About Respiratory Disorders
When you're short of breath, it's hard or uncomfortable for you ………… the oxygen your body needs. You may feel as if you're not getting enough air. Sometimes mild breathing problems are from ……… or hard exercise. But …………. can also be a sign of a serious disease.
Many conditions can make you feel short of breath. Lung conditions such as asthma, emphysema or pneumonia cause breathing difficulties. So can problems with your …………, which are part of your airway system. Heart disease can make you feel …………… if your heart cannot pump enough blood ………….. oxygen to your body. ………….. caused by anxiety can also make it hard for you to breathe. If you often have trouble breathing, it is important to find out the cause.
Exercise 14. Insert the sentences with the words from the box:
Pleura, bronchioles, lobes, respiration, lungs, trachea, airways, carbon dioxide, alveoli |
1. ………. are the main organs of respiration, divided into two ……..
2. Each lung is enclosed in a membranous sac, or ……...
3. ………….. is a process which provides body with oxygen for growth and other metabolic activities and removes waste products in the form of carbon dioxide.
4. …….. is a tube which extends from the base of the larynx to the lungs where it divides into two bronchi.
5.Each bronchus leads into a lung where they divide and subdivide into smaller numerous …..
6. ………. include the nasal and oral cavities, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles.
7. The bronchioles end in very fine alveolar ducts leading to the ……..
8. In humans ………… is carried through the venous system and is breathed out through the lungs.
Exercise 15. Translate into your native language paying attention to Impersonal Sentences:
1. It is sometimes difficult to make proper diagnosis without laboratory tests.
2. It is always necessary to take an appropriate dosage of the drug.
3. It was nine o'clock when the ambulance arrived.
4. It's impossible for such infection to cause serious complications.
5. It wasn't dangerous for the patient to experience such kind of pain.
6. Is it important for medical students to watch surgical interventions by skilled surgeons?
7. Was it about six o'clock when the temperature decreased?
8. Will the patient be discharged out of the hospital tomorrow?
Exercise 16. Translate into your native language paying attention to Indefinite Personal Sentences:
1. It is known that infectious diseases are caused by viruses and microbes.
2. It is reported that a new epidemic of the flu will come soon.
3. It is likely that your son has measles.
4. It is supposed that the operation will be performed next week.
5. It is certain that a source of infection of the flu is a sick man.
6. It is likely that the wound will heal in about a week.
7. It is likely that the reaction will be prolonged.
8. It seems that the diagnosis is correct.
Exercise 17. Make up interrogative sentences to the underlined words:
1. The respiratory tract is divided into upper respiratory tract and lower respiratory tract.
2. Air travels through the pharynx to the larynx.
3. Larynx prevents the passage of food or drink into trachea and lungs.
4. The trachea connects the pharynx and larynx to the lungs.
5. The bronchi are two tubes which end with alveoli where process of gaseous exchange takes place.
6. Students will be delivered a lecture in physiology of respiration in 2 days.
7. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are transported through the body in the blood.
8. Sechenov estimated the role of hemoglobin in the act of respiration.
Exercise 18. Read the text, open the brackets in the correct tense and voice, and translate it into your native language:
Tina, aged 2 years, suffers from asthma. At her first treatment she (to be) very wheezy and had been prescribed steroids, which her mother didn’t want to use. Both parents (to smoke). The wheezing (to reduce) after the first treatment and has now disappeared, though there (to be) a period of mucus being produced. Her breathing has improved after 4 treatments. The steroids (to discontinue) before the first treatment. It (to be) very difficult to treat a two-year-old child who is sitting and squirming on her mother's knee. However, it (to seem) to work well despite those difficulties. Normally, the child has had asthma attacks every two weeks or so during the winter. She has had none for over two months now.
Exercise 19. Translate the sentences into English:
1. Легені вкриті тонкою серозною оболонкою – плеврою.
2. Бронхіоли переходять в альвеоли, оточені капілярами.
3. Система органів дихання це сукупність структур, які дозволяютьорганізмові споживати кисень і виводитивуглекислий газ.
4. Альвеоли здійснюють головну функцію легенів - газообмін.
5. Коли глибина дихання збільшується, то життєва ємкість легень може бути навіть 6 літрів.
6. Потік крові до легень збільшується коли ми вдихаємо й зменшується коли ми видихаємо.
7. Ми вдихаємо кисень через рот та ніс, які розігрівають та зволожують його перш ніж він потрапляє до решти організму.
8. Найбільш поширені захворювання дихальної системи це бронхіт та пневмонія.
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