Science: The Endless Resource
Our future demands investment in our people, institutions and ideas. Science is an essential part of that investment, an endless and sustainable
resource with extraordinary dividends. The Government should accept new responsibilities for promoting the flow of new scientific knowledge and the development of scientific talent in the youth. These responsibilities are the proper concern of the Government, for they vitally affect health, jobs and national security
The bedrock wisdom of this statement has been demonstrated time and again in the intervening half century. The return from public investments in fundamental science has been enormous, both through the knowledge generated and through the education of an unmatched scientific and technical workforce. Discoveries in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and other fundamental sciences have seeded and have been driven by important advances in engineering, technology, and medicine.
The principal sponsors and beneficiaries of scientific enterprise are people. Their continued support, rooted in the recognition of science as the foundation of a modern knowledge-based technological society, is essential. This investment has yielded a scientific enterprise without peer, whether measured in term of discoveries, citations, awards and prizes, advanced education, or contributions to industrial and informational innovation. Scientific strength is a treasure which we must sustain and build on for the future.
To fulfill our responsibility to future generations by ensuring that our children can compete in the global economy, we must invest in the scientific enterprise at a rate commensurate with its growing importance to society. That means we must provide physical infrastructure that facilitates world class research, including access to cutting-edge scientific instrumentation and to world-class information and communication systems. We must provide the necessary educational opportunities for each of our citizens. Failure to exercise our responsibility will place our children's future at risk.
Science does indeed provide an endless frontier. Advancing that frontier and exploring the cosmos we live in helps to feed our sense of adventure and our passion for discovery. Science is also an endless resource: in advancing the frontier, our knowledge of the physical and living world constantly expands. The unfolding secrets of nature provide new knowledge to address crucial challenges, often in unpredictable ways. These include improving human health, creating breakthrough technologies that lead to new industries and high quality jobs, enhancing productivity with information technologies and improved understanding of human interactions, meeting our national security needs, protecting and restoring the global environment, and feeding and providing energy for a growing population.
The challenges of the twenty-first century will place a high premium on sustained excellence in scientific research and education. We approach the
future with a strong foundation, built by the wise and successful stewardship of this enterprise over many decades, and with an investment strategy that was framed as three interconnected strategic goals:
Long term economic growth that creates jobs and protects the environment; A government that is more productive and more responsive to the needs of
its citizens;
World leadership in basic science, mathematics, and engineering. Our policies in these areas should be working to prepare the future.
Our future demands investment in our people, institutions and ideas.
Science is an essential part of that investment. The Government should accept new responsibilities for promoting the flow of new scientific knowledge. The bedrock wisdom of this statement has been demonstrated time and again in the intervening half century. The principal sponsors and beneficiaries of scientific enterprise are people. Scientific strength is a treasure which we must sustain and build on for the future. To fulfill our responsibility to future generations, we must invest in the scientific enterprise at a rate commensurate with its growing importance to society. Science does indeed provide an endless frontier. We approach the future with an investment strategy that was framed as interconnected strategic goals: long term economic growth; a more productive government and world leadership in basic science, mathematics, and engineering. The challenges of the twenty-first century will place a high premium on sustained excellence in scientific research and education. Our policies in these areas should be working to prepare the future.
The text under discussion is entitled Science: The Endless Resource. It deals with the role of science in modern life. First, it is stressed the Government should accept new responsibilities for promoting the flow of new scientific knowledge. Attention is drawn to the fact that fundamental science discoveries have seeded important advances in the society, scientific knowledge being an endless resource affecting health, jobs and national security. It is reported that unfolding secrets of nature provides new knowledge to address crucial challenges. The text goes on to say that we must provide physical infrastructure and educational opportunities that facilitate world class research. The author concludes that challenges of the twenty-first century will place a high premium on excellence in scientific research and education. To my mind, the main idea of the text is to show that science is the foundation of a modern knowledge-based technological society.