British Facts

1. Reading and Speaking. Read some interesting facts about the UK. What facts amused you? What information was new for you? What have you read or heard about before? Begin your answer with ‘I have never known / read / heard before that …’.

Monarchy without a ConstitutionBritain does not have a written Constitution. Of course, there are rules and principles for the running of the country, but there is no single written document. Nobody can refer to ‘article 5’ or anything like that, because nothing like that exists.

Kings and QueensGreat Britain’s monarchy is over 1,000 years old. The only time when there was no King or Queen in Britain was when the country was a Republic between 1649 and 1660. In 1649 King Charles I was executed and Britain became a Republic for eleven years. The monarchy was restored in 1660.

The Royal SurnameThe surname of the British Royal Family is Windsor. This probably sounds very British, but the Royal Family’s ancestors were German. The family name was changed from Saxe-Coburg-Gothain 1917 by George V because of string British feelings against Germany during the First World War.

Good MannersKings and queens expect to be treated differently from other people. So you’d better know some simple rules in case you bump into a member of the royal family.

1. Women are expected to curtsy. Men are expected to bow.

2. Shake hands if a hand is offered.

3. It is very bad manners to meet royalty with gloves on because, in the past, gloves were associated with warfare.

4. Until recently it was thought impolite to turn one’s back on the Queen of England. People would walk backwards out if their presence. In certain ceremonies lords and other officials still do.

The State Opening of ParliamentThe beefeaters make a ceremonial search of the Houses of Parliament before the Queen arrives for the state opening of Parliament. On November 5, 1605, Guy Fawkes and his fellow conspirators planned to blow up Parliament. The plot was discovered and Guy Fawkes was hanged. But the cellars where he was captured are still searched before each opening of Parliament. This is a spectacular ceremony and everything is done as it was done almost four centuries ago.

Famous Castles Windsor Castle is the oldest royal residence in the world that is still being used by the royal family. It’s almost 1,000 years old. It is also believed that the castle has lots of ghosts including those of Henry VIII, Queen Elizabeth I, King George III, and Charles I. Leeds Castle is one of Britain’s picturesque castles. It sites on two small islands in a beautiful lake. It is nearly 1,000 years old. Of course, we all know that Harry Potter’s school, Hogwarts, does not really exist. But the first two films took place in a real castle! Alnwick Castle is situated about 80 miles south of Edinburgh. Some parts of the castle were built as early as 1096. And the castle is still lived in!