Exercise 16. Match words and word-combinations in column A with those in column B.
1) inspection control 2) reliability 3) few refinements 4) the customer’s specifications 5) the measuring equipment 6) documentation integrity 7) quality requirements 8) pressure vessel | 1) посуд високого тиску 2) інспекційний контроль 3) вимоги якості 4) надійність 5) невелике покращення, модернізація 6) технічні вимоги замовника 7) вимірювальне устаткування 8) недоторканість, цілісність документації |
Exercise 17. Put the words in the right order to make up a sentence. Translate them.
1) necessary, Total, Control, control, of, is, most the, inspection, all, Quality.
2) include:, safety, The, major, that, reliability, previously, were, characteristics, ignored, maintainability.
3) properly, had, to, out, their, and, the, define, customer’s, carry, specifications, work, Marketing.
4) to, from, the, is, Feedback, used, review, designs, customer.
Exercise 18. Agree or disagree with the following statements:
1) The major problem which leads to a decrease in sales was that the specifications did not include the most important factor, “What the customer required”.
2) Reliability, maintainability, safety are not important for the total quality control.
3) Specifications needn’t to be defined to conform to these requirements.
4) Any complaints received from the customers were satisfactorily dealt with in a timely manner.
5) If the original specification does not reflect the correct quality requirements, quality will be inspected or manufactured into the product.
Exercise 19. Answer the following questions:
1) What is Total Quality control?
2) What is the major problem which leads to a decrease in sales?
3) What characteristics were ignored during the search for improving manufacture?
4) Can you name the refinements that had to be introduced?
5) When cannot the quality be inspected?
6) How can you explain the notion “Quality Awareness”?
Exercise 20. Make up a plan to the text B covering the main ideas. Reproduce the text according to your plan.
Exercise 21. Role-play. Imagine that you are an inspector on the quality control of the products of textile industry. You need to examine the production of some kinds of clothes. You have a conversation with the director – manager at the enterprise of the clothing production. Inspect him and the production of its enterprise. Make up a dialogue using the vocabulary of the lesson.
Exercise 22. Prepare the report (15-20 sentences) about the procedure of quality control at one of the Ukrainian enterprises. Describe the process of its realization.
IV. Listening.
Exercise 23. Listen to the text C and answer the following questions:
1) What are silk garments prized for?
2) What are the physical qualities of silk?
3) How can you describe contemporary silk garments?
4) What do you know about the shrinkage of the silk fibre?
5) What shampoo should be used when washing silk?
6) What processes can spoil the silk fibre?
Today, silk is another word for elegance, and silk garments are prized for their versatility, wearability and comfort. Silk is the strongest natural fiber. A steel filament of the same diameter as silk will break before a filament of silk. Silk absorbs moisture, which makes it cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Because of its high absorbency, it is easily dyed in many deep colors. Silk retains its shape, drapes well, caresses the figure, and shimmers with a luster.
Contemporary silk garments range from evening wear to sports wear. A silk suit can go to the office and, with a change of accessories and a blouse, transform into an elegant dinner ensemble. Silk garments can be worn for all seasons.
Silk is elegant, versatile and washable. In the past, owning a silk garment meant not only the initial price of the garment but also the cost of dry cleaning. All silk is washable. Silk is a natural protein fiber, like human hair, taken from the cocoon of the silkworm. The natural glue, sericin, secreted by silkworms and not totally removed during manufacturing of the silk, is a natural sizing which is brought out when washing in warm water. Most silk fabrics can be hand washed. Technically, silk does not shrink like other fibers. A tightly woven silk will not "shrink" or will "shrink" a lot less. Silk garments, however, can shrink if the fabric has not been washed prior to garment construction. When washing silk, do not wring but roll in a towel. Silk dries quickly but should not be put in an automatic dryer unless the fabric is dried in an automatic dryer prior to garment construction. A good shampoo works well on silk. It will remove oil and revitalize your silk. Do not use an alkaline shampoo or one which contains ingredients such as wax, petroleum, or their derivatives, as these products will leave a residue on your silk and may cause "oil" spots. If static or clinging is a problem with your silks, a good hair conditioner (see above cautions) may be used in the rinse water.
Silk may yellow and fade with the use of a high iron setting. Press cloths and a steam iron are recommended. Silk is also weakened by sunlight and perspiration.
I. Language
Exercise 1. Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:
Measurement –вимірювання
International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) –Міжнародне Бюро вимірювання маси
та інших значень
To embrace –охоплювати
Transfer of traceability –зміщення трасувальності(трассируемости)
Applied or industrial metrology –практична або промислова метрологія
Legal metrology –законодавча метрологія
Enabling taxation –ефективне оподаткування
Whereby –за допомогою чогось, за посередництвом
Stated references –встановлені посилання
Calibration –маркування, калібрування
Systematic bias –систематична помилка
Assigned value –приписане значення
Sophisticated system –складна, сучасна система
Gauging devices –вимірювальні прибори
Headway –рух уперед, прогрес
Rational system of units –раціональна система одиниць (вимірювання)
To assess –давати оцінку, накладати податок
Equipment commonality – загальне обладнання, оснащення
Saturated cells –насичений, наповнений елемент
To pursue –проводити, займатись