PB page 73, 2. Look and answer.
T. asks the children to look at the picture and tell him/her what’s happening.
T. does the example with the class: T. reads out the example question and asks the children to read the example answer.
T. asks the children to answer the questions. T. reminds them to refer to the Learn with Tag box for help. T. monitors and helps where necessary.
T. checks the answers.
PB page 73, 3. Ask and answer. Say Yes, I did or No, I didn’t .
T. asks the children some different questions before they do the exercise. For example, Did you play an instrument yesterday? Did you have a shower this morning?, etc.
T. puts the children in pairs. They take turns asking and answering the questions T. monitors and helps where necessary.
Optional activity.
T. asks the children to write down four new questions like the ones in Exercise 3. Then T. puts them in small groups and lets them take turns interviewing their friends.
PB page 73, 4. Write with Karla.
T. asks the children to look at the questions and read Karla’s letter.
T. asks the children to write a letter to their friend. T. monitors and helps where necessary. T. encourages the children to think of new questions and to use new verbs.
T. checks the answers by asking children to read out what they have written.
T. asks the children to complete pp.70-71 in their Activity Book.
Title of the lesson: We had a wonderful time.
Lesson 35
Skills to be emphasized:
- listening
- Speaking
Objectives:to talk about past actions using irregular verbs
Vocabulary: mayor, proud
Review: prize
Grammar: past simple (irregular verbs)
Materials: Class CD, Lesson 23 flashcards
Procedure of the lesson
Warm-up page 74
T. puts the children in pairs. They take turns reading to their friend the letters they wrote in the last lesson. Their friend answers the questions in the letter.
T. checks the homework from the previous lesson.
PB page 74, Vocabulary
T. says Open your book at page 74.
T. presents the new vocabulary with the Lesson’s flashcards.
T. uses extra repetition to practice the pronunciation of the or /eə/ in mayor.
We had a wonderful time.
Pre-reading: T. asks the children to look at the story. T. asks (in L1 where necessary) What is happening in picture 1? Why are the animals excited? Who reads the newspaper to the others?
T. asks the children to look at the story and find the words from the vocabulary.
T. asks some questions to check understanding and engages the children. T. asks (avoiding L1 if possible) Who comes to see the animals? How does he feel? Why are the animals excited now?
PB: page 74, 1. Choose and write.
T. does the example with the class; T. asks the children to read the text for picture 1, then read the example sentence.
T. asks the children to choose words and complete the sentences. T. reminds them to look at the story to find their answers. T. monitors and helps where necessary.
T. checks the answers.
PB: page 75, Learn with Tag
T. asks the children to look at the picture and read Tag’s speech bubble. T. asks them if they can think what verb went might come from.
T. explains that some verbs are strange when we use them to talk about the past and that they don’t have ed on the end.
T. reads the grammar box out loud with the class.
T. asks the children to find examples of the new verb forms in the story.
T. calls out the present simple of the verbs from the grammar box and asks the children to shout out their past simple form. T. repeats this several times so that they get familiar with the irregular past simple.
PB page 75, 2. Write.
T. does the example with the class: T. asks the children to find the verb drink in the grammar box and to call out the past simple form.
T. asks the children to complete the sentences in the past with the verb from the previous sentences. T. reminds them to refer to the Learn with tag box for help. T. monitors and helps where necessary.
T. checks the answers.
PB page 75, 3. Match.
T. does the example with the class: T. says We ate … some apple juice? No! T. asks the children to read out the example sentence.
T. asks the children to match and make sentences. T. monitors and helps where necessary.
T, checks the answers.
Optional activity
T. points to different children and give them a verb from the grammar box in the learn with Tag section. Each time, the child says the past simple form, then spells it. T. awards a point for every correct answer.
PB page 75, 4. Sing along with the Fly High band!
T. plays the CD.
T. asks the children to complete pp.72-73 in their Activity Book.
Title of the lesson: Did you drink your milk?
Lesson 36
Skills to be emphasized:
- listening
- Speaking
Objectives:to ask and answer about past actions using irregular verbs
Vocabulary: flippers, sun cream, phone
Review: suitcase, towel, excited
Grammar: Did you (go) …?, Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.
Materials: Class CD, Lesson 24 flashcards
Procedure of the lesson
Warm-up page 76
T. puts the children in pairs. They ask and answer about what they did last weekend. T. demonstrates by asking children Did you climb a tree last weekend? What did you do on Saturday morning?
T. checks the homework from the previous lesson.
PB page 76, Vocabulary
T. says Open your book at page 76.
T. presents the new vocabulary with the lesson’s flashcards.
Did you drink your milk?
Pre-reading: T. asks the children look at the story. T. asks (in L1 where necessary) What happened in the story in lesson 23? Where are the characters going in this story? Are they happy? Where do you go on holiday?
T. follows the steps for presenting stories.
T. asks some questions to check understanding and engages the children. T. asks (avoiding L1 if possible) What has Patty got? Did the animals have breakfast? Who is in the car?
PB: page 76, 1. Circle.
T. does the example with the class; T. says The suitcases are ready. Yes or No? T. elicits Yes.
T. asks the children to read and circle yes or no. T. monitors and helps where necessary.
T. checks the answers by asking children to read the sentences and say yes or no. t. invites them to correct the no sentences.
PB: page 77, Learn with Tag
T. reviews past simple questions with regular verbs by asking children questions (e.g. Did you walk to school yesterday? Did your mum watch TV on Saturday?, etc.). then T. asks children to think of questions to ask one of their friends in the classroom.
T. asks for two volunteers to read out speech bubbles for Patty and Tag.
T. asks the children to read the grammar box out loud.
T. makes sure the children realize that even though verbs like go, have, etc. are regular, we use the ordinary form of the verb in past simple questions, so even irregular verbs are easy!
PB page 77, 2. What about you? Write.
T. asks the children some past simple questions using irregular verbs (e.g. Did you give your mum a present for her birthday? Did you write in English yesterday? Did your friend take a photo yesterday?
T. asks the children to read the questions and answer about themselves. T. monitors and helps where necessary.
T. checks the answers by asking different children to read out their answers to the questions.