Oil and Gas Fields Development 2 страница

a few – несколько употребляется с исчисляемыми

few – мало существительными

a little – немного употребляется с неисчисляемыми

little – мало существительными

1. We have little information of this discovery. 2. We must add a little water to make this substance melt. 3. Scientists opened a few new sources of gas in Europe. 4. There are few uses of natural gas in industry. 5. A few years ago we utilized this device in our laboratory. 6. As I had little time I could not get reliable information about this deposit of gas. 7. Little of natural gas we may use chemically. 8. Butane, pentane, hexane, and a few other gases may also be present.


10. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.

Запомните: both – оба

both…and – как … так и

either – любой

either…or – либо … либо

1. Natural gas either occurs together with crude oil or forms separate deposits of gas alone. 2. Either of these properties can be used in this analysis. 3. Natural gas may be used either as fuel or heat in our everyday life. 4. Most of natural gas we may use as a fuel for the production of both heat and energy. 5. Decomposition of both animal and vegetable remains over a period of many centuries without air is the source of natural gas. 6. Both the pressure and volume of a gas can be changed. 7. Both characteristics of the state of a gas are very important for the experiments. 8. Homogeneous materials may be classified either into compounds and elements or into solutions.


11. Переведите следующие предложения. Определите значение слова like в контексте (like - любить, нравиться; подобно, как).

1. Like all gaseous fuels natural gas has great advantages over liquid and solid fuels.

2. The engineer whom we met at the laboratory has three sons. His elder son is taking a course at the Petroleum University. Like his father he is going to become a petroleum engineer. He looks like his father. He likes his future speciality. 3. The level of petroleum education like that of all other types of education has grown manyfold.


12. Подберите к глаголам из левой колонки соответствующие существительные из правой колонки. Переведите словосочетания на русский язык.

1) to occur 1) into porous beds

2) to form 2) together with crude oil

3) to accumulate 3) natural deposits

4) to reach 4) in large quantities

5) to consist of 5) hydrocarbons

6) to make up 6) oil and gas

7) to be present 7) 90 per cent

8) to utilize 8) a great depth

9) to discover 9) as a raw material

10) in the field


13. Переведите на русский язык предложения, обращая внимание на перевод парных союзов either… or (или .. или; либо … либо), both… and (как … так и

и ... и):

1. Natural gases either occurs together with oil or forms separate deposits of gas alone. 2. The density of gases is measured either with special gas pycnometers or by the effusion method. 3. The state of a gas is characterized both by pressure-temperature and volume. 4. A field may be either a single pool or it may consist of two or more pools, all of, or related to, the same geologic structure. 5. Both oil and gas are naturally occurring mixtures of mainly hydrogen and carbon compounds. 6. Oil may be displaced from sand by either water or gas. 7. Oil and gas are used both as the fuel and chemicals. 8. Generally oil seeps are either up-dips or seepage along a fracture.


14. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на многозначность слова one. Назовите номера предложений, в которых one выступает заменителем ранее упомянутого существительного.

1. The training of petroleum engineers and geologists includes a comprehensive study of general subjects as well as specialized ones. 2. One can see modern computers at every laboratory. 3. A new method of oil production is more effective than the one we used some years ago. 4. Russia has always been one of the predominant oil and gas producing countries. 5. Liquids or gases are injected into the common reservoir through one or more injection wells. 6. Oil may be displaced from sand by any one, or a combination of three mechanisms. 7. The earth`s crust is the zone on which we live and the one accessible for our investigation. 8. One of the earliest patents for an “offshore” drilling rig was issued to T.F. Rowland in 1869. 9. Man, for one reason or another, has since the earliest known times been digging holes in the earth`s surface.


15. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав нужное слово: little, a little, few, a few. (Там, где это возможно, дайте два варианта предложения).

1. There are … things here which I cannot understand. 2. Have you got… ink in your fountain-pen? 3. When we walked… farther down the road we met another group of students. 4. If you have… spare time, go through this book. You will find… articles there which are rather interesting. 5. Has Russia much or…natural gas?


16. Запомните модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты:

Эквиваленты модальных глаголов
  Настоящее время Пршедшее время Будующее время
can –мочь could – мог am able to is able to are able to   was able to were able to shall be able to will be able to
may –мочь might – мог am allowed to is allowed to are allowed to was allowed to were allowed to shall be allowed to will be allowed to
Must – Должен     should – должен, следует have to has to (вынужден, приходится) am to is to are to (должен по договоренности, плану)   had to   was to were to shall have to will have to


Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на время, выраженное формой модального глагола или его эквивалента.

1. You must come to the Institute in time. 2. You may send the documents to the Institute. 3. All the students are allowed to make experiments in the laboratory. 4. This plant is to begin its work at the end of the month. 5. You should read the text once more. 6. You’ll have to do this work again. 7. We were to meet at the station. 8. If you cannot make the experiment yourself, you should consult your teaching assistant. 9. You could go there yesterday. 10. They might take the books when they were at the library. 11. I shall be able to read your paper tomorrow. 12. First you must study the laboratory instruction and only then you can begin the experiment. 13. We can produce heat by burning oil, gas or any other fuel. 14. He had to pass his last exam once again, because he couldn`t write the test.


17. Вставьте пропущенную форму модального глагола или эквивалента. Дайте несколько вариантов там, где это возможно.

1. … I consult the dictionary? 2. You … not do this work alone. 3. I … swim well. 4. The plant … be built in time. 5.We … not… to stay here for a long time. 6. You … not be late. 7.Does he … to come there? 8. … we leave already? 9. … we cross the street here? 10. … they write the words in their work- books? 11. … you begin the tests last week?


18. Прочтите и переведите текст:



Natural gas either occurs together with crude oil or forms separate deposits of gas alone. Decomposition of both animal and vegetable remains over a period of many centuries without air is the source of natural gas. A gread volume of gas accumulates and penetrates into porous beds of sand, sandstones and limestones. In these beds gas can form natural deposits under great pressure. When a borehole reaches such a deposit the gas rushes up. This gas has to be collected from several boreholes with the help of pipelines over long distances. Russia has a gigantic network of pipelines.

Natural gas is an inflammable gas and consists of hydrocarbons with a very low boiling point. Methane ( CH4 ) makes up approximately 85 per cent of the typical natural gas. Ethane (C2 H6 ) can be present up to 10 % and propane ( C3 H8 ) up to 3 %.

Butane, pentane, hexane, octane and a few other gases may also be present. In contrast to crude petroleum natural gas has no distinct odour.

Little of natural gas we may use chemically ,most of it we use as a fuel for the production of both heat and energy. Like all gaseous fuels natural gas has great amount of heat. Natural gas is valuable also as an important chemical raw material for industry, as chemical technologists are able to obtain hydrogen, acetylene, carbon black and various chlorine derivatives.

Natural gas occurs mainly in Russia and some other CIS countries and in the United States where most of the extraction and utilization takes place. Before the war we utilized gas only at Baku and in the Carpathian Mountains. Since then they have discovered numerous new sources, for example , in the Ukhta (Russia) and Emba regions (Kazakhstan), near Saratov, Uzbekistan, Volgograd and Grozny. In Europa they found rich deposits in Rumania and Italy, smaller ones in Austria and France. Germany also has several small but intensively worked fields.


19. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Does natural gas occur together with crude oil or does it form separate deposits? 2. What is the main source of natural gas? 3. In what beds can gas form natural deposits?

4. What happens when a borehole reaches a deposit of natural gas under great pressure? 5. What network of pipelines has Russia. 6. In natural gas an inflammable gas? 7. What does natural gas consist of? 8. What is the main component of natural gas? 9. Has natural gas any distinct odour? 10. Do we use natural gas mainly as a fuel? 11. Is natural gas an important chemical raw material for industry? 12. What countries are the main producers of natural gas? 13. In what areas of Russia and CIS is natural gas produced at present? 14. What countries of Europe are rich in natural gas?


20. Перескажите текст, используя вопросы упражнения 19.


21. Запомните слова:


Combustible – горючий manifestation – проявление

ancient – древний supernatural – сверхестественный

legend – легенда force – сила

B.C. – before Christ – до н.э. to worship – поклоняться, почитать

to observe – наблюдать still – до сих пор, все еще

eternal – вечный in the Caucasus – на Кавказе

to burn – гореть to exist – существовать

flame – пламя, огонь remains – остатки

various – различный temple – храм

to regard – рассматривать, right to the end of the 19th century – вплоть до

считать конца 19 столетия


Прослушайте смысловой кусок. Кратко ответьте на вопросы.


Natural combustible gas has been known since ancient times. There is a legend that several thousand years B.C. people observed “eternally buring flames” in various parts of the world. These flames were regarded as manifestations of a supernatural force and were worshipped. In the Caucasus there still exist the remains of a temple. In this temple an eternal flame burned right to the end of the 19th century.


1. Natural combustible gas has been known since ancient times, hasn’t it?

2. Did people observe “eternally buring flames” several thousand years B.C.?

3. Were these flames were regarded as manifestations of a supernatural force?

4. Did people worship buring flames?

5. In the Caucasus there still exist the remains of a temple, don’t they?

6. Did an eternal flame burn in this temple right to the end of the 19th century?


Запомните слова:


To form – образовывать limestone – известняк

decomposition – разложение surround – окружать

to penetrate – проникать rock – порода

crack – трещина side – сторона

bed – слой sandstone – песчаник


Прослушайте смысловой кусок. Из предложенных заголовков выберите правильный вариант.


Natural gases were formed by the decomposition of animal and vegetable remains over a period of many centuries. The gases that accumulated penetrated through cracks into porous beds of sand, sandstone and limestone. In these beds surrounded on all sides by compact rock, they formed natural deposits.


a) The use of natural gas

b) The main components of natural gas

c) The origin of natural gas


Запомните слова:


mysterious – таинственный to ignite – загораться, воспламеняться

nothing but – не что иное, как lightning – молния

to break out (broke, broken) - вырваться to pipe – пускать по трубам

bowels of the earth – недра земли to serve – служить

deposit – месторождение


Прослушайте смысловой кусок. Выберите предложение, наиболее точно передающее содержание прослушанного отрывка.


Nowadays everyone knows that there is nothing mysterious about such flames. “Eternal flames” are nothing but combustible gases. They have broken out of the bowels of the earth into the atmosphere and have been ignited, say, by lightning. People today do not worship such flames. They pipe the natural gas to their cities – to factories and homes. They make it serve their needs.


1. There is nothing mysterious about “eternal flames”.

2. Instead of (вместо) worshipping “eternal flames” people today make them serve their needs.

3. Combustible gases have broken out of the bowels of the earth into the atmosphere and have been ignited.


22. Составьте диалог. Используйте лексику текста, а также известные Вам разговорные формулы.


A.: It is interesting to know if the use of gas is growing fast?

B.: As is known, it certainly is.

A.: What are the reasons, I wonder?


23. Английский юмор:


When did Socrates live?


The teacher asked: “When did Socrates live?” After the silence had become painful, she ordered: “Open your history book. What does it say there?”

Pupil: Socrates, 469 B.C.

Teacher: Now, why didn`t you know when Socrates lived?

Pupil: Well, I though 469 B.C. was his telephone number.


painful – зд. удручающий

B.C. – Before Christ – до нашей эры


* * *

Teacher: John, why are you late?

John: Please, madam, I had to wash my neck and ears, but, honest, it won’t happen again.




Грамматика: 1. Герундий.

2. Причастие II.

3. Инфинитив.

4. Функции глаголов to be, to have в предложении.

Текст The Search for Oil


1. Прочтите вслух следующие слова:

[ ] – evidence, method, develop, investment

[ ] – fracture, balance, gravity

[ ] – discovery, construct, substructure, recover, duster

[ ] – world, search, earth, surface, commercial

[ ] – geologist, geophysicist, geographic, knowledge

[ ] – measure, explosion

[ ] – composition, configuration, exploration, observation

[ ] – location, accumulation, basic, space, operator, great.


2. Прочтите следующие слова, обращая внимание на ударение:

either [ ], generally [ ], knowledge [ ], observation [ ], aware [ ], sufficient [ ], beneath [ ], seismograph [ ], enough [ ], though [ ], technique [ ], magnetometer [ ], perhaps [ ], between [ ], actual [ ].


3. Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

search [ ] – поиск, разведка

seek [ ] – искать

evidence [ ] – признак, доказательство

oil seep [ ] – выход нефти на поверхность

up-dip [ ] – вверх по восстанию пласта

seepage [ ] – просачивание

fracture [ ] – разлом, разрыв

discovery [ ] – открытие

locate [ ] – обнаруживать

reservoir [ ] – коллекторская порода

investigation [ ] – исследование

gain [ ] – получать

substructure [ ] – подземная структура

dome [ ] – купол

seep [ ] – выход нефти на поверхность

anticline [ ] – антиклиналь

surface map [ ] – карта поверхности

devise [ ] – изобретать

torsion balance [ ] – париометр, крутильные весы

subsurface structure [ ] – погребенная структура

deduce [ ] - прослеживать

measure [ ] – измерять

transit time [ ] - время пробега

sound wave [ ] - звуковая волна

gravity meter [ ] - гравиметр

magnetometer [ ] – магнитометр

remote sensing [ ] - телеметрия

to be commercially feasible [ ] – быть рентабельным

recover [ ] – получать обратно, возмещать

investment [ ] – инвестиции, капиталовложение

to make a profit [ ] – получать прибыль

assure [ ] – уверять, гарантировать

rich strike [ ] - богатое месторождение

duster [ ] – непродуктивная скважина, скважина, не давшая ни нефти, ни газа.


4. Определите значение интернациональных слов:

observation, construct, geologist, geophysicist, structure, specific, method, globe, reservoir, generate, balance, basic, form, configuration, commercially, technique, actual, composition.


5. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод глаголов «to find» и «to found».

Запомните: to find (found, found) - находить

to found (founded, founded) - основывать

1. The missing expedition has not been found yet. 2. I found it difficult to understand him. 3. St. Petersburg was founded by Peter I in 1703. 4. Peter I founded this city to defend the northern borders of Russia. 5. His theory found no acceptance among scientists. 6. His theory is founded on very superficial (поверхностный, неглубокий) knowledge. 7. Petroleum is generally found in porous sedimentary rocks. 8. The geological party found vast resources of natural gas here last year. 9. Do you know who founded the Moscow University? 10. Before a mineral deposit can be worked, it must first be found.


6. Подберите из правой колонки правильный перевод английских слов и словосочетаний:

1) to look for evidence 1) подземная структура Земли

2) present configuration 2) рентабельный

3) are likely to contain 3) богатое месторождение

4) earth’s substructure 4) непродуктивная скважина

5) remote sensing 5) уменьшают риск

6) oil accumulation 6) современная конфигурация

7) lessen the risk 7) вероятно, содержат

8) commercially feasible 8) получить прибыль

9) make a profit 9) искать признаки

10) rich strike 10) нефтяная залежь

11) duster 11) телеметрия


7. Подберите к глаголам из списка А соответствующие существительные из списка В. Переведите словосочетание на русский язык.

A. 1) to leаt to; 2) to lessen; 3) to construct; 4) to measure; 5) to look for; 6) to gain;

7) to invest; 8) to take; 9) to recover; 10) to make.

B. 1) millions of dollars; 2) maps; 3) investments; 4) a great many steps; 5) a

discovery; 6) the risk; 7) transmit time; 8) a profit; 9) evidence; 10) information.


8. Герундий (Gerund) образуется путем прибавления суффикса –ing к основе глагола. Помните, что в предложении герундий может выполнять все синтаксические функции:

1) в функции подлежащего герундий переводится на русский язык

существительным или инфинитивом:

Reading such books is difficult.

2) герундий может быть частью сказуемого:

а) в функции именной части сказуемого (после глагола-связки to be) он

переводится инфинитивом или существительным:

My favourite occupation is reading.

б) в функции части составного глагольного сказуемого (после глаголов “to

begin”, “to start” – начинать; “to keep on”, “to go on” – продолжать; “ to stop”,

“to give up” –прекращать) переводится инфинитивом или существительным:

The student began translating the text.

3) в функции дополнения (прямого и предложного) герундий переводится

инфинитивом, существительным или придаточным предложением:

He likes listening to music.

He thinks of going to see his parents.

4) в функции определения ( после существительного с предлогом of или for)

он переводится существительным в родительном падеже; инфинитивом или

придаточным предложением:

The problems of getting oil out of the ground are colossal.

5) в функции обстоятельства после предлогов:

“on (upon)”, “after” переводится деепричастием иди существительным с

предлогами «по», «после».

After (on) returning to Moscow he resumed his work.

«by» - деепричастием, сочетанием предлогов «путем», «при помощи» с существительным или придаточным предложением:

He solved the problem by inventing a new kind of plastic.

“in” – деепричастием или существительным с предлогом «при»:

You must be very careful in making such experiments.

“without” – деепричастием с частицей «не» или существительным с предлогом «без»:

It is impossible to know English well without reading books in the original.

Итак, герундий в различных функциях переводится на русский язык существительным ( с предлогом или без предлога), инфинитивом, деепричастием или придаточным предложением. Способ перевода зависит не столько от функции герундия в предложении, сколько от его лексического значения и сочетаемости слов в русском языке.


9. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод герундия в функции:

а) подлежащего:

1. Changing the volume of a substance changes its density. 2. Exploiting the deposit means the extraction of mineral in it. 3. Measuring resistance is necessary in many experiments. 4. Fracturing of the area can also cause secondary porosity. 5. Using automatic control made it possible to increase productivity. 6. Maintaining constant pressure during the test was absolutely necessary. 7. Prospecting is the search for mineral deposits that can be exploited.

б) части сказуемого:

1. The work of these geologists is looking for oil and gas in new areas. 2. Their aim is finding new ways to increase oil production. 3. The search for economically useful mineral deposits is prospecting. 4. They continued testing until the sample was destroyed. 5. Oil production kept rising from the 1950s up to the 1990s.

в) дополнения:

1. As a rule prospecting includes 3 stages: finding evidence of the mineral finding the deposit and exploring the deposit. 2. For making tools man of the Stone Age used only stones. 3. Thank you for coming. 4. The drilling equipment needs repairing. 5. We suggested drilling an exploratory well to prove the existence of oil at the location. 6. The chief engineer spoke of organizing a new laboratory. 7. They succeeded in locating a rich oil accumulation. 8. Our oil engineers have made good progress in drilling wells.

г) определения:

1. There are different ways of discovering underground oil. 2. Porous solids have a great capacity for absorbing gases. 3. The idea of using this technique was new and unexpected. 4. The American program provided for a number of alternative sources of synthetic fuels including ways of converting coal to gas as well as extracting liquid fuel from oil shale. 5. Highly effective serial methods of prospecting from aircraft have come into wide use. 6. He solved the problem of inventing a new device for measuring reservoir pressure.

д) обстоятельства:

1. We can produce heat by burning oil, gas or any other fuels. 2. It is difficult to understand the nature of oil without studying its origin. 3. After finishing the experiment inform the laboratory assistant about its results. 4. Many different factors are taken into consideration in choosing a prospecting method. 5. Organisms, on dying, fall on the bottom of the sea and are buried there. 6. He solved the problem by inventing a new device for measuring reservoir pressure. 7. Some types of deposits were discovered by using data from air photographs. 8. You cannot increase oil production without modernizing drilling equipment.


10. Переведите предложения, определите, каким членом предложения является герундия:

1. Reading English technical magazines is important for an engineer. 2. I remember attending his lectures on chemistry. 3. He remembers having added some water to the mixture. 4. After failing in the examination in January he had to take it again in February. 5. At the meeting they discussed different ways of improving their work. 6. The problem of obtaining power was solved. 7. As it was late she went away without waiting for us.


11. Сочетание герундия с предшествующим ему притяжательным местоимением или существительным в притяжательном или общем падеже называется герундиальным оборотом.

Запомните, что такой оборот обычно переводится придаточным предложением, которое начинается словами «то, что», «что», «о том, что» и т.д. Существительное или притяжательное местоимение, стоящее перед герундием, при переводе на русский язык становится подлежащим придаточного предложения, а герундий – сказуемым этого предложения.

I heard of your friend going abroad.

Я слышал (о том), что ваш друг едет за границу.


12. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод герундиального оборота.

1. He know about our working at this problem. 2. The search for oil begins with geologists and geophysicists using their knowledge of the earth to locate geography areas that contain reservoir rock. 3. Excuse my interrupting you. 4. The professor insisted on our comparing the results of the experiment. 5. We can’t begin this work without the commission approving the plan. 6. Their using the new programme for the computer has improved results of the test. 7. At the lecture on physics the teacher spoke about protons and neutrons being two elementary particles. 8. The rule against visitors entering the laboratory during the experiment is strict.


13. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод герундия и герундиального оборота:

1. The search for oil begins with geologists and geophysicists using their knowledge of the earth to locate geographic areas that are likely to contain reservoir rock. 2. By 1920 it was found that looking for domes, seeps and anticlines on the surface maps was not sufficient. 3. With the seismograph, subsurface structures can be deduced by measuring the transit times of sound waves. 4. Before investing what may be millions of dollars, the operator needs to know if the well will be comercially feasible.


14. Participle II (Причастие II) образуется от III формы нестандартных глаголов. Для стандартных глаглов признаком Причастия II является суффикс -ed. В предложении может выполнять две синтаксические функции:

а) определение

левое правое

(переводится причастием (переводится причастным

на -мый, -ный, тый) определительным оборотом)


the connected tubes the new device made at our plant

a written letter the mixture divided by the experimentor

the given facts the letter written by me

the developed theory


б) обстоятельство (обычно занимает нулевую позицию)


When asked to read the text, Pete did it well.

Watched from the Earth, Mars looke like a red ball.

Heated to 800 C, the mixture melted.


Причастие II выполняет две важные грамматические функции, а именно:

а) образует сказуемое во всех временах группы Perfect по формуле to have +

Participle II

The engineer has brought the drawings to the shop.

I have not seen you since October.

We had finished the work by 6 o’clock.


б) образует сказуемое в страдательном залоге с одной из форм

вспомогательного глагола to be по формуле: to be + Participle II

The new method is studied by our group.

He was met by us at the station.

The star is seen only in the morning.

Such pipes will be made by our plant only.


Будьте особенно внимательны при переводе глаголов с суффиксом -ed, т.к. они могут быть сказуемым в форме простого прошедшего времени, а также Причас-

тием II в функции определения.


1. The divided portions of the mixture were put in separate test tubes.