучше, чем метро любого другого города.

Reflexive Pronouns

(Возвратные местоимения)

  Единственное число Множественное число
1-е лицо 2-е лицо 3-е лицо myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves

Возвратные местоимения стоят после многих глаголов и соответствуют в русском языке :

1. Частице – ся (-сь), придающей глаголам возвратное значение.

e.g. He cut himself. – Он порезался.

2. Возвратному местоимению себя (себе, собой).

e.g. He speaks very little of himself. – Он мало говорит о себе.

3. Местоимению сам (сама, сами), усиливая значение существительного.

e.g. They themselves said so. – Они сами это сказали.

Оборот there + to be

Предложения с оборотом there is/are употребляются, чтобы указать на наличие или отсутствие какого-либо лица или предмета в определенном месте со значением «имеется, находится, есть, существует». Такие предложения следует переводить на русский язык, начиная с обстоятельства места.

Форма Present Indefinite Past Indefinite Future Indefinite
утвердительная There is a book on the table. There are books on the table. На столе книга (книги). There was a book on the table. There were books on the table. На столе была книга (книги). There will be a book on the table. На столе будет книга.
вопросительная Is there a book on the table? Are there books on the table? Есть ли книга (книги) на столе? Was there a book on the table? Were there books table? Была ли книга (книги) на столе? Will there be a book (books) on the table? Будет ли книга (книги) на столе?
отрицательная There is no book on the table. There are no books on the table. На столе нет книги (книг). There was no book on the table. There were no books on the table. На столе не было книги (книг). There will be no book (books) on the table. На столе не будет книги (книг).

Grammar Exercises

I. a) Use the verb to be in Present Simple Tense:

1. Where … you from? – I … from the Ukraine.

2. My father … a navigator, but I … an ecologist.

3. … you a marine engineer? – Yes, I ….

4. I … a student of the Kerch State Marine Technological University.

5. My uncle … not a teacher, he … a scientist.

6. Learning of foreign languages … not an easy thing.

7. The English language … a widespread language.

8. You … at the English lesson.

9. All students … present at the lesson today.

10. I ... absent at the university today, I … ill.


b) Translate from Russian into English using to be:

1. Откуда ты родом? - Я из Украины.

2. Моя сестра на работе. Она преподаватель английского языка.

3. Ваша сестра студентка? – Нет, она переводчик.

4. Мой любимый предмет – английский язык.

5. Чтение английских книг – моё хобби.


II. a) Use the verb to be in Past Simple Tense:

1. The weather … terrible.

2. I … very depressed last Sunday.

3. She … not a doctor, she … a teacher.

4. … they students last year? – No, they were pupils.

5. Why … not you at work last Friday?


b) Translate from Russian into English using to be:

1. Моя бабушка была учителем. Она преподавала английский язык.

2. В прошлом году мой брат был студентом. Сейчас он механик.

3. Погода сегодня ясная, а вчера погода была плохая.

4. Они были вчера на научной конференции.

5. Конференция была посвящена глобальным проблемам современности.


III. a) Use the verb to be in Future Simple Tense:

1. He … a student next year.

2. He … a navigator, when he grows up.

3. It … a good idea I think.

4. They … not be at the lessons tomorrow.

5. … you … at home on Sunday?



b) Translate from Russian into English using to be:

1. Завтра её не будет в университете, так как она уезжает на научную конференцию.

2. Твой брат судовой механик. Ты тоже будешь механиком?

3. Ты будешь завтра на собрании старост? – Нет, не буду. Я болен.

4. В следующем году я буду в США.

5. Завтра будет концерт, посвященный Дню Студента.


IV. Use the verb to have in proper tense:

1. Our university … many laboratories.

2. We … a lot of lesson today.

3. Yesterday the students of our group … four lectures.

4. … you the book about ecological problems of modern society.

5. All our laboratories … modern equipment.

6. The academic year … two terms.

7. Our university … two departments: day-time and extra-mural.

8. … you a good library at your university?

9. … she enough time to prepare her home tasks?

10. … you got many subjects to study at the university?


V. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using the verb to have:

1. У меня хорошие книги о культуре украинского народа.

2. У него была большая библиотека.

3. У неё скоро будет новый словарь.

4. У тебя есть учебник по английскому языку?

5. У меня не было времени идти гулять, потому что я готовился к экзамену по математике.


VI. Use prepositions on, in or into:

1. There are many students … classroom today.

2. There is no tea … my cup.

3. Pour some tea … his cup.

4. The teacher hung a picture … the blackboard.

5. I opened the door and went … classroom.

6. The teacher was writing some words … the blackboard. The students were writing these words … their exercise books.

7. There were some English books … the teacher’s table.

8. Put the book … the bag.

9. The negotiations resulted in the conclusion of an agreement.

10. He is interested in Ukrainian history.


VII. Translate the following sentences using prepositions on, in, at, to, into:

1. Учитель был в аудитории. Он стоял у книжного шкафа.

2. Студент подошёл к доске, взял мел и начал писать на доске.

3. Учитель стоит у доски. Он пишет на доске предложение. Студенты сидят за партами. Они пишут это предложение в своих тетрадях.

4. Где Николай? – Он в университете.

5. Вчера на уроке учитель сказал мне: «На доске две ошибки. Иди и исправь их!»

6. Вчера я ходил в библиотеку. В библиотеке я взял очень интересную книгу.

7. Студент сидел за партой. На парте лежали две тетради и учебник английского языка.

8. Он всегда ходит на стадион в воскресенье. А его сестра всегда ходит в плавательный бассейн.

9. Мы пришли на вокзал и поставили свои вещи на платформу.


VIII. Open the brackets and use personal or possessive pronouns:

1. The students of (we) group bring (they) dictionaries with them. But (I) friend never brings (he) dictionary. So (I) always give (he) mine.

2. (She) always gives (she) English books to (she) friends. Sometimes (I) use (they) too.

3. Tell (she) to come on Sunday, (they) have asked about (she).

4. (We) shall discuss (your) report on the history of chemistry at (we) next meeting.

5. Can (you) show (we) any models of old and new planes?

6. We now (we) timetable before the beginning of a new school-year. As (you) do not know (you) timetable.

7. (They) will study the physical and chemical properties of elements and (they) compounds.

8. Look at the plane. (It) is in the air. Do (you) know (it) main parts? Yes, I know (they) very well.

9. Tell (we) about (they) reports at that conference.

10. That is (he) English book, not (you).

IX. Use the necessary demonstrative pronouns: this, these, that, those:

1. … student studies English.

2. They will go to the Crimea … summer.

3. … books are for your lesson.

4. … are my students.

5. … were my happiest days!

6. Our resources of oil are greater than … any country.

7. The mineral resources of the Antarctic are probably greater … the Arctic.

8. The rivers in the north of our country are longer than … in the south.

9. These methods of production are different from … used in this district.

10. This machine is more powerful than that operating in our shop.


X. Use the necessary reflexive pronouns:

1. I do my home tasks … .

2. This student has prepared his report ….

3. On the Moon … the force of gravitation in one sixth as much as it is on the Earth.

4. The work … was not so difficult but you … had to solve many problems.

5. He spoke with the inventor ….

6. We couldn’t answer the question and the teacher answered it ….

7. They can ask the teacher ….

8. We didn’t know her address ….

9. Don’t hurt ….

10. He … knew nothing about it.


XI. Prolong sentences according to the example. Translate them into Russian:

e.g. There is a teacher in the classroom. (many students)

There are many students in the classroom.

1. There is a magazine on the little table (a few newspapers).

2. There is one book in his bag (some copybooks).

3. There is a bus in the street (many cars).

4. There is the sun in the sky (some clouds).

5. There is the moon in the sky (many stars).

XII. Make up questions with “there + to be” according to the example:

e.g. There is a bus at the bus stop. (a trolleybus).

Is there a trolleybus there?

1. There is a dictionary in my bag (a textbook).

2. There is some chalk here (a duster).

3. There are some interesting plays in the book (poems).

4. There are many people in the station (trains).

5. There are fruit trees in the garden (flowers).


XIII. Fill in the gaps using “there + to be” in proper tense. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. There … no place like home.

2. …there any places of interest there?

3. There … many ways of solving this problem.

4. What books …there on the table?

5. There … many power stations using atomic energy.

6. There … 12 students in our group.

7. … there … an underground station in this street next year?

8. How many new schools … there … in your town in a year?

9. There … many students in the club tomorrow.

10. There … no power station in this region before the war.

Additional task

I. Read the text and find answers to the following ques­tions:

1) In which country is this city located?

2) What is the population of the city?

3) Who was the founder of the city?



London is the capital city of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. With a population of over nine million London is a major global city, world's leading center of business and finances, culture and art, media and fashion. As many as three hundred languages are spoken in London.

London is crossed by the Thames River from the south­west to the east. The river played an important role in the city's history. Its waters were deep all year around. This permitted cargo ships to travel far distances and trade with other parts of the region and Europe.

Sometimes Londoners divide the city into North and South London. But there are the following areas or districts of London: the City, the West End and the East End. The City is the oldest and the central area of London. Here financial and commercial businesses are located. The West End is the main shopping and entertainment area attracting numerous tourists, fashion designers, artists, and lovers of luxury life. Here one may find modern buildings, squares, monuments and mansions which are unique samples of architecture. The East End is known for its high immigrant population. Build­ings here are rather simple. It is also the most industrialized district of the city. The port and railway terminals are located here. In 1863 the world's first underground system was cre­ated in London. It is the London underground, also known as the tube.

London is the best place to visit because there are so many attractions: Tower, St. Paul's Cathedral, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus, the famous Oxford Street, Dawning Street, and many others. London street buses are called omnibuses and are also a vivid symbol of London.


II. How are citizens of the city called?




How are citizens of the country called?

  R       S H

III. Make up sentences with the following words and word combinations:

Cable channel Mass media
Satellite television Radio Stations
Television broadcasts Broadcasting corporation
Major newspapers Domestic and regional issues
State-owned agency Television station

IV. Learn about sister-cities and write down the country:

Budapest, R……………..

Paris, F…….…………….

Berlin, G………………..

Beijing, C………………


V. Make up your own dialogues using the following questions about Ireland and Dublin:

a) Is London’s location advantageous? Why?

b) Is London a culturally diverse city?

c) Name some districts of London?

d) What is the “tube”?

e) Is the tower bridge a true symbol of London?

f) What is the official London residence of the British monarch?

g) When and where is the Queen’s Parade held?




I. Read and translate the following group of words:

Northern part, industrial capital, typical products, land region, the highest mountain, narrow and shallow, to flow eastward, wide bays, the highest density of population, cabinet ministry, secretary of state.


II. Translate from English into Russian the following words of the same root:

To live – liver – livable – lively – liveness; to produce – product – production – productivity – producer – produced – producible – producing; deep – to deepen – deepened – deepening – deeping – deeply; wide – to widen – widened - widening – widespread – widely; to inhabit – inhabitable – inhabitant – inhabited - inhabitation

III. Read and translate the text:


Scotland is the northern part of Great Britain. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland. There are two largest cities here: Glasgow and Aberdeen. Glasgow is the industrial capital of Scotland. It is the third largest city in Great Britain. The typical products of Scotland are timber, whisky and salmon.

Scotland has three main land regions. They are the Highlands, the Central Lowlands and the South­ern Uplands.

Scotland is full of mountains and lakes. The highest mountain is Ben Nevis. There are a lot of rivers there. The river Clyde is Scotland's most important river. Ships from the Atlantic Ocean can sail up the Clyde to Glasgow. The Clyde was narrow and shallow until the 1700's when engineers widened and deepened the river to make it navigable. Scot­land's longest rivers flow eastward into the North Sea. Many of Scotland's rivers flow into wide bays called firths.

Scotland has hundreds of islands. A large group of islands called the Hebrides lie off the western coast of Scotland's main­land.

Population of Scotland is about 5 million people. The highest density of population is in the Central Lowlands, where nearly three-quarters of the Scots live, and the lowest is in the Highlands.

There are two languages spoken. English is generally spo­ken and fewer than 100,000 Scots, who are mainly inhabitants of the Highlands and island groups, also speak the Scottish form of Gaelic.

Scotland is an integral part of Great Britain. It is repre­sented by 72 members in the House of Commons and by 16 Scot­tish peers in the House of Lords.

Scottish affairs are administered by a British cabinet min­istry, headed by the secretary of state for Scotland.


IV. Words to be learnt:

to sail up – подниматься, плыть вверх по реке

to flow into – впадать

eastward – на восток, к востоку, в восточном направлении

bay – бухта, залив

the Hebrides – острова Гебриды

density – плотность

inhabitant – житель

the House of Commons – Палата общин

peer – пэр, лорд

the House of lords – Палата Лордов


Exercises to the text:


I. Find the Russian equivalents in the right-hand column for the following:

1. north 1. лосось
2. third 2. гора
3. timber 3. озеро
4. salmon 4. третий
5. mountain 5. делать
6. to deepen 6. расширять
7. lake 7. Север
8. to make 8. нравиться
9. to widen 9. житель
10. inhabitant 10. углублять
  11. лесоматериалы
  12. памятник

II. Fill in prepositions if necessary. Translate into Russian:

1. The Clyde was narrow and shallow … the 1700's when engineers widened and deepened the river … to make it navigable.

2. Scot­land's longest rivers flow eastward … the North Sea.

3. Population of Scotland is … 5 million people.

4. Scottish affairs are administered … a British cabinet min­istry, headed … the secretary … state … Scotland.

5. Five million people live … Scotland.


III. Make up sentences:

1. Ships from the Atlantic Ocean can … 1. … lie off the western coast of Scotland's main­land.
2. A large group of islands called the Hebrides … 2. … where nearly three-quarters of the Scots live, and the lowest is in the Highlands.
3. The highest density of population is in the Central Lowlands, … 3. … by 16 Scot­tish peers in the House of Lords.
4. English is generally spo­ken and fewer than 100,000 Scots, … 4. … sail up the Clyde to Glasgow.
5. It is repre­sented by 72 members in the House of Commons and … 5. … who are mainly inhabitants of the Highlands and island groups, also speak the Scottish form of Gaelic.

IV. Answer the following questions:

1. Scotland is the northern part of Britain, isn’t it?

2. How many main land regions does Scotland have?

3. What is Scotland’s most important river?

4. How many Scots speak the Scottish form of Gaelic?

5. Is Scotland an integral part of Great Britain or an independent state?

6. How many representatives does Scotland have in the House of Commons and in the House of lords?

V. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

1. Шотландия является очень маленькой страной.

2. Многие реки Шотландии текут и впадают в широкие заливы, называемые фьордами.

3. Река Клайд считается самой важной рекой Шотландии.

4. Шотландия имеет сотни островов.

5. Население Шотландии составляет приблизительно 5 миллионов человек.

6. Самая высокая плотность населения сосредоточена в центральных низменностях.

7. Самый густонаселенный город Шотландии называется – Глазго.

8. Делами Шотландии заведует британский кабинет министров.

9. Эдинбург – столица Шотландии.

10. Здесь есть два больших города – Глазго и Абердин.

Grammar Material

The Numeral

(Имя Числительное)

Имена числительные делятся на количественные и порядковые.

I. Количественные числительные обозначают количество предметов и отвечают на вопрос: how many – сколько? (one - один, two - два, three – три).

1. Числительные от 13 до 19 образуются прибавлением суффикса –teen (thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen ).

2. Числительные, образующие десятки, образуются прибавлением суффикса – ty (twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety).

3. Между десятками и следующими за ними единицами ставится дефис: twenty-three, fifty-seven.

4. Числительные hundred, thousand, million не принимают –s во мню числе, но когда они выражают неопределенное количество сотен, тысяч и миллионов и являются существительными, они принимают окончание –s. (two hundred, но hundreds of books)

II. Порядковые числительные являются определением к существительному и требуют определенного артикля.

1. Порядковые числительные, за исключением первых трех (the first, the second, the third) образуются прибавлением суффикса –th (the fifth – 5-й)

2. Дробные числительные читаются следующим образом:

½ - a half 2/3 – two thirds ¼ - one fourth/ a quarter 2 ½ - two and a half   0,1 – nought point one 0,02 – nought point nought two 2,45 – two point four five 43,502 – fourty-three point five nought two

Impersonal sentences

(Безличные предложения)

В английских безличных предложениях употребляется формальное подлежащее, выражаемое местоимением it. В качестве формального подлежащего местоимение it употребляется:

1. При сообщениях о явлениях природы:

e.g. It is summer. It was hot day – Лето. Был жаркий день.

2. При глаголах обозначающих состояние погоды:

e.g. It often rains in Britain. – В Британии часто идёт дождь.

It is freezing. – Подмораживает.

А также может использоваться глагол to take +it = нужно, требуется

e.g. It took me two hours to translate this text. – Мне потребовалось два часа, чтобы перевести этот текст.

3. При обозначении времени и расстояния:

e.g. It was early morning. – Было раннее утро.

e.g. It is nor far to university. – До университета недалеко.

4. При оценки действия, которое выражено инфинитивом, следующим за именной частью сказуемого.

e.g. It is difficult to solve this problem without computer. – Трудно решить эту задачу без компьютера.

Отрицательная и вопросительная формы безличных предложений стоятся по общему правилу.

e.g. It is not necessary to finish this work today. – Нет необходимости заканчивать эту работу сегодня.

Is it necessary to finish this work today? – Эту работу необходимо закончить сегодня?