Ex.1. Choose the correct variant. 1. We are not working/we don’t work on Saturdays.

1. We are not working/we don’t work on Saturdays.

2. I am working/work in London this month.

3. Does he work/is he working on any special project at the moment?

4. How often are you visiting/do you visit stock exchange?

5. Our company sometimes employs/is employing foreign consultants.

6. Do you like/are you liking your team?

7. Which hotel are you staying/do you stay in whenever you come to Birmingham?

8. What sort of work does he do/is he doing? He works for MacDonalds.

9. Cars are becoming/become more and more expensive.

10. This badge shows/is showing your name, the company name and your job title.

11. He is having/has a highly paid job in the oil business.

12. Our phone doesn’t work/isn’t working at the moment.

13. He likes/is liking his job.

14. At the moment we discuss/are discussing a specific current project.


Ex.2. Complete the sentences by putting the verb in brackets into the correct tense.

1. He _____ some money at the moment until he starts university. (earn)

2. The shop ____ normally ____ open this late, but we are working different hours up to Christmas. (stay/not)

3. The man who makes no mistakes ____ usually _____ anything. (make/not)

4. The UK ____ more popular as a location for international business . (become)

5. The plane from New York ____ the airport. (circle)

6. I _____ about why he said such things. (think)

7. The currency rates always ______ so I advise you to wait until the value of the Euro goes up. (fluctuate)

8. Why _____ he _____ at this blank sheet of paper? (stare)

9. I ______ that we should do it ourselves. (agree)

10. I _____ in Kyiv at the moment but I am afraid I will have to leave soon. (live)

11. It _____ him $50 to buy food. (cost)

12. I always ______ the same point of view with my boss. (share)

13. All I need from you is good advice. I _____ you to help me financially. (expect/not)

14. Our company ______ several subsidiaries in Europe and _____ another one in London. (have, set up).



Speech and Discussion


Ex.1. Explain why work plays a major part in most people’s lives.


Ex.2. Can you think of any jobs that you would particularly hate to do? Why?


Ex.3. Prove the necessity and the importance of the Human Resources department for a company.


Ex.4. Would you take a job you didn't like in order to get experience you need? Why? What would be your ideal job?


Ex.5. Some people believe that you should work hard today to prepare for the future, while others believe in the philosophy that “tomorrow never comes”, so you should enjoy life to the fullest today. Discuss the advantages of each of these philosophies. Then indicate which one you believe in and why.


Ex.6. Familiarize yourself with the following idioms. Consult your dictionary and translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Think of situations where you could use them:

1. The boss gave us the green light to go ahead with the project.

2. It’s no good complaining to the post office about the telephone engineer. They will only white-wash him.

3. I got some black looks from the shopkeeper when I cancelled my order.

4. Have you seen a ghost? Your face is as white as a sheet.

5. When he lost his temper, he showed himself in his true colours.


Ex.5. Comment on the following:

“A man who wants to do something will find a way; a man who doesn’t will find an excuse.”

(Stephen Dolley)


Lesson 2

Text: Human Resources: the people

Grammar: Tense Revision. Past time


Terms to remember:


skills навички
job title назва посади
define (v) визначати
personal assistant секретар-референт
authority керівництво, влада; повноваження
executive (exec) керівник, адміністратор, службовець; виконавець
supervisor інспектор; керівник персоналу (на підприємстві); контролер; керівник нижчої ланки
workforce робоча сила; кадри, штатні працівники
on the payroll в штатному складі (підприємства)
payroll платіжна відомість
monthly-paid staff персонал, який отримує заробітну платню щомісячно
weekly-paid staff персонал, який отримує заробітну платню щотижнево
hourly-paid staff персонал, який отримує заробітну платню погодинно
white-collar worker службовець; білий комірець (працівник, зайнятий інтелектуальною працею)
manual worker робітник фізичної праці
blue-collar worker робітник; блакитний комірець (працівник, зайнятий фізичною працею)
colleague/co-worker колега, співробітник


Human Resources: the people


“Human Resources” means people, plus the skills and experience they bring to an organization. Job titles such as “Accounts Manager” or “Personal Assistant” define what people do.

An employer is a person or company that provides job. Boss is an informal word meaning “someone in authority”, for example an employer or owner of a company, or simply someone in a superior position.

The person who runs a specific part of an organization is called a manager. An executive or, informally, an execis usually a manager at quite a high level. People at the head of an organization, as it was already mentioned, are senior executives, top executives or top managers. Someone who is in charge of making sure a job is well done e.g. on the factory floor, or in retailing, is sometimes called a supervisor.

People working for a company are referred to as its workforce, employees, staff or personnel and are on its payroll.

Payroll is the list of all the people employed by a company, and the amount of money paid to each of them. The payroll is usually divided into monthly-paid staff, weekly-paid staff and hourly-paid staff.

Professionals or people who perform various office jobs are white-collar workers, while manual workers in factories, on building sites, etc. are called blue-collar workers. Someone who works with you in your job is a colleague (sometimes called a co-worker).


Exercises in Word Study


Ex.1. Form verbs from the following nouns:

employer, provider, runner, manager, executive, supervisor, assistant, authority, owner.


Ex.2. Give the English for:

людські ресурси; навички та досвід; роботодавець; керівник; службовець (2); платіжна відомість; персонал, який отримує заробітну платню щомісячно/щотижнево/погодинно; робітник; колега; керівництво.


Ex.3. Match words from list A with words from list B that have a similar meaning:

specific manual provide workforce colleague define authority owner give co-worker definite physical possessor personnel specify power


Ex.4. Find suitable opposites to the following words and phrases:

employee, blue-collar worker, general, inferior, junior, formal.