Exercise 1. Study the vocabulary. Confirmation –підтвердження, затвердження

Confirmation –підтвердження, затвердження

Assessment –оцінювання, визначення вартості

To earn –отримувати

Renewal –подовження, оновлення

Licensure –видача дозволу, патенту тощо

Entity –об’єкт, організація

Portability –автономність

Corporate (internal) certification –корпоративний (внутрішній) сертифікат

Product-specific certification –сертифікація окремих товарів

Profession-wide certification –широко професіональна сертифікація

Low-stakes organization –організація з малою часткою акцій

To develop –розвивати

To reference –давати посилання на що-небудь

Prevalent –розповсюджений, домінуючий

Domain of licensure –сфера діяльності ліцензування

To be intended –бути призначеним

Sustainability certification –сертифікаційна стійкість

The National Organization for Competency Assurance (NOCA) –Національна організація із забезпечення правочинності

Trend –тенденція

Issues of concern –тема, питання, яке потребує вирішення

Practitioners –діяч, виконувач

Human resource development –підготовка спеціалістів

Performance –експлуатація

Stipulated –обговорений

To comply –відповідати, підкоритись

Software package –пакет програм

To be endorsed –бути узгодженим

To be eligible –мати право

Accreditor –той, що надає право

Routinely –як треба, в заведеному порядку

To audit –проводити ревізію

Compliance –погодження, згода

To submit –підкорятись, погоджуватись

Assembled – зібраний

To dispatch –відправляти, посилати

Test rig –обладнання для випробувань, досліджень

Test specimens –зразки для випробувань, досліджень

Rating –показник параметрів

Exercise 2. Guess the meaning of the international words.

Characteristics, object, form, person, examination, period, certificate, corporation, process,

Commission, Administration.


Exercise 3. Give English equivalents for:


Погодження, питання, яке потребує вирішення, пакет програм, розповсюджений, показник параметрів, сертифікація окремих товарів, Національна організація із забезпечення правочинності, видача дозволу або патенту, проводити ревізію, сертифікаційна стійкість, широко професіональна сертифікація, сертифікація окремих товарів.


II. Reading and comprehension.

Exercise 4. Read the text A. Translate it with the dictionary.


Certification refers to the confirmation of certain characteristics of an object, person, or organization. This confirmation is often, but not always, provided by some form of external review, education, or assessment. One of the most common types of certification in modern society is professional certification, where a person is certified as being able to competently complete a job or task, usually by the passing of an examination.

Certifications are earned from a Professional society and, in general, must be renewed periodically, or may be valid for a specific period of time. As a part of a complete renewal of an individual's certification, it is common for the individual to show evidence of continued learning — often termed continuing education.

Certification does not refer to the state of legally being able to practice or work in a profession. That is licensure. Usually, licensure is administered by a governmental entity for public protection purposes and certification by a professional association. However, they are similar in that they both require the demonstration of a certain level of knowledge or ability.

There are three general types of certification. Listed in order of development level and portability, they are: corporate (internal), product-specific, and profession-wide.

Corporate, or internal certifications, are made by a corporation or low-stakes organization for internal purposes. For example, a corporation might require a one-day training course for all sales personnel, after which they receive a certificate. While this certificate has limited portability - to other corporations, for example - it also is the simplest to develop.

Product-specific certifications are more involved, and are intended to be referenced to a product across all applications. This approach is very prevalent in the information technology (IT) industry, where personnel are certified on a version of software or hardware. This type of certification is portable across locations (for example, different corporations that use that software), but not across other products.

The most general type of certification is profession-wide. In order to apply professional standards, increase the level of practice, and possibly protect the public (though this is also the domain of licensure), a professional organization might establish a certification. This is intended to be portable to all places a certificate might work. Of course, this generalizability increases the cost of such a program; the process to establish a legally defensible assessment of an entire profession is very extensive. An example of this is a certified public accountant, which would not be certified for just one corporation or one piece of accountancy software but for general work in the profession.

Organizational certification, such as the Green Globe environmental and sustainability certification, is usually referred to as accreditation. The differentiation in terms is especially relevant with regards to the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA), which is a body that accredits certifying organizations.

Certifications are very common in aviation, construction, technology and other industrial sectors, as well as health care and finance. In USA, the Federal Aviation Administration regulates aviator certifications.

The National Organization for Competency Assurance (NOCA) is a US-based organization that helps certification bodies, primarily in healthcare and related fields, by providing them with information on the latest trends and issues of concern to practitioners and organizations focused on certification, obtaining licenses, and human resource development.


Exercise 5. Find in the text the following word-combinations and translate them to your native language:


The confirmation of certain characteristics, external review, professional certification, a specific period of time, evidence of continued learning, a governmental entity, public protection purposes, defensible assessment, certified public accountant, Organizational certification, the Federal Aviation Administration, related fields, the latest trends, human resource development.