Gross out

gross out & grosses out grossing out grossed out grossed out

1. gross ...out p.v. [informal] When somethinggrosses youout, it upsets you or makes you sick because you think it is disgusting.

You had to dissect a cadaver in your biology class? Yuk, that would've reallygrossedmeout.

Alex hates changing his little brother's diapers — itgrosses himout.

grossed out part.adj. When something upsets you or makes you sick because you think it is disgusting, you aregrossed out.

l was eating an apple, and I found half a worm in it. I was sogrossed out that I almost threw up. head toward

head toward & heads toward heading toward headed toward headed toward

1. head toward p.v. When youhead toward a certain location, you move toward it. When you say that you areheaded toward or areheading toward a certain location, you mean that you are planning to go there or that you are going there but have interrupted your journey and will resume it.Head for is the same ashead toward.

The escaped convicts must haveheaded toward Mexico.

I'mheading toward Portland. Where are you going?

Run up

run up & runs up running up ran up run up

1. run up (to) p.v. When you run to a higher level or place, yourun up orrun up to that place.

Run up and answer the phone if it rings, okay?

If I'd heard the baby crying, I would haverun up to his bedroom.

2. run ... up p.v. When you accumulate a number of debts, resulting in a total debt of a certain amount, yourun up a bill for that amount.

Giving my son a credit card was a mistake — heran up a $2,500 bill in only one month.

Calling your family every week from Australia must haverun a big phone billup.

run-up n. A large, sudden increase in the price, value, or cost of something is arun-up.

Bill was lucky to buy 500 shares of the stock just before the bigrun-up.

3. run up (to) p.v. When you run toward people, yourun up orrun up to them.

The prince didn't have any bodyguards. Anyone could haverun up and attacked him.

After the explosion, a man covered with bloodran up to me and asked for help.

    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
shut up shut up & shuts up shutting up shut up shut up


1. shut up (about) p.v. [informal] When people stop talking, theyshut up orshut upabout something they are talking about. When you are angry and want people to stop talking, you tell them toshut up.

Marvin talks and talks and talks — he never shutsup.

I said I was sorry about crashing your car. Now will you pleaseshut up about it!

1. shut... up p.v. [informal] When people or things cause you to stop talking, they shut youup.

Toad was making jokes about his wife at the party until she gave him a look thatshuthim right up.

I can't hear the TV — can youshut those kidsup?