Употребление страдательного залога.
Употребление времен в страдательном залоге соответствует употреблению времен в активном залоге.
Страдательный залог употребляется:
1. Когда исполнитель действия неизвестен.
An agreement was signed yesterday.
2. Когда исполнитель действия известен, но намеренно не упоминается говорящим.
You were rung up 2 minutes ago.
На русский язык пассив переводится:
а) при помощи глагола на – ся;
б) при помощи глагола быть и краткой формы причастия;
в) при помощи неопределенно-личного предложения.
Изучите примеры и их перевод на русский язык:
а) Books are not sold here, only newspapers Книги здесь не продаются,
and magazines.(простое настоящее продаются только газеты и журналы.
время в пассиве)
б) The contract was signed Контракт был подписан
by the president of the company. президентом компании.
(простое прошедшее в пассиве)
The prices will be settled Цены будут урегулированы
by both parties. обеими сторонами.
(простое будущее в пассиве)
в) He was told to wait. Ему сказали подождать.
Is English spoken in Во многих странах говорят
many countries? по-английски?
Will the book be Книгу переведут на
translated into English? английский язык?
Предложения, содержащие прямое и косвенное дополнение, имеют две соответствующих конструкции в пассиве:
I gave him a book.
косвенное прямое
дополнение дополнение
A book was given to him.
He was given a book. Ему дали книгу.
They showed me a picture.
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A picture was shown to me.
I was shown a picture. Мне показали картину.
Следующие глаголы могут принимать прямое и косвенное дополнение: to tell, to show, to offer, to give, to promise («обещать»), to advise.
Сделайте упражнения на подстановку по образцу:
Model 1:
A. A lot of business letters are received at your office, aren’t they?
B. Right. We do business with many countries. Mail is sent and received every day.
negotiations/to be held regularly; business matters/to be considered; documents/to be typed; enquiries/to be studied
to hold (held, held) проводить
Model 2:
A. A contract was signed at your office yesterday, wasn’t it?
B. Yes, we had a hard day. Finally all the problems were settled.
a protocol/to be signed; an agreement/to be negotiated; prices/to be discussed; delivery dates/ to be considered; terms of shipment/to be settled; terms of delivery/to be discussed
Model 3:
A. Will the new equipment be delivered by the end of the year?
B. Definitely. We have made all necessary arrangements.
the new project/to be built; several engineers/to be sent abroad; some modern equipment/to be bought; the new joint-stock company/to be set up
Model 4:
A. The letter wasn’t signed yesterday, was it?
B. No, it wasn’t. As far as I know, it will be signed tomorrow.
business delegation/to be met; sightseeing programme/to be discussed; delivery date/to be negotiated; amendment/to be made; agreement/to be concluded
Model 5:
A. When will the contract be signed?
B. We’ve signed it already, if I’m not mistaken.
A. When was it signed?
B. Let me see. It was signed the day before yesterday.
delivery/to be made; equipment/to be delivered; joint venture/to be set up; delivery period/to be reduced