Know-how Fund REAP Project Ref. BEL/395/41/0001
As UK Coordinator of the above UK Know-how Fund Regional Academic Partnership project, I invite:
Olga Petrova,
Faculty of Law,
Belarus State University
to visit Kingston University within the period 21st February - 7th March 2005, and re-quest the issue of a visa to cover that period. I confirm that all of Mrs Petrova travel expenses and the cost of one week of accommodation and subsistence will be met en-tirely from Know-how Fund REAP project funds.
I also request that the visa be issued free of charge.
In the event of any enquiries about this invitation please do not hesitate to contact me directly by FAX at Kingston University, or via the International Office oа BSU.
Thank you for your assistance with this matter,
Yours faithfully,
Dr Alan G. Flowers
UK Coordinator
REAP BEL/395/41/0001
Every applicant is expected to draft a tentative programme of the visit, may be like that:
Programme of Study Visit to Kingston University
1. Intended Visit Outputs
1.1. Increased awareness by academic teaching staff of BSU of the business education methodologies, and syllabus content, of business courses at Kingston University, with a focus on business courses for scientists.
1.2. New developments in business education teaching methodologies at BSU which will enhance graduate-skills appropriate for SME develop-ment in Belarus.
1.3. Increased availability teaching materials to students at BSU on modules related to Business law.
2. Visit Objectives
1.1. Observation of teaching methods in business education classes at KU, including the transferable skills considered important for UK students.
1.2. Identification of business education teaching materials, and develop-ment of a plan for further learning material purchases according to the REAP budget.
1.3. Discussions, with Kingston Staff, on current syllabus content in busi-ness education.
1.4. Develop programme for future Business Education Seminars.
1.5. Creation of personal action plans relation to input to business education at BSU. This to include a schedule of dates on which verifiable factors of progress will be provided to BSU International Office, for incorpora-tion in REAP progress reports.
Study visits can be individual and those arranged as a partner-ship scheme.
Both partners must be fully involved in preparing the applica-tion form and send the completed application to the appropriate programme regional manager.