Development of embryo and fetus

The development ___ the mass of cells that will become the infant is called embryogenesis. During this time, cells begin to differentiate ____ the various body systems. The basic outlines of the organ, body, and nervous systems are established. ____ the end of the embryonic stage, the beginnings ___ features such ___ fingers, eyes, mouth, and ears become visible. Also ____ this time, there is development ____ structures important to the support of the embryo, including the placenta and umbilical cord.

After ____ 10 weeks of gestational age, the embryo becomes known ___ a fetus instead. At the beginning of the fetal stage, the risk ___ miscarriage decreases sharply. When the fetal stage commences, a fetus is typically ____ 30 mm in length, and the heart can be seen beating ____ ultrasound; the fetus can be seen making various involuntary motions ____ this stage.

Electrical brain activity is first detected between the 5th and 6th week of gestation.


Exercise 11. Open the brackets. Put the verb in the correct tense form. Pay attention to the conditional sentences 1st type. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

E.g.:If you treat this infection at once, you will avoid infertility.

Якщо ви вилікуєте цю інфекцію одразу, ви уникнете безпліддя.

1. The infant (to be fed) artificially, unless the mother’s health (to be restored).

2. As soon as it (to be) time of puberty, the endocrine system (to release) sexual hormones.

3. When the egg (to be fertilized), zygote (form).

4. If fresh semen (to be present) during ovulation, fertilization (to occur).

5. The operation (to be continued) as soon as the bleeding (to be stopped).

6. If she (not to take) these medicines she (to have) miscarriage.

7. When the operation (to be over), the doctor (to consult) this pregnant woman.

8. If you (to go) to the doctor right now, you (to recover) more quickly.


Exercise 12. Put questions to the underlined words:

1. The reproductive system is known as a collection of organs that work together for the purpose of producing a new life.

2. Substances such as fluids, hormones, and pheromones are also important to the effective functioning of the reproductive system.

3. The genes that parents pass along to their children are what make children similar to others in their family.

4. Many parts of the male and female reproductive systems that can be affected by cancer.

5. Pregnancy is the time a mother carries the baby from conception until birth.

6. When the baby is ready to be born baby’s head presses against the cervix.

7. This pregnant woman has been complaining of nausea for 2 months.

8. Human reproduction is guided at every step by powerful hormones.


Exercise 13. Read and translate the text. Insert the necessary noun:

infertility, testosterone, progesterone, brain, bloodstream, ovulation, estrogen

Hormones and reproduction

In both men and women, reproduction begins in the _____. A part of the brain (hypothalamus) produces a substance called gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). GnRH causes the pituitary gland to release two hormones into the _____: luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).

In men, LH causes the release of the male hormone _____, while FSH causes the testicles to produce sperm. In women, LH and FSH cause eggs to mature and be released (_____). They also cause production of the female hormones _____ and _____.

Many problems with _____ are caused by too little or too much of these hormones, the pattern of hormone levels over time, or problems in the hypothalamus or pituitary gland.


Exercise 14. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the correct tense form and voice:

1. Like all complex organ systems the human reproductive system (to affect) by many diseases.

2. Endocrine hormones (to know) as critical controlling factor in the normal differentiation of the reproductive system.

3. The doctor on duty (to perform) the operation on the uterus right now.

4. Chromosome characteristics (to determine) the genetic sex of a fetus.

5. Genital infections such as chlamydia and gonorrhea can (to cause) infertility in men.

6. Some diets (to prove) to be significant for increasing fertility lately.

7. Studies (to show) that exercising too much may lead to the release of too many steroid hormones, which can affect fertility.

8. A very low or very high BMI (body mass index) (to disrupt) ovulation and may also affect production of hormones.

Exercise 15. Translate the sentences into English using active vocabulary:

1. Статеве дозрівання починається з розвитку вторинних статевих ознак.

2. Вагітність починається з моменту запліднення яйцеклітини.

3. Запліднена яйцеклітина переходить в порожнину матки.

4. Найвищий рівень прогестерону присутній у вагітних жінок.

5. Запліднення зазвичай відбувається в період овуляції.

6. Клітини сперми можуть залишатися життєздатними на деякий час в статевих органах жінки.

7. Гормони виділені гіпоталамусом стимулюють статеві залози чоловіків і жінок.

8. Здатність до розмноження в людей починається в період статевого дозрівання.

Exercise 16. Arrange the following sentences in a correct order to describe the following term “fertilization”:

1. During fertilization, the sperm enters the cell membrane of the ovum and the nuclei of the sperm and egg cells combine to form a zygote.

2. During ovulation, the ovum is released from the ovary and transported in the fallopian tube where it remains for about 24-48 hours.

3. The zygote will remain in the fallopian tube for three days before it travels to the uterus before implantation into the uterine lining.

4. Pregnancy is most likely to occur if there is fresh semen when ovulation occurs.

5. Semen is released into the vagina and transported through the uterus into the fallopian tube during sexual intercourse between a male and a female.

6. Fertilization can occur if intercourse takes place before the time of ovulation.


Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (СРС)

I. Перекладіть словосполучення: виробляти тестостерон, естроген та прогестерон. циклічні гормональні зміни. стимулювати гонади. переноситися через матку в фаллопієві труби. сприяти заплідненню. розвиток вторинних статевих характеристик. період статевого дозрівання. запліднити яйцеклітину. з'єднуватися, щоб утворити зиготу. проходити крізь мембрану яйцеклітину.   II. Дайте відповіді на питання: When does male puberty occur? When does female puberty occur? How long do sperm cells remain viable in the reproductive system? What is zygote? When can fertilization be successful?   III. Розкрийте поняття: Запліднення


The Endocrine System


Exercise 1. Topic vocabulary:

acromegaly, n [ækrə´megəli] акромегалія (збільшення у розмірі голови, рук та лиця)
adrenal, adj [əd'ri:nl] наднирковий
affect, v [ə′fekt] впливати, вражати
band, n [bænd] стрічка
carbohydrate, n [ka:bə′haidreit] вуглевод
convert, v [kən′və:t] переводити
cortex, n [´kɔ:teks] кора головного мозку
deal (with), v [di:l] мати справу
duct, n [dΛkt] протока
dwarfism, n [ˈdwɔːfɪz(ə)m] карликовість
excitement, n [ik´saitmənt] збудження, хвилювання
fear, n [fiə] страх
fuel, n [′fju:ə] пальне
involuntary, adj [in´vɔl(ə)nt(ə)ri] мимовільний
lobe, n [ləub] доля
masculinity, n [mæskjə´liniti] схожість на чоловіка
medulla, n [me´dΛlə] мозок
narrow, adj [´nærəu] вузький
pituitary, n [pi’tjuit(ə)ri] гіпофіз
pour, v (into) [pɔ:] вливатися
saccular, adj [′sækju:lə] нагадуючий кишеню
store, v [stɔ:] складати
sweat, n [swet] потовиділення
thyroid, n [´θairנּid ] щитовидна залоза
uterus, n [´jutər(ə)s] матка

Exercise 2. Guess the meaning of the following words without using a dictionary:

Endocrine, gland, hypophysis, secretion, hormone, substance, metabolism, activity, emotion, base, functioning, to stimulate, peristalsis, adrenalin, trachea, control, pancreas, glucose, antibody, gigantism, destruction, process, protein, control, reservoir.


Exercise 3. а) Read the word combinations and translate them:

Gland:enlarged gland; swollen gland; salivary gland; pituitary gland; glands secrete hormones.

Amount:considerable amount; exact amount; to reduce the amount; limited amount; excessive amount; total amount.

Affect:to affect greatly; to affect indirectly; to affect slightly; to affect significantly.

Circulation:poor circulation; systemic circulation; pulmonary circulation; to improve circulation; to stimulate circulation.

b) Make up short sentences using the above given word combinations:

Exercise 4. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following word combinations:

behavioral activities, ductless glands, internal secretions, reproductive glands, on either side, blood stream, a narrow band, external secretion, internal secretion, triangular gland, to produce masculinity, excitement and strong emotions, fear or anger, the pituitary fossa, sexual development, involuntary muscle, the outer surface, pear- shaped bag, to prevent clotting, digested protein foods, body fuel, a compound saccular gland, metabolism of carbohydrates, a reservoir for blood.


Exercise 5. Read and translate the text:

The endocrine system

The endocrine system refers to the collection of cells, glands, and tissues of an organism that secrete hormones directly into the blood stream to control the organism’s physiological and. The field of the study dealing with the endocrine system and its disorders is called endocrinology.

A gland is an organ which is able to make substances called secretion of the gland. The glands are the chemical laboratories of the body. All glands in the human body can be divided into glands with ducts and ductless. The glands with ducts produce secretion called external secretion. The examples of these glands are the salivary glands, gastric glands, pancreas and sweat glands.

Ductless glands have no duct but they make a secretion which they pour into the blood stream. These secretions are called internal secretions or hormones, and glands which produce them are also called endocrine glands.

The chief ductless glands are: the thyroid gland, the adrenal glands and the pituitary gland.

The thyroid gland lies in the front of the neck. It consists of two lobes lying on either side, joined by a narrow band which crosses the trachea immediately below the larynx. The gland is well supplied with blood vessels and consists essentially of secreting cells. The cells secrete thyroxin, which passes into the circulation. Thyroxin controls the general metabolism or activity of the body tissues.

The adrenal glands are two small triangular glands lying one over each kidney. They consist of two parts, cortex and medulla. The outer part produces a secretion which affects sex. Oversecretion produces masculinity in the female and in the male it produces too early development of the male reproductive organs.

The medulla produces a very important secretion called adrenalin. Its secreted amount increases in excitement and strong emotions such as fear or anger.

The pituitary gland (hypophysis) is a small gland about the size of a pea and yet is of great importance. It lies in the pituitary fossa in the base of the skull. It consists of an anterior and a posterior lobe.

The anterior lobe is the larger and produces a number of important hormones affecting growth and sexual development and the functioning of the ductless glands, particularly the thyroid and the adrenal glands. Undersecretion of this lobe in childhood causes dwarfism. Oversecretion causes overgrowth or gigantism. In the adult this oversecretion causes overgrowth of the head, hands, and feet, particularly affecting the lower jaw. This condition is known as acromegaly.

The posterior lobe produces the secretion known as pituitrin. This stimulates involuntary muscle and therefore contracts the blood vessels and raises blood pressure, stimulates peristalsis, contracts the uterus; it affects the use of water by the body.

The liver is the largest gland in the body. It is a dark reddish brown color. It lies immediately beneath the diaphragm on the right side of the abdomen. On the outer surface is a small pear-shaped bad called the gall bladder. The functions of the liver are to store glucose as glycogen; to convert excess amino-acids from digested protein foods into body fuel and urea; to secrete bile. It manufactures heparin which prevents clotting of the blood, and antibodies to protect the body against disease.

The pancreas is a compound saccular gland lying across the back of the abdomen behind the stomach. It produces both external and internal secretion. The external section is the pancreatic juice that plays an important part in the process of digestion. The internal secretion is insulin that controls the metabolism of carbohydrates.

The spleen is also a gland. Its functions are a source of fresh white corpuscles for the blood stream. It is a seat of the destruction of red blood cells and a reservoir for blood.


Exercise 6. Answer the questions:

1. What is endocrinology?

2. How are glands in the human body classified?

3. What is hormone?

4. What are the main ductless glands?

5. What is the structure of the thyroid gland?

6. What does thyroxin control?

7. What is the structure of the adrenal glands?

8. When is adrenalin secreted?

9. What is the structure of the pituitary gland?

10. What does the pituitary gland affect?

11. What is the liver?

12. What is the shape of the gall-bladder?

13. What are functions of the liver?

14. What the localization of the pancreas?

15. What is the external secretion of the pancreas?

16. What is the internal secretion of the pancreas?

17. What are the functions of the spleen?

Exercise 7. Form new words with the prefix OVER meaning “понад, вверх”. Translate them:

Model:over+ dosage →overdosage (передозування)

weight, cooling, heating, work, salt, sensitive, sleep, use, talkative, curious, load, excitement, dose, estimate, eating, growth, development, action.