Ex. 2 Read and translate the text. Using a dictionary, translate paragraphs 3, 4, 6, 7, 11, 15, 20, 21, 22 in writing.

1.Entering the university is a serious step in your life. You must study hard to get a good education and ... all this sounds so deterrent and boring at the same time. But let’s have a look at the student’s life from the other side! There’s nothing quite as fun as a college can be, as long as you approach it with the right attitude and remember that this is indeed your life. You don’t get to go to college twice (well, unless you become one of those endless students), so enjoy it! There are a lot of traditions gladly maintained by students, because they make the student’s life bright and unbelievable. Some traditions are common all over the world; others are upheld only by individual universities.

2.As studying at the university is certainly associated with taking exams, no wonder that many traditions concern these “hard times”.

3.The week before schools' final examinations in the United States of America is slangily called Dead week. The week is known thus because of its notorious stress; the propensity of college and university students to save exam study until the last possible week; and because most professors have term papers and projects due throughout the week. Students prepare for the exams and papers by pulling all-night study sessions, often with the aid of stimulants such as coffee, caffeine tablets, and energy drinks. During this period, some students will suffer from sleep deprivation, increased irritability, and stress. At some schools, this week is referred to as Hell Week, Reading Period, or Reading Week. Dead Week has become an official University-recognized event.

4.Many campus halls require silence for most of the day during the week before finals, to aid to those studying for their finals or writing papers. There are 23/7 mandatory quiet hours in the student dormitories (the non-quiet, 24th hour is Rowdy Hour).

5.Depending on the school there may also be a moratorium on paper assignments, exams, and student organizational activities during dead week. Libraries may also be open for extended hours, or might stay available all night. At Dartmouth College, the libraries are covertly patrolled by volunteer "shot fairies" who offer drink and good company to students preparing for final exams. At The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, there is only one day for reviewing, known as Reading Day. Reading Day falls on a Thursday and Final Exams begin the Friday after. Typically, the Wednesday night prior to Reading Day is marked by the last major parties of the year. At Longwood University, the Sunday evening before exams features a "Midnight Breakfast," where professors and administrators serve breakfast food and drinks as students prepare for Finals. At the University of Colorado at Boulder, the university administrators canceled the reading period after it became apparent that students were partying instead of studying and Pacific Lutheran University calls dead week simply "Drinking Time."

6.In any event students want to pass their exams successfully, so they do their best to find different ways of achieving the goal. One of the commonest and most popular traditions is The Primal Scream. Students open their doors and windows and scream for good luck as loudly as they can (usually at midnight) on one or all nights of the dead week. The popularity of the "primal scream" is so great that students practice the tradition at various points during the middle of terms as well (before midterms), and sometimes on ordinary Thursday nights, just to celebrate the end of the week for some students. At Carnegie Mellon University, the primal scream is accompanied by a barbecue. Free coffee is offered at several dining locations from 8pm to 8am.

7.However, as the temperature drops below zero and final exams creep closer and closer, Harvard students need some sort of release. So when the clock strikes midnight, signaling the end of reading period, stressed Harvard students rush outside and the festivities begin. The Harvard band plays, the students strip off their clothes and run down the street. At Yale University, the Pundits, a nominally anonymous student group, organizes a naked run through Bass Library, where many students study for their exams. The event is usually around midnight and the runners hand out candies to the crowd. Some of the streakers will "dress up" in capes and masks, or top hat and tails, but their genitalia are still exposed.

8.The students of the University of California have a large statue of the UCLA mascot, the Bruin, situated near the student union. By tradition they rub his right hind paw for luck before exams.

9.Not to be bored to death American students start funny, sometimes even strange traditions. At the University of Virginia before students graduate, they must run naked from the Rotunda down the Lawn to the statue of Homer (which must be kissed on the buttocks) and then back to the Rotunda.

10.At Georgetown University there is a statue of John Carroll, the founder of Georgetown, located at the entrance of the campus. Before they graduate, students try to have their photo taken in Carroll's lap. As it is forbidden (the architects consider such activities damage the statue), the usual game plan is to leap into John Carroll's lap, have a friend snap the picture, and make a run for it.

At Columbia University, at midnight the eve of the first Monday of finals, students participate in a Spring Pillow Fight.

11.At Marist College in the spring semester there is "Senior Week" which refers to the week between the end of finals and Commencement. "River Fest," held on Marist's bank of the Hudson River, typifies the tenor of the week, featuring fireworks, music, and refreshments; River Fest is widely viewed as an event where graduating seniors see their professors for the last time.

12.At Young Harris College students walk the entire length of the campus front wall. If a student falls off or doesn't complete the walk then they must start from the beginning. Also, a tradition states that if a student steps on the seal on the plaza then they will fail their exams.

13.At the University of Southern California during the final week of classes in the spring semester, graduating seniors run through every one of the school's various fountains in a tradition known as the 'Fountain Run'.

14.The giant picturesque campus of The University of the South is said to be home to angels, which you can borrow as your own guardian angel whenever you leave. You simply need to tap the roof of your car as you drive through the gates to "pick up" your angel, and you tap it again when you return to "release" it.

15.At Bucknell University during the first week of their second semester, first-year students serenade the president of the university. During both their first and last weeks on campus, students gather in a circle in the quad overlooking the hills at sunset for a class candle-lighting ceremony. The Chrysalis Ball is held for students and faculty.

16.At Cornell University Dragon Day originated as a rivalry between the architecture and engineering departments. Every St. Patrick's Day, first-year architectural students design and build a several-story-high dragon and parade it through campus. Costumed students guide the beast across the campus and then set it afire in the middle of the Arts Quad. Each spring on Hill Day, students celebrate the return of warm weather with a rock concert and picnic on the Libe Slope. Legend has it that any couple that kisses in the middle of the suspension bridge will end up getting married.

17.Students of Georgetown University have a rather strange tradition. On Halloween they watch horror films and around midnight students gather in the cemetery on campus to howl at the moon.

18.Kenyon College has a singing tradition. Freshmen sing in front of the school during matriculation week, and seniors sing in front of their families at graduation.

19.At one of Los Angeles Colleges on their birthdays students are ceremoniously tossed into the college's Gilman Fountain by their fellow students.

20.Midnight Yell Practice is a tradition at Texas A&M (Agricultural and Mechanical)University. Midnight Yell is similar to a pep rally. On the night before each home football game, Midnight Yell takes place in Kyle Field at midnight; two nights before each away game, a Yell Practice (not at midnight) is held near the Quadrangle on the south side of campus. At midnight on the night before an away game Midnight Yell is held in or near the opponent's city. For example, if the annual game against the University of Texas is held in Austin the Midnight Yell is held on the steps of the Texas State Capitol.

21.Besides exciting the crowd, Midnight Yell introduces the student body to any new yells and to practice changes to existing yells. All yell practices are led by the Yell Leaders, a set of five students who are elected to one-year terms by the student body. At first the junior Yell Leaders assemble at midfield and begin doing pushups. The pushups last for approximately nine minutes (3 songs about 3 minutes each). The five Yell Leaders then arrange themselves in front of the stands and begin leading the yells. All yells are coordinated using hand signals. When the yell is ready to begin, the head Yell Leader gives a signal and the crowd tries to maximize the volume of their voices. It generally numbers 20,000 to 25,000 people. The school songs are sung, the Yell Leaders will also tell two fables about how the Aggies are going to beat their opponent the next day.

22.At one point during the night the stadium lights are turned off and, traditionally, Aggies are supposed to kiss their dates. This relates to another student tradition: "When One Aggie Scores, All Aggies Score." When the Aggies score a touchdown, safety, or field goal, everyone in the student body who has brought a date to the game kisses his/her date. If no date is present, single students light their cigarette lighters to make it easier for two dateless people to find each other in the dark.

After a victorious home football game, the Yell Leaders are thrown into Fish Pond by the freshmen.

23.In a word, University life is actually a good preparation for understanding how life works, once you graduate too. It is all about finding and striking a balance. A little partying is healthy, but so is studying. Nobody can tell you what that balance is going to look like exactly for you, since everyone is unique and different. But finding it is something that you should treat as a priority!

Ex. 3 Give the English equivalents to the words and words-combinations:

ü підвищена дратівливсть/повышенная раздражительность;

ü проводити письмову роботу/проводить письменную (контрольную) работу;

ü розглядати як першочергову задачу/рассматривать в качестве первоочередной задачи;

ü підтримувати традиції/поддерживать традиции;

ü робити зарядку/делать зарядку;

ü недосипання/недосыпание;

ü завивати на місяць/выть на луну;

ü ніч перед/ночь перед чем-либо;

ü дракон, створений з декількох ярусів/дракон, созданный из нескольких ярусов;

ü виявлятися/обнаруживаться, выявляться;

ü застрибувати комусь в пелену/запрыгивать кому-то в подол.


Ex.4 Find the synonyms in the text to the following words:

Laborious, bear in mind, hostel, purpose, customary, to attend, to take part in, to throw, to finish, floor, competition.