Odesa National Medical University

Odesa National Medical University was founded in 1900, September 1st as the Medical Faculty of Novorossiysky (now Odesa) University thanks to the efforts of a great surgeon N.I. Pirogov. The Rector of Novorossiysky University was F.N. Shvedov, professor of physics at that time. The first dean of the Medical Faculty became a prominent scientist V.V. Podvysotsky who was the real creator of the Medical Faculty. At that time only 125 students studied at the Medical Faculty.

In 1920 the Medical Academy was organized in Odesa on the basis of the Medical Faculty of Novorossiysky University and became an independent higher educational institution. D.K. Zabolotny, a great epidemiologist, became the first rector of it. In 1921 the Medical Academy was reformed into the Medical Institute. The status of University was given to the Institute by the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on August 29, 1994. In 2010 the university was given the status of a National University.

The university enrolls over 4500 students, including 1500 foreign students from 57 countries of the world. The training of students is given in Ukrainian, Russian and English. The studies are carried out by 800 assistant professors, 18 academicians, 105 professors and doctors of Medical Sciences, 407 associate professors and candidates of medical sciences.

There are seven faculties (three medical, a dental, a pharmaceutical, an international and the faculty of post-graduate studies), and 55 departments at the university.

Post-diploma specialization is carried out in internship and in Master’s degree programme.

The university has 18 blocks with general area of 20,000 sq. m., 20 well equipped hospitals and clinics, 5 dormitories, a library with total stock of 1 million books, a publishing-printing complex, a scientific medical computer center, a sport complex and modern recreation centers on the coast of the Black Sea.

The Central Scientific-Research Laboratory, the Institute of Clinical Biophysics, the Health Family Center, Vivarium, the Scientific-Research Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy, the Institute of Health Resortology and Medical Rehabilitation, the Institute of Dentistry, the Institute of Virology are the clinical bases and the bases of practical training.

Odesa National Medical University is one of the biggest higher educational medical institutions in Ukraine, a member of European and International Association of Universities and the leader of reformation of medical education in the country.


Exercise 7. Find corresponding equivalents in the text:

Творець медичного факультету, видатний вчений, перший декан, незалежний вищий навчальний заклад, доктор медичних наук, оволодіти доступними медичними технологіями, кафедра неврології, сучасні центри відпочинку, дослідна лабораторія, захворювання ока, тканинна терапія, реформація медичної освіти, доцент, приймати студентів.


Exercise 8. Answer the following questions:

1. When was the Medical Faculty of Novorossiysky University founded?

2. Who was the first rector of the Medical Academy?

3. Who was the first dean of the Medical faculty?

4. When was status of the University given to the Institute?

5. How many faculties are there at Odesa National Medical University now?

6. Where is the post-diploma specialization carried out?

7. What languages is the training of students given in?

8. What are the clinical bases and bases of practical training of ONMedU?

Exercise 9. Match the terms with their definitions:

1. vivarium 2. internship 3. dean 4. rector 5. assistant professor 6. associate professor 7. dormitory a) a university professor lower in rank than an associate professor; b) a university professor who ranks above an assistant professor but below a full professor; c) the period during which a person is an intern; d) the chief administrative official of a college or university faculty; e) a building as at a college or university, containing rooms and facilities for residents; f) a place where live animals are kept under natural conditions for study, research, etc.; g) the head of a college or university
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Exercise 10. Fill in the gaps with the words and word-combinations from the box:

After the independence of Ukraine, Odesa National Medical University has become one of the leading medical universities with ________________. ___________________ is a member of the International and European Universities Association. In the University the level of students’ learning and training is close to ________________. Today, it has six faculties and 58 departments, 6000 students and trainees, 1300 of them are the citizens of ___________________. The classes for foreign students are performed in Russian, Ukrainian and English. The _________________ includes 250 graduate students, interns, masters and clinical residents.

international standards; course of postgraduate education; Odesa National Medical University; IV level of accreditation; 52 different (foreign) countries


Exercise 11. Fill in prepositions from the box below where necessary:

The university has created all the conditions necessary ____ active students’ leisure (досуг). There are six sports halls ____ the university sport complex for sports games, table tennis, aerobics and rhythmic gymnastics, shaping-up, gym and track-and-field hall. There are several sport groups: athletics, basketball, handball, tennis, power-lifting, weight sports, swimming, fencing, indoor soccer, judo, sambo, chess. Hostels provide students ____ sports grounds and gyms. The students’ sports and fitness complex is situated on the territory of Lustdorf at the Black Sea coast. There also exists the center ____ students’ creative work which is called “VITA”. Thirty creative groups _____ different genres which unite ______ 250 students function actively in this center (the vocal studio “Harmony”, the band of modern and variety dancing “Exprompt”, the band of folk singing and dancing, etc.).

for; at; with; of; about


Exercise 12. Read the following numerals in English:

1. Cardinal numerals:10, 12, 37, 91, 16, 245, 1568, 7, 21, 56, 982, 11, 67, 130, 3468 15 43, 786, 39, 347, 45, 2600, 2574, 59, 73, 82, 671, 83, 8945, 592

2. Change the cardinal numerals into ordinal ones: one, two, three, seventy-eight, twelve, nine, eleven, ninety, thirty-five, fifteen, twenty

3. Years: 2000, 1463, 1348, 1980, 1370, 2004, 1961, 1583, 1848, 1981, 1420, 1994, 2001, 1234, 1212, 1533, 1289, 1920, 2010

4. Dates: 22/09/2000; 01/12/1998; 03/10/2010; 17/08/2006; 30/04/1990

5. Time: 2.15, 3.20, 8.45, 10.35, 6.30, 7.15, 1.10, 2.40. 1.30, 7.05, 8.40, 7.50, 6.10, 9.20, 12.05, 3.15, 4.40, 8.10, 7.35

6. Fractions: 3/8, 1 1/2, 2/5, 4 1/3, 3/4, 1/2, 0.1, 2.35, 32.305

7. Percentage: 10%; 99%;12,5%; 55%; 3,9%; 88%


Exercise 13. Fill in the gaps with in, on or at:

…….September ……Christmas ……Saturday night
…….. March 25th ……spring ……night
............the afternoon ……New Year's Day ……noon
………1983 ……10 o'clock ……the weekend
………Friday …… midnight ……a summer day
………the evening …… Sundays ……Friday morning
………9o'clock …….Easter . ……autumn
………a hot day …… the 19th century ……a winter night

Exercise 14. Put questions to the underlined words:

1. He is twenty-seven now.

2. It is the tenth of September today.

3. He woke up at 6a.m. this morning.

4. She was born on the 11th of February.

5. It is half past five.

6. He died two years ago.

7. It was Sunday yesterday.

8. He will be here in ten minutes.

Exercise 15. Natalia is a 4th year medical student of ONMedU. She is studying to become a physician. Her father, Viktor Andriyovych is a surgeon at a regional hospital. Natalia’s brother Oleksantdr is 15, he is still at school, but he wants to become a surgeon like his father.