Ex 24 Study the following chart.

Meaning   With a Non-Perfect Infinitive (Present, Future; of past in Reported Speech)  
absence of necessity   You needn't hurry. (There is no need for you to hurry.) He needn't speak so loud. (Everybody can hear him.) She said that I needn't go there.  
With a Perfect Infinitive (past, or prior to the moment of speech)  
You needn't have come so early. (There was no need for him to come so early, but he did come.) She needn't have translated the article. (But she did translate it.) He said that I needn't have gone there. (But I had gone there.)  


Ex 25 Paraphrase the following sentences, using 'need'.


1. It's not necessary for you to leave so early. 2. It is not necessary for you to repeat it so many times. 3. Why are you talking in a whisper? Nobody is sleeping. 4. It wasn't necessary for you to trouble him. They were quite able to do the work without him. 5. Why did you raise this question again? It had been settled. 6. It wasn't necessary for you to buy a new coat this year. 7. She got worried quite unnecessarily. 8. It was a waste of time to talk to him on the subject.

Ex 26 Translate the following sentences into English, using 'need'.


1. Нам не нужно брать такси. Вокзал недалеко отсюда. 2. Ей не нужно было садиться на восьмичасовой поезд. Она стояла всю дорогу. 3. Вам не нужно звонить ей. Она уже пришла. 4. Не удивительно, что вы заблудились. Вам не нужно было переходить железную дорогу. Деревня на этой стороне. 5. Ей незачем напоминать о том, что ей нужно делать. Она сама всё помнит. 6. Вы можете не есть суп, если не хотите. 7. Вам не нужно было давать им никаких обещаний. 8. Он сказал, что ей незачем было волноваться. 9. Он сказал, что мне можно не возвращать книги в понедельник.

Ех 27 Compare the meaning of 'should' and 'have to'; 'should' and 'must'; 'should' and 'need'. Translate the sentences into Russian.


(A) 1. (і) She has to get up very early. Her office is a long way from here. (ii) She should get up very early, then she won't be late again. 2. (і) She doesn't have to make her son read. He is fond of reading. (ii) She shouldn't make her son read much, his eyes are very weak. 3. (і) It was so noisy in the hall. He had to shout to be heard, (ii) They didn't hear him. He should have shouted to be heard. 4. (і) Не didn't have to remind her of her promise. She was as good as her word. (ii) He shouldn't have reminded her of her promise. She was hurt.

(B) 1. (і) You must see the doctor, (ii) You should see the doctor. 2. (і) You mustn't smoke, (ii) You shouldn't smoke. 3. (і) You needn't go to her. You can phone her. (ii) You shouldn't go to her. She is too ill to see anybody. 4. (і) You needn't have warned her about the danger. She knew about it better than anybody else. (ii) You shouldn't have warned her about the danger. You've frightened her.


Mixed Bag

Ex 28 Insert 'had to', 'didn't have to' or 'should + perfect inf.' or 'shouldn't + perfect inf.' according to the sense.


1. You — (wake) me up. Why did you? You know, I don't have to go to the office today. 2. I — (wake) him up because I was afraid he would be late again. 3. He — (wait) for the next train long and arrived in time for the plane. 4. He — (take) an early train not to miss the plane. He has lost a whole day for nothing. 5. We — (wait) for her, because she never came at all. 6. I — (tell) him about it personally, I wrote him a letter. 7. You — (say) anything, nobody asked you. Now you've ruined our plan. 8. She — (stay) at the hotel until she received the money from home. 9. She — (stay) at the hotel another day. Why did she break the arrangement? 10. They—(argue), they came to an agreement almost at once.

Ex 29 Translate the following sentences, using 'should', 'have to' and 'need' according to the sense.


1. Вам не было необходимости ехать за билетами на вокзал. Их надо было заказать по телефону. 2. Раньше ему приходилось делать пересадку два раза, когда он ехал в институт. 3. Тебе не надо было делать пересадку. Восьмой автобус идет прямо до моего дома. 4. Вам незачем было ехать туда одной. 5. Мне следовало пригласить его тоже. 6. Нам не приходится решать такие вопросы. 7. Он сказал, что мне тоже следовало принять участие в работе клуба. 8. Она сказала, мне следует позвонить ему. 9. Они сказали, что нам не нужно платить за билеты. Они бесплатные. 10. Я должен был вернуться до их возвращения, поэтому я вышел раньше. 11. Вам незачем идти на шестой этаж пешком. В доме есть лифт. 12. Не следует расстраивать его из-за таких пустяков. 13. Вам придется согласиться с нашим планом. 14. После такой напряженной работы вам следует хорошо отдохнуть.


Ex 30 State whether the verb in bold type is a link-verb or a notional verb. Translate the sentences into Russian.


1. Helooked sadly at me. 2. Helooked sad when he watched the ships leave the port. 3. Whathas become of him? 4. Hehas becomequite a famous man. 5. The cityis becoming more and more beautiful. 6. Unable to find the ticket hegot more and more excited. 7. When hegot the ticket he nervously looked at the clock on the building. 8. He turned angrily around. 9. Sheturned as pale as death when she heard the news. 10. How quickly youare growing! 11. How tall you'vegrown.12. Shegrows flowers in her garden. 13. Whathas gone wrong with my watch, I wonder? 14. Wherehas hegone?