Oil and Gas Fields Development 3 страница

2. The mixture divided by the experimentor was heated in separate tubes.

3. The assistant divided the magnet into two separate pieces.

4. The data obtained helped to study the new substance.


15. Определите функцию Причастия II в предложении, переведите предложения на русский язык.


1. Observation of the seeps has led to the discovery of many of the world’s great oil fields. 2. Once such a “likely area” is found, then more specific tests and investigations are made and the information gained from these is used to construct “maps” of the earth’s substructure. 3. By 1920 it was found that looking for domes, seeps and anticlines on the surface maps was not sufficient. 4. Thus geophysical methods were devised. 5. The first method developed was the torsion balance, followed closely by the seismograph. 6. With the seismograph, subsurface structures can be deduced by measuring the transit times of sound waves generated by an explosion. 7. Other tools developed for use by geophysicists are gravity meters and magnetometers. 8. The basic tool in any search for oil is a knowledge of the earth itself – how it was formed, its composition and its present configuration. 9. Not every well drilled today is assured of a rich strike.


16. Инфинитив (the Infinitive) относится к неличным формам глагола. Называя действие он не указывает ни лица, ни числа, ни наклонения. Формальным признаком инфинитива является частица to, которая в некоторых случаях опускается. К именным свойствам инфинитива относится его способность быть в предложении:

1) подлежащим, 2) частью сказуемого, 3)дополнением, 4)определением, 5)обстоятельством. В функции подлежащего инфинитив переводится на русский язык инфинитивом или существительным.

To build good roads is one of the most important tasks facing our engineers. - Строительство хороших дорог – одна из наиболее важных задач, стоящих перед нашими инженерами.

В функции именной части составного сказуемого инфинитив употребляется в сочетании с глаголом-связкой to be, которая переводится на русский язык словами «являться, заключаться в том чтобы, состоять в том чтобы». Сам инфинитив переводится инфинитивом или существительным.

The object is to provide low pressure. – Цель заключается в том, чтобы создать низкое давление.

В функции дополнения инфинитив переводится на русский язык инфинитивом.

We endeavored to minimize the old disadvantages. – Мы стремились довести до минимума ранее имевшие место недостатки.

Инфинитив или инфинитивная группа, стоящая после сущиствительного, к которому она относится, выступает правым определением к существительному:

The size of the gathering line depends on the volume of crude to be moved, pipeline length and other factors.

Размер сборного трубопровода зависит от объема сырой нефти, который должен быть (будет) перекачен по трубопроводу, и от других факторов.

На русский язык правое определение, выраженное инфинитивом, переводится обычно придаточным предложением с союзом «который». Сказуемое такого предложения переводится глаголом, выражающим долженствование, возможность или глаголом в форме будущего времени.

Инфинитив – обстоятельство цели.

Отвечает на вопросы «для какой цели?», «для чего?» и на русский язык переводится неопределенной формой глагола с союзом «для того, чтобы (чтобы)» или существительным с предлогом «для». Инфинитив – обстоятельство цели может стоять в начале предложения перед подлежащим или ближе к концу предложения (после сказуемого или дополнения).


To accelerate the gas a high 1. Чтобы достичь высоких скоростей дви-

pressure is needed in the pipeline. жения газа, необходимо высокое давления

в трубопроводе.

2. Для достижения … .


We use ammeter to measure the 1. Мы используем амперметр для того,

current. чтобы измерить силу тока.

2. … для измерения силы тока.


17. Определите функцию инфинитива в предложении, переведите предложения на русский язык.


1. When man first began to seek petroleum, the easiest way to find it was to look for evidence of oil seeps on the earth’s surface. 2. The search for oil begins with geologists and geophysicists using their knowledge of the earth to locate geographic areas that are likely to contain reservoir rock. 3. The information gained from these is used to construct “maps” of the earth’s substructure.


18. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на различные значения глагола «to be».

Запомните: глагол «to be» может быть:

1) смысловым глаголом со значениями «быть», «является», «находится»;

2) эквивалентом модального глагола «must» (to be to + инфинитив) со значением «должен» (по договоренности или плану);

3) глаголом-связкой (to be to + инфинитив) со значением «заключаться в том, чтобы», «состоять в том, чтобы», в том случае, если подлежащее выражено существительным типа «task», «question», «problem», «duty», «aim»;

4) вспомогательным глаголом, служащим для образования:

а) времен группы Continuous (to be + Participle I);

б) страдательного залога (to be + Participle II).

1. Most substances are complex in composition. 2. The conference is to open in a few days. 3. The aim of the conference is to discuss the problem of new energy sources. 4. He is making progress in mathematics. 5. The task of higher school is to educate highly-qualified specialists. 6. Coal, oil and natural gas are used as fuel. 7. Every worker is to know safety rules. 8. Gypsum is formed through sedimentation of mineral substances dissolved in water. 9. Thus, gypsum is a chemical sediment. 10. Now the students of our group are studying physical geology which deals with the chemical composition, crystal form and the origin of minerals. 11. They are in the laboratory now.


19. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на различные значения глагола «to have».

Запомните: глагол «to have» может быть:

1) смысловым глаголом со значением «иметь»;

2) эквивалентом модального глагола «must» (to have to + инфинитив) со значением «должен» (в силу определенных обстоятельств), «нужно», «приходится»;

3) вспомогательным глаголом, служащим для образования времен группы Perfect (to have + Participle II).

1. We have many laboratories at our Institute. 2. We shall have a five minutes’ break now. 3. Have you answered all the questions? 4. Our scientists have to solve many complicated problems. 5. The students of our group have already studied petrography dealing with the structure, texture and composition of rocks. 6. She doesn’t have to go to the library. I’ll give her the book she needs. 7. The research workers had made a lot of experiments before they got the necessary results. 8. You will have to try to do it again. 9. I had a lot of work to do last night.


20. Определите, являются ли глаголы «to be» и «to have» смысловым, вспомогательным глаголом, глаголом-связкой или эквивалентом модального глагола. Переведите предложения.

1. We shall be waiting for you at the bus-stop at 5 o’clock. 2. At this signal, the operator is to start the machine. 3. The building of the new school will be finished next month. 4. The students were carrying the experiment for some hours. 5. Our task was to define the speed of the reaction. 6. We are to have a short break at about 2 o’clock. 7. The report which is to be made by this scientist is of great importance for our future work. 8. They have already passed their exams. 9. We did not have to ask the teacher any questions, we could do the work ourselves. 10. After the laboratory assistant had brought all the necessary diagrams, the lecture began. 11. To remember the new words you have to read them aloud. 12. New gas provinces have been discovered in the northern part of the Tyumen region.


21. Прочтите и переведите текст:


When men first began to seek petroleum, the easiest way to find it was to look for evidence of oil seeps on the earth’s surface. Generally, oil seeps are either up-dips or seepage along a fracture. Observation of seeps has led to the discovery of many of the world’s great oil fields in the U. S., the Middle East, Venezuela, and at other points on the globe.

Indeed, the search for oil begins with geologists and geophysicists using their knowledge of the earth to locate geographic areas that are likely to contain reservoir rock. Once such a “likely area” is found, then more specific tests and investigations are made and the information gained from these is used to construct “maps” of the earth’s substructure. By 1920 it was found that looking for domes, seeps and anticlines on the surface maps was not sufficient. Thus geophysical methods were devised that gave the searchers an idea of what lay beneath the surface.

The first method developed was the torsion balance, followed closely by the seismograph. With the seismograph, subsurface structures can be deduced by measuring the transit times of sound waves generated by an explosion. Other tools developed for use by geophysicists are gravity meters and magnetometers. Another space age technique is remote sensing.

But of course, the basic tool in any search for oil is a knowledge of the earth itself – how it was formed , its composition and its present configuration. It is not enough though, to merely become aware of the existence of an oil accumulation at a given location. Before investing what may be millions of dollars, the operator needs to know if the well will be commercially feasible, or simply stated, will he recover his investment and perhaps make a profit? Not every well drilled today is assured of a rich strike. There are still many dusters, but modern techniques lessen the risk. However, a great many steps must be taken between exploration and actual drilling.


22. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What was the easiest way to find oil? 2. What has observation of seeps led to? 3. What does the search for oil begin with? 4. How are maps of the earth’s substructure constructed? 5. When and why were geophysical methods of prospecting devised? 6. Can you name the main geophysical methods and tools? 7. What is the basic tool in any search for oil? 8. What is it necessary to know before investing millions of dollars into a well? 9. Why must one take a great many steps between exploration and actual drilling?


23. Перескажите текст по вопросам 22-го упражнения.


24. Текст для аудирования:

1. Прослушайте текст:

Oil in Siberia

The oil and gas deposits in Siberia are unique in their size. Their importance increases greatly if we consider the fact that the Siberia discoveries took place at a time when many oil and gas reservoirs in the old and new worlds had become greatly depleted. The demand for oil and gas is growing quickly as a whole.

At a time of such high demand for oil Siberia is regarded as a supplier of this raw material and fuel. Siberian oil serves as raw material for large petrochemical combines in Novosibirsk, Tobolsk, Omsk.

Discovery of oil in Siberia simplifies the development of a number of districts including the Trans-Urals, Extreme North and Far East. Prospects have opened up for the rapid development of petrochemistry. One Siberian oilworker said: “when we struck the first well at the now famous Samotlor field, we saw not a black fountain but a blossoming land; the cold land of Siberia warmed by our oil and labour”.

2. Запомните следующие синонимы, дайте их перевод:

oil (petroleum); deposit (field); reservoir (formation, bed); demand (need); development (progress); convey (transport); area (district, region); well (hole, bore-hole); fountain (gusher); land (country).

3. Запомните следующие глаголы:

increase (увеличивать), deplete (истощать), serve (служить),

stimulate (стимулировать, способствовать).

4. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих русских слов и словосочетаний:

уникальный, спрос, топливо, быстрый, нефтехимические предприятия, нефтяник, комбинаты.

5. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What can you say about the oil and gas deposits in Siberia?

2. At what time did the Siberian discoveries take place?

3. Is the demand for oil and gas growing quickly?


25. Прослушайте и прочитайте диалог. Затем воспроизведите и продолжите его.


Student: We are interested in Russian oil and gas potential and we are going to ask you

some questions.

Teacher: All right. You may put questions to me and I’ll try to answer them.

Student: Well, what can you say about oil and gas deposits in Russia?

Teacher: As far as I know our country has unique oil and gas deposits. New discoveries

come thick and fast.

Student: Where are the largest of them located?

Teacher: You see, the largest have been those of the West Siberian gas fields, mainly in the Tyumen region, in the Komi Autonomous Republic, and near Orenburg.


26. Английский юмор:

Two students’ father were talking about their children. One of them said: “When my son went to college, it took him three years to get his BS.”

The second father smiled: “ That’s nothing. When my daughter went to college, it took her two years to get a Ph. D.”

“How could she get a Ph. D. in only two years?”

Father said complacently “ She married him”.

1) BS – Bachelor of Science – бакалавр наук

2) Ph. D. – Doctor of Philosophy – доктор философии

3) complacently – самодовольно


* * *

The professor was delivering the final lecture of the term. He stressed the fact that each student should devote all the time that he has to preparing for the final examinations.

“The examination papers are now in the hands of the printer. Are there any questions?”

There was a silence. Suddenly a voice from the back seat asked: “Who’s the printer?”


Which Is Best

Two men with their sons in college were talking things over. “My boy is certainly getting smart in the language”, boasted one, “his letters always send me to the dictionary”.

“You are lucky”, growled the other, “my boy’s letters always send me to the bank”.





Грамматика: 1. Герундий.

2. Причастие II.

3. Страдательный залог.

4. Инфинитив.


Текст: Drilling


1. Прочтите вслух следующие слова:

- discovering, hung, jumping, other, countryside, under, gusher, uppermost, mud, flush,

cuttings, thus, unimportant

- heavy, credit, empty, method, prevent, effective, instead

- called, board, born, water, overall

- early, earth, third, circulate, turbo-drilling, turbine, surface, turn

- through, tool, remove, fluid, blew, moving,

- tube, spew, introduce, reducing

- underground, around, doubt, encountered

- framework, raised, ancient, cable, casing, caving, wasted, formation, penetrated,

obtain, bailer

- only, over, hole, lower, notably, blow, flow, rotary, motor

- pipe, describe, brine, provide, high-grade

- machinery, mentioned, ancient, traditionally, Russia, Russian, commercial,

essentially, pressure, stationary, penetration, efficiency, application

- century, Chinese, attach


2. Прочтите следующие слова, обращая внимание на ударение:

machinery , derrick , technique ,

commercial , essentially , suspended

, progressively , diameter

, prevent , effective ,

progress , encountered , pressure

, quantities , spectacular ,

serious , continuously , surface ,

annular , column , stationary ,

efficiency .


3. Запомните произношение следующих слов:

Titusville , Pennsylvania ,

Ontario , Canada , Chinese


4. Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

rock - (горная) порода

framework - аркас

derrick - буровая вышка

tap - вскрывать (пласт)

stratum (strata) - пласт, слой (пласты, слои)

brine - соленая вода

bit - долото

commercial - промышленный

cable-tool method - канатно-ударный метод бурения

blow - удар

attach - прикреплять

drill stem - ударная штанга (в ударном бурении), бурильная колонна (во

вращательном бурении)

length - длина; отрезок (трубы)

suspend - подвешивать

wire - проволока

rope - веревка; канат

bottom - забой скважины; дно; низ, нижняя часть

cuttings - обломки выбуренной породы; шлам

bailer - желонка

tube - труба; syn. pipe

valve - клапан; вентиль, задвижка

casing - обсадные трубы; крепление обсадными трубами

caving - обрушение породы, обвал

flow - поток, течение

shallow - неглубокий; ant. deep

means - средство, способ

by means of - посредством, при помощи

stem - останавливать, задерживать

encounter - (неожиданно) встречаться, сталкиваться

blow out - выброс

spew - извергать

quantities - большое количество, множество, изобилие

gusher - фонтан, мощный фонтан

spectacular - эффектный, захватывающий

waste - попусту тратить, расточать

hazard - риск, опасность

rotary method - вращательный метод бурения

turn of the century - начало века (столетия)

string - колонна труб

rotary table - ротор

kelly - рабочая труба

drilling fluid (mud) - буровой раствор, буровая жидкость

hollow - полый, пустой

surface - поверхность

annular space - кольцевое, затрубное пространство

flush - промывать, вымывать

column - колонна

formation - формация; пласт

penetrate - проникать, проходить

turbo-drilling - турбинное бурение

stationary - неподвижный

stream - поток

rate of penetration - механическая скорость бурения

conventional - общепринятый, традиционный, обычный

wear out - изнашиваться; износ

overall - общий

high-grade - высокосортный, высококачественный

obtain - получать, доставлять, приобретать

rapid - быстрый, скорый; (syn. quick, fast)



5. Подберите из правой колонки правильный перевод английских слов и словосочетаний:

1) ways of discovering 1) самая верхняя труба

2) steel framework 2) вместо того, чтобы двигаться вверх и вниз

3) the third century A.D. 3) за исключением

4) spring board 4) приводимый в действие

5) cable tool method 5) неглубокие скважины

6) essentially 6) хотя

7) except for 7) способы обнаружения

8) to keep back 8) быстрый износ долота

9) shallow wells 9) стальной каркас

10) were a serious fire hazard 10) удержать (задержать)

11) instead of moving up and down 11) третий век н.э.

12) the uppermost pipe 12) по существу

13) powered by 13) трамплин

14) although 14) представляли серьезную опасность пожара

15) rapid bit wear 15) канатно-ударный метод бурения


6. Подберите к глаголам из списка А соответствующие существительные из списка Б. Переведите словосочетания на русский язык.


1) to make 1) the cuttings

2) to pull out 2) a lot of oil and gas

3) to remove 3) some application

4) to keep back 4) a deep hole

5) to waste 5) water flow

6) to be 6) the kelly

7) to turn 7) the risk of blow out

8) to reduce 8) the bit

9) to have 9) a serious fire hazard


7. Переведите на русский язык следующие сочетания слов без словаря:

ways of discovering, underground oil, the only way, steel framework, is raised and lowered, goes far back into history, as early as the 3rd century A.D., a heavy bit, as to, the first commercial oil well, repeated blows, except for, from time to time, in such cases, over the countryside, at the turn of the century, instead of moving up and down, by means of, the uppermost pipe, with this method, so that, rapid bit wear.


8. Определите значения выделенных слов по сходству их корней с корнями соответ-

ствующих слов в русском языке:

machinery, the technique of well drilling, the petroleum industry, traditionally, a Russian engineer, the first commercial oil well, cable tool method, effective for shallow wells, progress was slow, the flow of oil and gas, a serious fire hazard, is circulated down, the risk of blow out, a variant of rotary drilling, turbo-drilling, fluid motor or turbine, overall efficiency.


9. Определите по суффиксам, какой частью речи являются следующие слова, и

переведите их на русский язык:

history - historic - historical - historian; tradition - traditional - traditionally; consider -

considerable - consideration; drill - drilling - driller; note - notable - notably; commerce -

commercial - commercially - commercialize - commercialism; essence - essential - essentially;

attach - attachment; suspend - suspender - suspension; cut - cutter - cutting; progress -

progressive - progressively; spectacle - spectacular - spectator; rotate - rotation - rotational -

rotative - rotary - rotatory; introduce - introduction - introductory; continue - continuous -

continuously - continual - continually - continuance - continuation - continuity; penetrate -

penetration; apply - appliance - applicable - applicant - application.


10. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значения слов:

only - только little - мало

the only - единственный a little - немного

first - сначала few - мало

the first - первый a few - несколько

other - другой, иной

another- другой, еще один

1. The only way to get underground oil is to make a borehole through the rock, earth and sand. 2. Only metals can be used over and over again. 3. Nowadays he was very busy and he saw few of his old friends. 4. Adeline had slept little last night and she had a headache. 5. I beg your pardon, but allow me to have my dinner first, for I am hungry. 6. The only Greek letters used to denote kinds of rays are alpha, beta, gamma, pi and mu. 7. There remain only five cases to be considered in this analytic study. 8. The first reaction from the financial community abroad to the measures taken by the British Government was cautiously favourable. 9. I’m afraid I have not much news to convey but still there are a few things I should like to add. 10. Aunt Florrie had a little money. 11. At the same time oil wells were being drilled in other places. 12. Would you like another cup of tea? 13. I made few friends in those days, for I was occupied with other things. 14. The houses on the other side of the river were built out of gray stone.


11. Найдите в следующих предложениях герундий, определите его функцию в предложении (подлежащее; часть сказуемого; дополнение; определение; обстоятельство).

Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. There are many ways of discovering underground oil. 2. The technique of well drilling goes far back into history. 3. The bit was raised up and down by several of men jumping on a spring board. 4. There is some doubt as to which country should be credited with having drilled the first commercial oil well. 5. The cable tool system was essentially a method of making a hole by repeated blows. 6. After drilling a few feet, the bit was pulled out. 7. No means was provided for stemming the flow of oil and gas. 8. With rotary method, the bit, instead of moving up and down, is attached to the bottom of a string of steel pipes and rotated by means of a rotary table.


12. Найдите в следующих предложениях Причастие II. определите его функцию в

предложении (определение; обстоятельство; часть сказуемого). Переведите

предложения на русский язык.

1. The only way to get underground oil is to make a deep hole, called a borehole, or a well, through the rock, earth and sand. 2. The steel framework over the well is called a derrick. 3. From this the machinery that drills the hole is raised and lowered. 4. The technique of well drilling is first mentioned in ancient Chinese manuscripts, which describe wells drilled as early as the 3rd century A.D. 5. The wells were drilled with a heavy bit, which was raised up and down by several of men jumping on a spring board. 6. In Russia the first oil well was drilled in 1856 by a Russian engineer A.F. Semenov. 7. At around the same time oil wells were also being drilled in other places. 8. All these wells were drilled by the cable tool method. 9. The cable tool system was essentially a method of making a hole by repeated blows with a bit attached to a “drill stem”, a heavy length of steel suspended from a wire rope. 10. The hole was kept empty except for a little water at the bottom. 11. Steel pipes known as casing were run from time to time to prevent the hole from caving. 12. No means was provided for stemming the flow of oil and gas when encountered under pressure. 13. The present-day method of drilling, known as the “rotary method”, was invented at around the turn of the century. 14. With this method, the bit is attached to the bottom of a string of steel pipes and rotated by means of a rotary table. 15. “Drilling fluid” or “drilling mud” is continuously circulated down through the hollow drilling string, through the bit and back up to the surface through the annular space between drilling string and borehole wall. 16. The drilling fluid, by the weight of its column, holds the fluids under pressure in formations penetrated by the bit, thus greatly reducing the risk of blow out. 17. A variant of rotary drilling is known as “turbo-drilling”. 18. With this method the pipe is not rotated but is kept stationary, and the bit is rotated on bottom by means of a fluid motor or turbine powered by the mud stream.


13. Найдите в следующих предложениях инфинитив или инфинитивный оборот, определите его функцию в предложении (подлежащее; часть сказуемого; дополнение; определение; обстоятельство цели). Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The only way to get underground oil is to make a deep hole through the rock, earth and sand. 2. Ancient Chinese manuscripts describe wells drilled as early as the 3rd century A.D. to tap underground strata for brine. 3. The petroleum industry is traditionally considered to have been born in 1859. 4. Steel pipes known as casing were run from time to time to prevent the hole from caving and to keep back any water flow. 5. However, the method has some application where high-grade steel is difficult to obtain.


14. Определите функции Participle II и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The damaged parts were immediately examined and repaired by a specialist. 2. Installed, the wire may be used as a conductor. 3. The engine tested required further improvement. 4. When broadly used, the term “alloy” may include mixture of metals and not solid solutions. 5. The results obtained proved to be right. 6. The instruments get spoilt if left in the open air. 7. The amount of calculations carried out depends on the quality of the electronic computer used. 8. The gas mixture ignited quickly produces more force if first compressed.


15. Определите функции герундия и герундиального оборота и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Protecting the personnel against radioactive radiation holds an important place at the atomic power plant. 2. The first alloys were formed by mixing metals with other substances.

3. The engineer insisted on these reservoirs being used for holding aviation gasoline. 4. There were other ways of applying high voltage. 5. By working hard you can make up for the time lost. 6. The engineer insists on those devices being a new step in the development of technique. 7. The constructor informed us of establishing a new record of a non-stop flight. 8. His main occupation was washing reflectors with soapy water. 9. The turbulent flow of gases produces cooling. 10. There is no hope of our getting a complete analysis of measurement within 10 days.


16. Определите функции инфинитива в следующих предложениях и переведите их на русский язык.

1. To build good roads is one of the most important tasks of our engineers. 2. Under such conditions dust can get into the interior. 3. To give the necessary output the plant needed new techniques. 4. The main purpose is to design modern equipment and establish new methods of operation. 5. When ionised the electrons do not remain free but attach themselves to neutral atoms to form negative ions. 6. To understand the action of batteries let us examine a very simple sort of cell. 7. We tried to minimize the old disadvantages. 8. In an effort to overcome these difficulties a great deal of experimental work has been carried out by the specialists. 9. So they have found a new type of tape possible to work with. 10. Attempts to design a steam turbine with a special form of the nozzle were made by numerous inventors.